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grandwazir edited this page Dec 13, 2012 · 14 revisions

Setting up permissions

Permission nodes

Each command is assigned its own permission node and all follow the same style. All permissions are assigned to operators by default while a few are assigned to players by default. The full list is below:

banhammer.ban (default: op).
banhammer.ban.* (default: op).
banhammer.ban.long (default: op).
banhammer.ban.medium (default: op).
banhammer.ban.short (default: op).
banhammer.ban.warning (default: op).
banhammer.check (default: op).
banhammer.export (default: op).
banhammer.history (default: op).
banhammer.history.* (default: op).
banhammer.history.others (default: op).
banhammer.history.own (default: true).
banhammer.import (default: op).
banhammer.kick (default: op).
banhammer.limits (default: op).
banhammer.notify (default: true).
banhammer.pardon (default: op).
banhammer.pardon.* (default: op).
banhammer.pardon.others (default: op).
banhammer.pardon.own (default: op).
banhammer.purge (default: op).
banhammer.recent (default: op).

You can also automatically give all current and future permissions to a player by assigning them the wildcard. Use this with caution as you may accidentally give people access to future features you did not otherwise intend them to have. It should really only be given to administrators.


Additionally if you wish players to be able to ban permanently you will need to give them:


If you want players to receive notifications when people are banned or kicked you will need to give them:

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