I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: 2f7d0ea9-29d7-44cf-b040-fef548c5c64f I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: 1a06c97c-e99e-465e-9db8-ddc9581ba31f I/tango_client_api( 1805): Tango Service: getAreaDescriptionUUIDList, internal status 0 I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: 0ad27478-4f8a-45a2-9dd2-8f2f89a1298d I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: 60983080-e3c1-4884-88a3-73119117f87f I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: 161f9475-cf3c-4974-9d89-296303415b94 I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: 96f28d9c-9fae-4f64-80f4-2a0bfa4610d3 I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: ddc1d1e4-2038-4ace-8f78-4764e63feda8 I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: cf2e9bfe-8a4f-4349-8418-121da1ad3cd7 I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: 0bd9c620-b721-4b59-acef-625f5b4b75a1 I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:414 Adding UUID to list: d5c00af2-5ecd-4f90-bc54-28066a9df5eb D/TangoUnityHelper(28007): Using package:com.google.tango I/Unity (28007): TangoApplication.Initialize() Tango was initialized! I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/tango_client_api(28007): void* TangoService_getConfig(TangoConfigType): Getting config... I/tango_client_api( 1805): Tango Service: getConfig, internal status 0 I/tango_client_api(28007): void* TangoService_getConfig(TangoConfigType): Done getting config. I/tango_client_api(28007): void* TangoService_getConfig(TangoConfigType): Getting config... I/tango_client_api( 1805): Tango Service: getConfig, internal status 0 I/tango_client_api(28007): void* TangoService_getConfig(TangoConfigType): Done getting config. I/Unity (28007): TangoApplication._InitializeMotionTracking(60983080-e3c1-4884-88a3-73119117f87f) I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): PoseListener.SetCallback() I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connectOnPoseAvailable(uint32_t, const TangoCoordinateFramePair*, void (*)(void*, const TangoPoseData*), ...): Connecting callbacks... I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connectOnPoseAvailable(uint32_t, const TangoCoordinateFramePair*, void (*)(void*, const TangoPoseData*), ...): Done connecting callbacks. I/tango_client_api( 1805): Tango Service: setPoseListenerFrames, internal status 0 I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connectOnPoseAvailable(uint32_t, const TangoCoordinateFramePair*, void (*)(void*, const TangoPoseData*), ...): Totally done connecting pose callback. I/Unity (28007): PoseProvider.SetCallback() OnPose callback was set! I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): DepthListener.SetCallback() I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoServiceHidden_connectOnPointCloudParcelAvailable(void (*)(void*, const android::Parcel&), ...): Connecting callbacks... I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoServiceHidden_connectOnPointCloudParcelAvailable(void (*)(void*, const android::Parcel&), ...): Done connecting callbacks. I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connectOnPointCloudAvailable(void (*)(void*, const TangoPointCloud*), ...): Connecting callbacks... I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connectOnPointCloudAvailable(void (*)(void*, const TangoPointCloud*), ...): Done connecting callbacks. I/Unity (28007): DepthProvider.SetCallback() Callback was set! I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): TangoApplication._SetVideoOverlayCallbacks() I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): VideoOverlayProvider.SetCallbackTextureMethod() I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connectOnTextureAvailable(TangoCameraId, void*, TangoService_OnTextureAvailable): camera_id = 