diff --git a/source/Community/BoincPublications.htm.erb b/source/Community/BoincPublications.htm.erb deleted file mode 100644 index 76f8a905..00000000 --- a/source/Community/BoincPublications.htm.erb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gridcoin - BOINC Publications" -description: "A list of published scientific papers related to BOINC and volunteer distributed computing." ---- - -

BOINC Publications

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Papers and talks on BOINC


- Here's a list of conferences related to volunteer computing. -

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Popular articles
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PhD Thesis
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Technical papers involving BOINC
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Project-specific papers
  • - Science@Duquesne: Structure of Aqueous Sodium Perchlorate Solutions, Ignacio J. General, Eliana K. Asciutto and Jeffry D. Madura, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, 112 (48), pp 15417–15425. -
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  • - Distributed computing and farm management with application to the search for heavy gauge bosons using the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Lopez-Perez, Juan Antonio. PhD thesis, Jan. 2008. -
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  • - Expanding the reach of Grid computing: combining Globus- and BOINC-based systems. Myers, D. S., A. L. Bazinet and M. P. Cummings. 2008. Pages 71-85. In Talbi, E.-G. and A. Zomaya (Eds.) Grids for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Wiley Book Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing. John Wiley & Sons, New York. -
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  • - Gene Sequence Alignment on a Public Computing Platform. Stephen Pellicer, Nova Ahmed, Yi Pan, and Yao Zheng. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPP@'05), 2005. -
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  • - The Challenge of Volunteer Computing With Lengthy Climate Model Simulations. Carl Christensen, Tolu Aina and David Stainforth. First IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Technologies. 5-8 December 2005, Melbourne -
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  • - Reporting@Home: Delivering Dynamic Graphical Feedback to Participants in Community Computing Projects. Stuart Ozer, David E. Kim, David Baker (Microsoft Research Technical report MSR-TR-2007-17). -
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Other papers on volunteer computing
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diff --git a/source/Community/ProjectPublications.htm.erb b/source/Community/ProjectPublications.htm.erb deleted file mode 100644 index 1ca78ab3..00000000 --- a/source/Community/ProjectPublications.htm.erb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,634 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gridcoin - Project Publications" -description: "A list of scientific papers published by BOINC projects." ---- - -

Project Publications

- - - -



Science research projects typically publish their results in scientific journals.


Preliminary results are often published in conferences.


In the academic world, the scientific contribution of a project is measured largely by the number of its publications, and the prestige of the journals and conferences in which they appear (high-prestige journals include Nature, Science, and PNAS).


We encourage BOINC volunteers to support projects that make a major scientific contribution.

- Keep in mind that doing research and publishing papers may take several years, so newer projects will naturally have few or no publications.


The following scientific papers have resulted from BOINC-based projects (this list does not include papers about volunteer computing or about BOINC itself; those are here).

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  • - T. Estrada, R. Armen, and M. Taufer: Automatic Selection of Near-Native Protein-Ligand Conformations using a Hierarchical Clustering and Volunteer Computing. In Proceedings of the International Conference On Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ACM-BCB), August 2010, Niagara Falls, NY, USA. -
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- All publications with pdfs are available at http://multiscalelab.org/Publications -

