Lucy Qu(@lxcyqx), Himani Yadav(@himaniyadav), and Anika Bagga(@anikabagga)
This project is social media platform that will allow small friend groups to stay connected with each other via the focus of completing challenges. This comes in the form of creating groups in which members of the group can submit challenge proposals and each week, the highest voted option becomes the new challenge of the week. Features include user authentication, ability to create posts, write comments, and a polling algorithm that draws the top option every week to populate the group challenge. Additionally, we have implemented a predictive search algorithm, a location based restaurant suggestion algorithm, and a group tag generation algorithm using TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency).
To clone the repo
git clone <URL>
To run on local server execute the following command and then navigate to localhost:8080
mvn package appengine:run