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dashboard: allow alerts to be saved for new/provisioned dashboards
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This changes the logic for the alert validation in the extractor. Validation
is executed twice, once before attempting to save the alerts and once after
saving the dashboard while saving the alerts to the db. The first validation
will not require that the alert has a dashboard id which allows new dashboards
with alerts to be saved.

Fixes #11247
  • Loading branch information
daniellee committed Mar 28, 2018
1 parent 9e2e6fc commit 68833fa
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Showing 5 changed files with 364 additions and 52 deletions.
17 changes: 5 additions & 12 deletions pkg/services/alerting/commands.go
Expand Up @@ -13,11 +13,7 @@ func init() {
func validateDashboardAlerts(cmd *m.ValidateDashboardAlertsCommand) error {
extractor := NewDashAlertExtractor(cmd.Dashboard, cmd.OrgId)

if _, err := extractor.GetAlerts(); err != nil {
return err

return nil
return extractor.ValidateAlerts()

func updateDashboardAlerts(cmd *m.UpdateDashboardAlertsCommand) error {
Expand All @@ -29,15 +25,12 @@ func updateDashboardAlerts(cmd *m.UpdateDashboardAlertsCommand) error {

extractor := NewDashAlertExtractor(cmd.Dashboard, cmd.OrgId)

if alerts, err := extractor.GetAlerts(); err != nil {
alerts, err := extractor.GetAlerts()
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
saveAlerts.Alerts = alerts

if err := bus.Dispatch(&saveAlerts); err != nil {
return err
saveAlerts.Alerts = alerts

return nil
return bus.Dispatch(&saveAlerts)
95 changes: 56 additions & 39 deletions pkg/services/alerting/extractor.go
Expand Up @@ -11,76 +11,78 @@ import (
m ""

// DashAlertExtractor extracts alerts from the dashboard json
type DashAlertExtractor struct {
Dash *m.Dashboard
OrgId int64
OrgID int64
log log.Logger

func NewDashAlertExtractor(dash *m.Dashboard, orgId int64) *DashAlertExtractor {
// NewDashAlertExtractor returns a new DashAlertExtractor
func NewDashAlertExtractor(dash *m.Dashboard, orgID int64) *DashAlertExtractor {
return &DashAlertExtractor{
Dash: dash,
OrgId: orgId,
OrgID: orgID,
log: log.New("alerting.extractor"),

func (e *DashAlertExtractor) lookupDatasourceId(dsName string) (*m.DataSource, error) {
func (e *DashAlertExtractor) lookupDatasourceID(dsName string) (*m.DataSource, error) {
if dsName == "" {
query := &m.GetDataSourcesQuery{OrgId: e.OrgId}
query := &m.GetDataSourcesQuery{OrgId: e.OrgID}
if err := bus.Dispatch(query); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
for _, ds := range query.Result {
if ds.IsDefault {
return ds, nil

for _, ds := range query.Result {
if ds.IsDefault {
return ds, nil
} else {
query := &m.GetDataSourceByNameQuery{Name: dsName, OrgId: e.OrgId}
query := &m.GetDataSourceByNameQuery{Name: dsName, OrgId: e.OrgID}
if err := bus.Dispatch(query); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return query.Result, nil

return query.Result, nil

return nil, errors.New("Could not find datasource id for " + dsName)

func findPanelQueryByRefId(panel *simplejson.Json, refId string) *simplejson.Json {
func findPanelQueryByRefID(panel *simplejson.Json, refID string) *simplejson.Json {
for _, targetsObj := range panel.Get("targets").MustArray() {
target := simplejson.NewFromAny(targetsObj)

if target.Get("refId").MustString() == refId {
if target.Get("refId").MustString() == refID {
return target
return nil

func copyJson(in *simplejson.Json) (*simplejson.Json, error) {
rawJson, err := in.MarshalJSON()
func copyJSON(in *simplejson.Json) (*simplejson.Json, error) {
rawJSON, err := in.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return simplejson.NewJson(rawJson)
return simplejson.NewJson(rawJSON)

func (e *DashAlertExtractor) GetAlertFromPanels(jsonWithPanels *simplejson.Json) ([]*m.Alert, error) {
func (e *DashAlertExtractor) getAlertFromPanels(jsonWithPanels *simplejson.Json, validateAlertFunc func(*m.Alert) bool) ([]*m.Alert, error) {
alerts := make([]*m.Alert, 0)

for _, panelObj := range jsonWithPanels.Get("panels").MustArray() {
panel := simplejson.NewFromAny(panelObj)

collapsedJson, collapsed := panel.CheckGet("collapsed")
collapsedJSON, collapsed := panel.CheckGet("collapsed")
// check if the panel is collapsed
if collapsed && collapsedJson.MustBool() {
if collapsed && collapsedJSON.MustBool() {

