A simple Leaflet control to open a Bootstrap modal.
Modals are great for help panels, or for feedback forms, or for displaying a legend that doesn't need to take up screen space all the time. And if you want a Leaflet-styled button on your map, which would trigger this modal... here's the plugin for you.
For a quick start, see the example folder, or the live demo: http://gregallensworth.github.io/L.Control.BootstrapModal/
Assuming that you already have a Bootstrap modal set up on your page, and already have a Leaflet map running, the control runs like this:
new L.Control.BootstrapModal({
modalId: 'modal_help',
tooltip: "How to use this thing",
glyph: 'question-sign'
Parameters are:
modalId -- The DOM ID of the modal, e.g. what you put inside the id="" part. Required
tooltip -- A tooltip to be displayed when the user hovers their mouse over the button. Optional
glyph -- Which of the Bootstrap Glyphicons to display in the button. See http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons for the full list. Optional and defaults to a "i" icon.