  • - T. Giorgino and G. De Fabritiis, A high-throughput steered molecular dynamics study on the free energy profile of ion permeation through gramicidin A, in press J. Chem. Theory Comput. (2011). -
  • -
  • - I. Buch, S. K. Sadiq and G. De Fabritiis, Optimized potential of mean force calculations of standard binding free energy, in press J. Chem. Theory Comput. (2011) -
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  • - Ignasi Buch, Toni Giorgino, and G. De Fabritiis, Complete reconstruction of an enzyme-inhibitor binding process by molecular dynamics simulations, PNAS 2011 ; published ahead of print June 6, 2011, doi:10.1073/pnas.1103547108 -
  • -
  • - I. Buch, M. J. Harvey, T. Giorgino, D. P. Anderson, and G. De Fabritiis. High-Throughput All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Distributed Computing. J. Chem. Inf. Model, March 2010. -
  • -
  • - J. Selent, F. Sanz, M. Pastor and G. De Fabritiis, Induced Effects of Sodium Ions on Dopaminergic G-Protein Coupled Receptors, PLOS Computational Biology, 6, e1000884 (2010) pdf. -
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  • - K. Sadiq and G. De Fabritiis,Explicit solvent dynamics and energetics of HIV-1 protease flap-opening and closing, Proteins 78, 2873 (2010) pdf. -
  • -
  • - G. Giupponi, M. Harvey and G. De Fabritiis, The impact of accelerator processors for high-throughput molecular modeling and simulation. Drug Discovery Today 13, 1052-8 (2008). -
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  • - G. De Fabritiis, P. Coveney and J. Villa-Freixa, Energetics of K+ permeability through Gramicidin A by forward-reverse steered molecular dynamics. Proteins 73, 185-94 (2008). -
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  • - M. Harvey, G. Giupponi, J. Villa-Freixa and G. De Fabritiis, PS3GRID.NET: Building a distributed supercomputer using the PlayStation 3. Distributed & Grid Computing - Science Made Transparent for Everyone. Principles, Applications and Supporting Communities (2007). -
  • -
  • - PS3GRID.NET: A distributed computing environment for molecular simulations on the PlayStation 3. Presentation at the international symposium of biomedical informatics, 26-27 June Barcelona (2007). -
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  • - G. De Fabritiis, Performance of the Cell processor for biomolecular simulations. Comp. Phys. Commun. 176, 660 (2007). -
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  • - Travis Desell, David P. Anderson, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Heidi Newberg, Boleslaw Szymanski and Carlos A. Varela. An Analysis of Massively Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms. In the Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010), Barcelona, Spain, July 2010. To Appear. -
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  • - Travis Desell, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Boleslaw Szymanski, Carlos A. Varela, Heidi Newberg and David P. Anderson. Validating Evolutionary Algorithms on Volunteer Computing Grids. In the Proceedings of the 10th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS 2010), Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2010. To Appear. -
  • -
  • - Nathan Cole, Travis Desell, Daniel Lombranaa Gonzalez, Francisco Fernandez de Vega, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Heidi Newberg, Boleslaw Szymanski and Carlos Varela. Evolutionary Algorithms on Volunteer Computing Platforms: The MilkyWay@Home Project. In F. Fernandez de Vega, E. Cantu-Paz (Eds.): Parallel and Distributed Computational Intelligence, SCI 269, pp 63-90. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2010 -
  • -
  • - Travis Desell. Asynchronous Global Optimization for Massive-Scale Computing. PhD thesis. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 2009 -
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  • - Travis Desell, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Boleslaw Szymanski, Carlos Varela, Heidi Newberg and Nathan Cole. Robust Asynchronous Optimization for Volunteer Computing Grids. In the 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience2009), Oxford, UK, pages 263-270, December 2009. -
  • -
  • - Travis Desell, Anthony Waters, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Boleslaw Szymanski, Carlos Varela, Matthew Newby, Heidi Newberg, Andreas Przystawik and Dave Anderson. Accelerating the MilkyWay@Home volunteer computing project with GPUs. In 8th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2009), Wroclaw, Poland, September 2009. To appear. -
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  • - Nathan Cole. Maximum Likelihood Fitting of Tidal Streams with Application to the Sagittarius Dwarf Tidal Tails. PhD thesis. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 2009. -
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  • - Nathan Cole, Heidi Newberg, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Travis Desell, Kristopher Dawsey, Warren Hayashi, Jonathan Purnell, Boleslaw Szymanski, Carlos A. Varela, Benjamin Willett, and James Wisniewski. Maximum Likelihood Fitting of Tidal Streams with Application to the Sagittarius Dwarf Tidal Tails. Astrophysical Journal, 683:750-766, 2008. -
  • -
  • - Travis Desell, Boleslaw Szymanski, and Carlos A. Varela. An Asynchronous Hybrid Genetic-Simplex Search for Modeling the Milky Way Galaxy using Volunteer Computing. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2008), Atlanta, Georgia, pages 921-928, July 2008. -
  • -
  • - Travis Desell, Boleslaw Szymanski, and Carlos A. Varela. Asynchronous Genetic Search for Scientific Modeling on Large-Scale Heterogeneous Environments. In Proceedings of the 17th International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop (HCW/IPDPS'08), Miami, FL, pages 12pp, April 2008. IEEE. -
  • -
  • - Boleslaw Szymanski, Travis Desell, and Carlos A. Varela. The Effect of Heterogeneity on Asynchronous Panmictic Genetic Search. In Proc. of the Seventh International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM'2007), LNCS, Gdansk, Poland, September 2007. -
  • -
  • - Travis Desell, Nathan Cole, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Heidi Newberg, Boleslaw Szymanski, and Carlos A. Varela. Distributed and Generic Maximum Likelihood Evaluation. In 3rd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (eScience2007), Bangalore, India, pages 337-344, December 2007. Best paper finalist. -
  • -
  • - Meliciani I, Klenin K, Strunk T, Schmitz K, Wenzel W. (2009) Probing hot spots on protein-protein interfaces with all-atom free-energy simulation. J Chem Phys. 131, 034114. -
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Quake Catcher Network
  • - Elizabeth S. Cochran, Jesse F. Lawrence, Carl Christensen, and Ravi S. Jakka. The Quake-Catcher Network: Citizen Science Expanding Seismic Horizons. Seismological Research Letters, Jan/Feb 2009. -
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  • - Posypkin, Mikhail and Semenov, Alexander and Zaikin, Oleg (2012) Using BOINC desktop grid to solve large scale SAT problems. Computer Science, 13 (1). pp. 25-34. ISSN 1508-2806 -
  • -
  • - David P. Anderson, Jeff Cobb, Eric Korpela, Matt Lebofsky, Dan Werthimer. SETI@home: An Experiment in Public-Resource Computing. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 45 No. 11, November 2002, pp. 56-61. -
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Virtual Prairie
  • - C. Monya, M. Garbeyb, M. Smaouib, M.-L. Benota. Large scale parameter study of an individual-based model of clonal plant with volunteer computing. Ecological Modelling 222 (2011) 935–946. -
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World Community Grid