// extract alerts from sub panels for collapsed panels
als, err := e.GetAlertFromPanels(panel)
als, err := e.getAlertFromPanels(panel, validateAlertFunc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Expand All @@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ func (e *DashAlertExtractor) GetAlertFromPanels(jsonWithPanels *simplejson.Json)

panelId, err := panel.Get("id").Int64()
panelID, err := panel.Get("id").Int64()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("panel id is required. err %v", err)
Expand All @@ -113,8 +115,8 @@ func (e *DashAlertExtractor) GetAlertFromPanels(jsonWithPanels *simplejson.Json)

alert := &m.Alert{
DashboardId: e.Dash.Id,
OrgId: e.OrgId,
PanelId: panelId,
OrgId: e.OrgID,
PanelId: panelID,
Id: jsonAlert.Get("id").MustInt64(),
Name: jsonAlert.Get("name").MustString(),
Handler: jsonAlert.Get("handler").MustInt64(),
Expand All @@ -126,11 +128,11 @@ func (e *DashAlertExtractor) GetAlertFromPanels(jsonWithPanels *simplejson.Json)
jsonCondition := simplejson.NewFromAny(condition)

jsonQuery := jsonCondition.Get("query")
queryRefId := jsonQuery.Get("params").MustArray()[0].(string)
panelQuery := findPanelQueryByRefId(panel, queryRefId)
queryRefID := jsonQuery.Get("params").MustArray()[0].(string)
panelQuery := findPanelQueryByRefID(panel, queryRefID)

if panelQuery == nil {
reason := fmt.Sprintf("Alert on PanelId: %v refers to query(%s) that cannot be found", alert.PanelId, queryRefId)
reason := fmt.Sprintf("Alert on PanelId: %v refers to query(%s) that cannot be found", alert.PanelId, queryRefID)
return nil, ValidationError{Reason: reason}

Expand All @@ -141,12 +143,13 @@ func (e *DashAlertExtractor) GetAlertFromPanels(jsonWithPanels *simplejson.Json)
dsName = panel.Get("datasource").MustString()

if datasource, err := e.lookupDatasourceId(dsName); err != nil {
datasource, err := e.lookupDatasourceID(dsName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
jsonQuery.SetPath([]string{"datasourceId"}, datasource.Id)

jsonQuery.SetPath([]string{"datasourceId"}, datasource.Id)

if interval, err := panel.Get("interval").String(); err == nil {
panelQuery.Set("interval", interval)
Expand All @@ -162,21 +165,28 @@ func (e *DashAlertExtractor) GetAlertFromPanels(jsonWithPanels *simplejson.Json)
return nil, err

if alert.ValidToSave() {
alerts = append(alerts, alert)
} else {
if !validateAlertFunc(alert) {
e.log.Debug("Invalid Alert Data. Dashboard, Org or Panel ID is not correct", "alertName", alert.Name, "panelId", alert.PanelId)
return nil, m.ErrDashboardContainsInvalidAlertData

alerts = append(alerts, alert)

return alerts, nil

func validateAlertRule(alert *m.Alert) bool {
return alert.ValidToSave()

// GetAlerts extracts alerts from the dashboard json and does full validation on the alert json data
func (e *DashAlertExtractor) GetAlerts() ([]*m.Alert, error) {
return e.extractAlerts(validateAlertRule)

dashboardJson, err := copyJson(e.Dash.Data)
func (e *DashAlertExtractor) extractAlerts(validateFunc func(alert *m.Alert) bool) ([]*m.Alert, error) {
dashboardJSON, err := copyJSON(e.Dash.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Expand All @@ -185,19 +195,19 @@ func (e *DashAlertExtractor) GetAlerts() ([]*m.Alert, error) {

// We extract alerts from rows to be backwards compatible
// with the old dashboard json model.
rows := dashboardJson.Get("rows").MustArray()
rows := dashboardJSON.Get("rows").MustArray()
if len(rows) > 0 {
for _, rowObj := range rows {
row := simplejson.NewFromAny(rowObj)
a, err := e.GetAlertFromPanels(row)
a, err := e.getAlertFromPanels(row, validateFunc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

alerts = append(alerts, a...)
} else {
a, err := e.GetAlertFromPanels(dashboardJson)
a, err := e.getAlertFromPanels(dashboardJSON, validateFunc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Expand All @@ -208,3 +218,10 @@ func (e *DashAlertExtractor) GetAlerts() ([]*m.Alert, error) {
e.log.Debug("Extracted alerts from dashboard", "alertCount", len(alerts))
return alerts, nil

// ValidateAlerts validates alerts in the dashboard json but does not require a valid dashboard id
// in the first validation pass
func (e *DashAlertExtractor) ValidateAlerts() error {
_, err := e.extractAlerts(func(alert *m.Alert) bool { return alert.OrgId != 0 && alert.PanelId != 0 })
return err
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions pkg/services/alerting/extractor_test.go
Expand Up @@ -240,5 +240,26 @@ func TestAlertRuleExtraction(t *testing.T) {
So(len(alerts), ShouldEqual, 4)

Convey("Parse and validate dashboard without id and containing an alert", func() {
json, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./test-data/dash-without-id.json")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)

dashJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson(json)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
dash := m.NewDashboardFromJson(dashJSON)
extractor := NewDashAlertExtractor(dash, 1)

err = extractor.ValidateAlerts()

Convey("Should validate without error", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)

Convey("Should fail on save", func() {
_, err := extractor.GetAlerts()
So(err, ShouldEqual, m.ErrDashboardContainsInvalidAlertData)

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