0. I/tango_client_api( 1805): Tango Service: connectCamera(0), internal status 0 I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:508 Connecting color camera for listener with id = 28007 I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connectOnTextureAvailable(TangoCameraId, void*, TangoService_OnTextureAvailable): Done connecting. I/Unity (28007): VideoOverlayProvider.SetCallback(OnTextureAvailable) Callback was set. I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): TangoEventListener.SetCallback() I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): D/Raydium_ts_main( 255): ## Report rate in 10 seconds =764 I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connectOnTangoEvent(void (*)(void*, const TangoEvent*), ...): Connecting callbacks... I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connectOnTangoEvent(void (*)(void*, const TangoEvent*), ...): Done connecting callbacks. I/Unity (28007): TangoEventProvider.SetCallback() Callback was set! I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): TangoApplication._TangoConnect() I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): E/com.projecttango.unityexamples(28007): Unity _TangoConnect start I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connect(void*, TangoConfig): Connecting to Tango... E/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connect(void*, TangoConfig): Enable color camera I/tango ( 1805): TangoServer.cc:550 Received CONNECT call from client: com.projecttango.unityexamples I/tango ( 1805): permission_handler.cc:62 App com.wally.wally has ADF permissions. I/tango ( 1805): permission_handler.cc:62 App com.projecttango.multiplayerdemo has ADF permissions. I/tango ( 1805): permission_handler.cc:62 App com.kitchen.kris.throughthelookingglass has ADF permissions. I/tango ( 1805): permission_handler.cc:62 App com.projecttango.tangoexplorer has ADF permissions. I/tango ( 1805): permission_handler.cc:62 App com.projecttango.tangoareamanager has ADF permissions. I/tango ( 1805): permission_handler.cc:62 App ai.vertical.fps has ADF permissions. I/tango ( 1805): permission_handler.cc:62 App ai.vertical.tour.velocity has ADF permissions. I/tango ( 1805): permission_handler.cc:62 App com.projecttango.unityexamples has ADF permissions. W/art ( 1805): Thread[31,tid=2109,Native,Thread*=0x4e026e18,peer=0x648f2730,"Thread-471"] attached without supplying a name I/tango ( 1805): file_io.cc:866 Successfully read ADF footer message from file: /data/data/com.google.tango/files/Tango/ADFs/60983080-e3c1-4884-88a3-73119117f87f I/tango ( 1805): TangoService.cc:170 ThreadLoop creating Runtime. I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:133 TangoContext::StartRuntime() I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:155 All config flag settings: I/tango ( 1805): { I/tango ( 1805): "max_point_cloud_elements": 60000 I/tango ( 1805): "internal_config_runtime_power_state": 0 I/tango ( 1805): "experimental_color_y_tex_data_width": 320 I/tango ( 1805): "experimental_color_y_tex_data_height": 720 I/tango ( 1805): "config_enable_drift_correction": false I/tango ( 1805): "config_enable_depth": true I/tango ( 1805): "config_experimental_adf_runtime_loading": false I/tango ( 1805): "tango_service_library_version": "170131-17afa3f-armeabi-v7a-android-19" I/tango ( 1805): "config_enable_dataset_recording": false I/tango ( 1805): "config_enable_low_latency_imu_integration": true I/tango ( 1805): "experimental_color_uv_tex_data_height": 360 I/tango ( 1805): "config_enable_color_camera": true I/tango ( 1805): "config_enable_auto_recovery": true I/tango ( 1805): "config_enable_learning_mode": true I/tango ( 1805): "config_datasets_path": "/data/data/com.google.tango/files/datasets/" I/tango ( 1805): "depth_period_in_seconds": 0.2 I/tango ( 1805): "config_dataset_recording_mode": 0 