#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re, csv, sys, os, glob, warnings, itertools from math import ceil from optparse import OptionParser from operator import itemgetter from collections import defaultdict parser=OptionParser(description='Generates two CSV files containing the count matrices for genes and transcripts, using the coverage values found in the output of `stringtie -e`') parser.add_option('-i', '--input', '--in', default='.', help="a folder containing all sample sub-directories, or a text file with sample ID and path to its GTF file on each line [default: %default/]") parser.add_option('-g', default='gene_count_matrix.csv', help="where to output the gene count matrix [default: %default") parser.add_option('-t', default='transcript_count_matrix.csv', help="where to output the transcript count matrix [default: %default]") parser.add_option('-l', '--length', default=75, type='int', help="the average read length [default: %default]") parser.add_option('-p', '--pattern', default=".", help="a regular expression that selects the sample subdirectories") parser.add_option('-c', '--cluster', action="store_true", help="whether to cluster genes that overlap with different gene IDs, ignoring ones with geneID pattern (see below)") parser.add_option('-s', '--string', default="MSTRG", help="if a different prefix is used for geneIDs assigned by StringTie [default: %default]") parser.add_option('-k', '--key', default="prepG", help="if clustering, what prefix to use for geneIDs assigned by this script [default: %default]") parser.add_option('-v', action="store_true", help="enable verbose processing") parser.add_option('--legend', default="legend.csv", help="if clustering, where to output the legend file mapping transcripts to assigned geneIDs [default: %default]") (opts, args)=parser.parse_args() samples = [] # List of tuples. If sample list, (first column, path). Else, (subdirectory name, path to gtf file in subdirectory) if (os.path.isfile(opts.input)): # gtfList = True try: fin = open(opts.input, 'r') for line in fin: if line[0] != '#': lineLst = tuple(line.strip().split(None,2)) if (len(lineLst) != 2): print("Error: line should have a sample ID and a file path:\n%s" % (line.strip())) exit(1) if lineLst[0] in samples: print("Error: non-unique sample ID (%s)" % (lineLst[0])) exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(lineLst[1]): print("Error: GTF file not found (%s)" % (lineLst[1])) exit(1) samples.append(lineLst) except IOError: print("Error: List of .gtf files, %s, doesn't exist" % (opts.input)) exit(1) else: # gtfList = False ## Check that opts.input directory exists if not os.path.isdir(opts.input): parser.print_help() print(" ") print("Error: sub-directory '%s' not found!" % (opts.input)) sys.exit(1) ##### ## Collect all samples file paths and if empty print help message and quit ##### samples = [] for i in next(os.walk(opts.input))[1]: if re.search(opts.pattern,i): for f in glob.iglob(os.path.join(opts.input,i,"*.gtf")): samples.append((i,f)) if len(samples) == 0: parser.print_help() print(" ") print("Error: no GTF files found under base directory %s !" % (opts.input)) sys.exit(1) RE_GENE_ID=re.compile('gene_id "([^"]+)"') RE_GENE_NAME=re.compile('gene_name "([^"]+)"') RE_TRANSCRIPT_ID=re.compile('transcript_id "([^"]+)"') RE_COVERAGE=re.compile('cov "([\-\+\d\.]+)"') RE_STRING=re.compile(re.escape(opts.string)) RE_GFILE=re.compile('\-G\s*(\S+)') #assume filepath without spaces.. ##### ## Sort the sample names by the sample ID ##### samples.sort() #if opts.v: # print "Sample GTFs found:" # for s in samples: # print s[1] ##### ## Checks whether a given row is a transcript ## other options: ex. exon, transcript, mRNA, 5'UTR ##### def is_transcript(x): return len(x)>2 and x[2]=="transcript" def getGeneID(s, ctg, tid): r=RE_GENE_ID.search(s) #if r: return r.group(1) rn=RE_GENE_NAME.search(s) #if rn: return ctg+'|'+rn.group(1) if r: if rn: return r.group(1)+'|'+rn.group(1) else: return r.group(1) return tid def getCov(s): r=RE_COVERAGE.search(s) if r: v=float(r.group(1)) if v<0.0: v=0.0 return v return 0.0 def is_overlap(x,y): #NEEDS TO BE INTS! return x[0]<=y[1] and y[0]<=x[1] def t_overlap(t1, t2): #from badGenes: chromosome, strand, cluster, start, end, (e1start, e1end)... if t1[0] != t2[0] or t1[1] != t2[1] or t1[5]0: clusters=[] #lists of lists (could be sets) or something of transcripts badGenes.sort(key=itemgetter(3)) #sort by start coord...? i=0 while i1: clusters.append([t[2] for t in temp_cluster]) i+=1 print(len(clusters)) for c in clusters: c.sort() clusters.