A user friendly, GPL3 licensed tile creator for WMTS/gpsinfo based services. See http://www.gpsinfo.org for more information.
gpsinfo_create depends on
- Qt 5 (https://www.qt.io/)
- GDAL (We recomment to use the prebuild packaged GISInternals, https://download.gisinternals.com/sdk/downloads/release-1916-x64-gdal-3-4-2-mapserver-7-6-4.zip and https://download.gisinternals.com/sdk/downloads/release-1928-x64-gdal-3-4-2-mapserver-7-6-4-libs.zip)
At the time of writing this document, both dependencies were available as Visual Studio 2019 prebuilt binaries. Hence, we recomment to build gpsinfo_create in 64-bit with Visual Studio 2019.
We use the cmake build system (https://cmake.org/), that allows to generate a Visual Studio solution from the accompanied CMakeLists.txt. Copy local_config_EXAMPLE.config in the source tree's root to local_config.cmake and edit the latter to provide the paths to both Qt and gdal.
These are instructions for a simple manual deployment on windows
- Compile a 64-bit executable of gpsinfo_create with Visual Studio 2019.
- Copy the generated gpsinfo_create.exe executable to an empty directory that we refer to as DIR in the following.
- Open the 'Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio 2019' and change to DIR.
- In order to add all necessary Qt runtime files to DIR, run C:\Qt\Qt5.12.12\5.12.12\msvc2017_64\bin\windeployqt.exe --no-compiler-runtime --no-translations --no-quick-import --no-system-d3d-compiler --no-webkit2 gpsinfo_create.exe
- Copy the contents of gdal-3.4.2-vs2019-x64\bin to DIR
- Distribute DIR
Compilation on Linux is straight forward. Install the development packages of QT 5 and gdal, generate Makefiles with cmake (create local_config.cmake as described in above section windows compilation) and run them.
The source code is documented in doxygen style format.
Visit https://www.gpsinfo.org for further documentation on WMTS-based elevation services and https://wmts.rechenraum.com for a reference service.
In 2019 and 2021, development of gpsinfo_create received funding from Internet Foundation Austria within netidee 2018 and 2020, respectively.