Tower Defense game using Rust programming language and Bevy game engine made by greyna.
The game as well as all assets and code are free and licensed under "Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International".
- Terrain
- Enemies
- Shooting
- Damages & death
- Lives & Game over
- Clean enemies & reset lives
- Increasing difficulty over time
- Gold: resource, turret price & enemy giving on death
- Slot/turret levels & upgrade
- Damage types
- Authorize turret builds only on first line
- Turret side effect: divide slot level and turret damage type levels
- Menu & UI
- Wasm deployment
- upload
- Balancing !
- Fixed window size
- Score
- Jam submission + github license
- Buttons and UI for building and upgrading turrets
- Bugfix turret orientation/targetting
- Shoot feedback on turret
- z-fight enemy bugfix
- turret slot shouldn't orientates
- improve turret targeting
- non-linear difficulty progression
- waves of enemies
- New Art integration
- Projectiles
- cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
- wasm-bindgen --out-dir ./out/ --target web ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/greyna_bevy_tower_defense.wasm
- copy assets/ folder into ./out/
- copy index.html and restart-audio-context.js from tools/ to ./out/
- zip out/ folder and upload it on