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) legend=[] for u,c in enumerate(clusters): my_ID=opts.key+str((u+1)) legend.append(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([[my_ID],c]))) #my_ID, clustered transcript IDs for t in c: geneIDs[t]=my_ID ## geneIDs[t]="|".join(c) #duct-tape transcript IDs together, disregarding ref_gene_names and things like that with open(opts.legend, 'w') as l_file: my_writer=csv.writer(l_file) my_writer.writerows(legend) geneDict=defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) #key=gene/cluster, value=dictionary with key=sample, value=summed counts t_dict=defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) guidesFile='' # file given with -G for the 1st sample for q, s in enumerate(samples): if opts.v: print(">processing sample %s from file %s" % s) lno=0 try: #with open(glob.iglob(os.path.join(opts.input,s,"*.gtf")).next()) as f: #grabs first .gtf file it finds inside the sample subdirectory # if not gtfList: # f = open(glob.iglob(os.path.join(opts.input,s[1],"*.gtf")).next()) # else: f = open(s[1]) transcript_len=0 for l in f: lno+=1 if l.startswith('#'): if lno==1: ei=l.find('-e') if ei<0: print("Error: sample file %s was not generated with -e option!" % ( s[1] )) sys.exit(1) gf=RE_GFILE.search(l) if gf: gfile=gf.group(1) if guidesFile: if gfile != guidesFile: print("Warning: sample file %s generated with a different -G file (%s) than the first sample (%s)" % ( s[1], gfile, guidesFile )) else: guidesFile=gfile else: print("Error: sample %s was not processed with -G option!" % ( s[1] )) sys.exit(1) continue v=l.split('\t') if v[2]=="transcript": if transcript_len>0: ## transcriptList.append((g_id, t_id, int(ceil(coverage*transcript_len/read_len)))) t_dict[t_id][s[0]] = int(ceil(coverage*transcript_len/read_len)) t_id=RE_TRANSCRIPT_ID.search(v[len(v)-1]).group(1) #g_id=RE_GENE_ID.search(v[len(v)-1]).group(1) g_id=getGeneID(v[8], v[0], t_id) #coverage=float(RE_COVERAGE.search(v[len(v)-1]).group(1)) coverage=getCov(v[8]) transcript_len=0 if v[2]=="exon": transcript_len+=int(v[4])-int(v[3])+1 #because end coordinates are inclusive in GTF ## transcriptList.append((g_id, t_id, int(ceil(coverage*transcript_len/read_len)))) t_dict[t_id][s[0]]=int(ceil(coverage*transcript_len/read_len)) except StopIteration: # if not gtfList: # warnings.warn("No GTF file found in " + os.path.join(opts.input,s[1])) # else: warnings.warn("No GTF file found in " + s[1]) ## transcriptList.sort(key=lambda bla: bla[1]) #gene_id for i,v in t_dict.items(): ## print i,v try: geneDict[geneIDs[i]][s[0]]+=v[s[0]] except KeyError: print("Error: could not locate transcript %s entry for sample %s" % ( i, s[0] )) raise if opts.v: print("..writing %s " % ( opts.t )) with open(opts.t, 'w') as csvfile: my_writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames = ["transcript_id"] + [x for x,y in samples]) my_writer.writerow(dict((fn,fn) for fn in my_writer.fieldnames)) for i in t_dict: t_dict[i]["transcript_id"] = i my_writer.writerow(t_dict[i]) if opts.v: print("..writing %s " % ( opts.g )) with open(opts.g, 'w') as csvfile: my_writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames = ["gene_id"] + [x for x,y in samples]) ## my_writer.writerow([""]+samples) ## my_writer.writerows(geneDict) my_writer.writerow(dict((fn,fn) for fn in my_writer.fieldnames)) for i in geneDict: geneDict[i]["gene_id"] = i #add gene_id to row my_writer.writerow(geneDict[i]) if opts.v: print("All done.")