I/tango ( 1805): "config_high_rate_pose": true I/tango ( 1805): "config_enable_motion_tracking": true I/tango ( 1805): "config_experimental_3dof_fallback": false I/tango ( 1805): "config_experimental_enable_scene_reconstruction": false I/tango ( 1805): "experimental_color_uv_tex_data_width": 320 I/tango ( 1805): "config_ I/tango ( 1805): experimental_use_cloud_adf": false I/tango ( 1805): "config_log_callback_data": false I/tango ( 1805): "config_depth_mode": 0 I/tango ( 1805): "config_experimental_load_dataset_UUID": "" I/tango ( 1805): "config_load_area_description_UUID": "60983080-e3c1-4884-88a3-73119117f87f" I/tango ( 1805): "config_runtime_depth_framerate": 5 I/tango ( 1805): "config_smooth_pose": true I/tango ( 1805): "config_use_pgs_instead_of_viwls": true I/tango ( 1805): } W/art ( 1805): Thread[31,tid=2110,Native,Thread*=0x4d75c0a0,peer=0x64921240,"Thread-472"] attached without supplying a name D/com.google.atap.tango.SecureSystemSettings( 1805): New Settings Acquired -> Cloud ADF Enabled: true, Cloud Localization Enabled: false, User Data Collection Enabled: true, Location Mode: 3 I/tango ( 1805): tango_context.cc:818 TangoContext: Starting Tango Service Application. I/tango ( 1805): named_channel_graph_tbb.h:74 Using TBB Named Channel Graph. I/tango ( 1805): application_base.cc:123 Created application with data source = [Superframes] I/tango ( 1805): application_base.cc:710 Generated new dataset metadata with id 29b17eaa-2a1f-4cbe-9164-9b263b3d2435 I/tango ( 1805): tango_application.cc:214 Running with TBB-based Application. I/tango ( 1805): tango_hal_device_wrapper.cc:69 Opened libtango_hal.so I/tango ( 1805): tango_hal_wrapper.cc:241 Got num fisheye buffers 16 I/tango ( 1805): tango_hal_wrapper.cc:257 Got num YUV buffers 16 I/tango ( 1805): tango_hal_sensor_graph.cc:199 Enabling point cloud. I/tango ( 1805): tango_hal_sensor_graph.cc:214 Enabling fisheye. I/tango ( 1805): tango_hal_sensor_graph.cc:223 Enabling yuv. I/tango ( 1805): feature_matching_base.cc:347 Using gyro prediction for matching. I/tango ( 1805): gyro_feature_matching.cc:26 Running tracker at 10 Hz. I/tango ( 1805): gyro_feature_matching.cc:28 Number of bins_ image is divided into: 900 I/tango ( 1805): gyro_feature_matching.cc:30 Search radius for a match is roughly 1.5 * width_of_bin = 32 pixels. I/tango ( 1805): tango_hal_debug_module.cc:18 TangoHalDebugModule - Init I/tango ( 1805): vio_helper.cc:146 Use uncalibrated IMU scale factors. I/tango ( 1805): vio_helper.cc:158 Use uncalibrated IMU misalignment factors. I/tango ( 1805): vio_helper.cc:146 Use uncalibrated IMU scale factors. I/tango ( 1805): vio_helper.cc:158 Use uncalibrated IMU misalignment factors. I/tango ( 1805): file_io.cc:866 Successfully read ADF footer message from file: /data/data/com.google.tango/files/Tango/ADFs/60983080-e3c1-4884-88a3-73119117f87f I/tango ( 1805): tango_application.cc:100 Sparse mapping is configured for pose-graph with structure construction. I/tango ( 1805): tango_application.cc:728 Sparse mapping is using feature descriptor: lens_invariant_ocvfreak I/tango ( 1805): backend_base.h:56 LC-backend initialized. W/tango ( 1805): file_io.cc:1605 Ignoring the summary map. I/tango ( 1805): loop_closure_manager.cc:97 Loading full ADF. W/tango ( 1805): sparse_mapping_graph.cc:433 Timed out waiting for new data. shared_end_of_days_has_been_received_ = 0, last_processed_timestamp = NaN W/tango ( 1805): sparse_mapping_graph.cc:433 Timed out waiting for new data. shared_end_of_days_has_been_received_ = 0, last_processed_timestamp = NaN W/tango ( 1805): loop_closure_backend.cc:252 No descriptors for entry d515e085-67a2-5793-9c05-2ed907452597 camera: 0 W/tango ( 1805): sparse_mapping_graph.cc:433 Timed out waiting for new data. shared_end_of_days_has_been_received_ = 0, last_processed_timestamp = NaN W/tango ( 