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Josh Price committed May 5, 2016
1 parent 8d18320 commit 188a88f
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Showing 3 changed files with 47 additions and 9 deletions.
52 changes: 45 additions & 7 deletions lib/graphql.ex
@@ -1,16 +1,54 @@
defmodule GraphQL do
@moduledoc ~S"""
The main GraphQL module.
An Elixir implementation of Facebook's GraphQL.
The `GraphQL` module provides a
[GraphQL]( implementation for Elixir.
This is the core GraphQL query parsing and execution engine whose goal is to be
transport, server and datastore agnostic.
## Execute a query
In order to setup an HTTP server (ie Phoenix) to handle GraphQL queries you will
Execute a GraphQL query against a given schema / datastore.
* [GraphQL Plug](
# iex> GraphQL.execute schema, "{ hello }"
# {:ok, %{hello: "world"}}
Examples for Phoenix can be found:
* [Phoenix Examples](
Here you'll find some examples which can be used as a starting point for writing your own schemas.
Other ways of handling queries will be added in due course.
## Execute a Query on the Schema
First setup your schema
iex> defmodule TestSchema do
...> def schema do
...> %GraphQL.Schema{
...> query: %GraphQL.Type.ObjectType{
...> name: "RootQueryType",
...> fields: %{
...> greeting: %{
...> type: %GraphQL.Type.String{},
...> resolve: &TestSchema.greeting/3,
...> description: "Greeting",
...> args: %{
...> name: %{type: %GraphQL.Type.String{}, description: "The name of who you'd like to greet."},
...> }
...> }
...> }
...> }
...> }
...> end
...> def greeting(_, %{name: name}, _), do: "Hello, #{name}!"
...> def greeting(_, _, _), do: "Hello, world!"
...> end
...> GraphQL.execute(TestSchema.schema, "{ greeting }")
{:ok, %{data: %{"greeting" => "Hello, world!"}}}
...> GraphQL.execute(TestSchema.schema, ~S[{ greeting(name: "Josh") }])
{:ok, %{data: %{"greeting" => "Hello, Josh!"}}}

alias GraphQL.Validation.Validator
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions mix.exs
Expand Up @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ defmodule GraphQL.Mixfile do
version: @version,
elixir: "~> 1.2",
description: @description,
deps: deps,
package: package,
source_url: @repo_url,
homepage_url: @repo_url,
build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,
consolidate_protocols: Mix.env == :prod,
deps: deps,
name: "GraphQL",
docs: [main: "README", extras: [""]]]
docs: [main: "GraphQL", logo: "logo.png", extras: [""]]]

def application do
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