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44 lines (22 loc) · 878 Bytes


File metadata and controls

44 lines (22 loc) · 878 Bytes

This still in production, will update this README file once done!

About 5atma

5atma is a web applications for people to organize how they want to divide the recitation of Quarn among themselves.

Notes for Developers

Ruby version

We use ruby 2.1.0 and Rails 4.1.1.

System dependencies


Copy config/application.yml.example to config/application.yml.example and enter your Facebook App ID and Secret there, or if your hosting allows you to enter the ENV variables somewhere in your admin panel.

Database creation

To be writter later.

Database initialization

To be writter later.

How to run the test suite

To test, run the following command

$ rake test

Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

To be writter later.

Deployment instructions

To be writter later.