1805): sparse_mapping_graph.cc:433 Timed out waiting for new data. shared_end_of_days_has_been_received_ = 0, last_processed_timestamp = NaN W/tango ( 1805): sparse_mapping_graph.cc:433 Timed out waiting for new data. shared_end_of_days_has_been_received_ = 0, last_processed_timestamp = NaN W/tango ( 1805): sparse_mapping_graph.cc:433 Timed out waiting for new data. shared_end_of_days_has_been_received_ = 0, last_processed_timestamp = NaN W/tango ( 1805): sparse_mapping_graph.cc:433 Timed out waiting for new data. shared_end_of_days_has_been_received_ = 0, last_processed_timestamp = NaN W/tango ( 1805): sparse_mapping_graph.cc:433 Timed out waiting for new data. shared_end_of_days_has_been_received_ = 0, last_processed_timestamp = NaN W/tango ( 1805): sparse_mapping_graph.cc:433 Timed out waiting for new data. shared_end_of_days_has_been_received_ = 0, last_processed_timestamp = NaN I/tango_client_api( 1805): Tango Service: connect, internal status -1 E/tango ( 1805): TangoService.cc:339 Connect did not succeed after 10 seconds. E/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_connect(void*, TangoConfig): Internal Error: Connect failed internally: -1 I/Unity (28007): TangoApplication.Connect() Could not connect to the Tango Service! I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): W/art (28007): Thread[18,tid=28028,Native,Thread*=0x4ef10b08,peer=0x648d87b8,"Thread-1226"] attached without supplying a name W/art (28007): Thread[18,tid=28028,Native,Thread*=0x4ef10b08,peer=0x64965048,"Thread-1227"] attached without supplying a name D/Sensors ( 910): Writing packet 54 30 0B 00 74 D/Sensors ( 910): Writing packet 54 35 0B 00 74 E/Sensors ( 910): [nosae] setDelay: 66667000 sec D/Sensors ( 910): Writing packet 54 32 0B 04 6B 04 01 00 74 I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_getCameraIntrinsics(TangoCameraId, TangoCameraIntrinsics*): Getting camera intrinsics... I/tango_client_api( 1805): Tango Service: getCameraIntrinsics, internal status 0 I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_getCameraIntrinsics(TangoCameraId, TangoCameraIntrinsics*): Done getting camera intrinsics. E/Sensors ( 910): [nosae] setDelay: 5000000 sec D/Sensors ( 910): Writing packet 54 32 0B 04 88 13 00 00 74 I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_getCameraIntrinsics(TangoCameraId, TangoCameraIntrinsics*): Getting camera intrinsics... I/tango_client_api( 1805): Tango Service: getCameraIntrinsics, internal status 0 I/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_getCameraIntrinsics(TangoCameraId, TangoCameraIntrinsics*): Done getting camera intrinsics. I/tango (28007): tango_unity.cc:185 void tango_unity::AttemptGlInitialize(int) using GL3 shaders. E/Sensors ( 910): [nosae] setDelay: 20000000 sec D/Sensors ( 910): Writing packet 54 32 0A 04 20 4E 00 00 74 D/Sensors ( 910): Writing packet 54 30 0C 00 74 D/Sensors ( 910): Writing packet 54 35 0C 00 74 I/tango (28007): tango_unity.cc:213 void tango_unity::AttemptGlInitialize(int) Fragment shader did not compile, status=0 I/tango (28007): tango_unity.cc:180 void tango_unity::AttemptGlInitialize(int) using GL2 shaders. E/Sensors ( 910): [nosae] setDelay: 200000000 sec D/Sensors ( 910): Writing packet 54 32 0C 04 40 0D 03 00 74 E/Sensors ( 910): [nosae] setDelay: 200000000 sec D/Sensors ( 910): Writing packet 54 32 0B 04 40 0D 03 00 74 W/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_getPoseAtTime(double, TangoCoordinateFramePair, TangoPoseData*): Failed to query a pose. I/Unity (28007): PoseProvider.GetPoseAtTime() Could not get pose at time : 0 I/Unity (28007): I/Unity (28007): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) I/Unity (28007): W/tango_client_api(28007): TangoErrorType TangoService_getPoseAtTime(double, TangoCoordinateFramePair, TangoPoseData*): Failed to query a pose.