- The Clean Energy Project -

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- Computing for Clean Water -

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- Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together -

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- FightAIDS@Home -

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- Help Conquer Cancer -

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- Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy -

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- Help Defeat Cancer -

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- Human Proteome Folding -

  • - Drew K, Winters P, Butterfoss GL, Berstis V, Uplinger K, Armb J, Riffle M, Schweighofer E, Bovermann B, Goodlett DR, Davis TN, Shasha D, Malmström L, Bonneau R. The Proteome Folding Project: Proteome-scale prediction of structure and function Genome Res. 2011 Nov;21(11):1981-94. Epub 2011 Aug 8. -
  • -
  • - Boxem, Mike; Maliga, Zoltan; Klitgord, Niels; Li, Na; Lemmens, Irma; Mana, Miyeko; de Lichtervelde, Lorenzo; Mul, Joram D.; van de Peut, Diederik; Devos, Maxime; Simonis, Nicolas; Yildirim, Muhammed A.; Cokol, Murat; Kao, Huey-Ling; de Smet, Anne-Sophie; Wang, Haidong; Schlaitz, Anne-Lore; Hao, Tong; Milstein, Stuart; Fan, Changyu; Tipsword, Mike; Drew, Kevin; Galli, Matilde; Rhrissorrakrai, Kahn; Drechsel, David; Koller, Daphne; Roth, Frederick P.; Iakoucheva, Lilia M.; Dunker, A. Keith; Bonneau, Richard; Gunsalus, Kristin C.; Hill, David E.; Piano, Fabio; Tavernier, Jan; van den Heuvel, Sander; Hyman, Anthony A.; Vidal, Marc A Protein Domain-Based Interactome Network for C. elegans Early Embryogenesis Cell doi:10.1016/j.cell.2008.07.009 (volume 134 issue 3 pp.534 - 545) -
  • -
  • - Bonneau, Richard; Facciotti, Marc T.; Reiss, David J.; Schmid, Amy K.; Pan, Min; Kaur, Amardeep; Thorsson, Vesteinn; Shannon, Paul; Johnson, Michael H.; Bare, J. Christopher; Longabaugh, William; Vuthoori, Madhavi; Whitehead, Kenia; Madar, Aviv; Suzuki, Lena; Mori, Tetsuya; Chang, Dong-Eun; DiRuggiero, Jocelyne; Johnson, Carl H.; Hood, Leroy; Baliga, Nitin S. A Predictive Model for Transcriptional Control of Physiology in a Free Living Cell Cell doi:10.1016/j.cell.2007.10.053 (volume 131 issue 7 pp.1354 - 1365) -
  • -
  • - Lars Malmström, Michael Riffle, Charlie E. M. Strauss, Dylan Chivian, Trisha N. Davis, Richard Bonneau, David Baker. Superfamily Assignments for the Yeast Proteome through Integration of Structure Prediction with the Gene Ontology. PLoS Biol 5(4). -
  • -

- Genome Comparison -

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- Nutritious Rice for the World -

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/source/Guides/3rdpartyapps.htm.erb b/source/Guides/3rdpartyapps.htm.erb deleted file mode 100644 index e6683c35..00000000 --- a/source/Guides/3rdpartyapps.htm.erb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,298 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gridcoin - 3rd Party Applications" -description: "A list of 3rd party BOINC applications - use at your own discretion!" ---- - -

BOINC 3rd party apps

- - -
- -

These applications are not endorsed by BOINC or Gridcoin, use them at your own risk.


We do not provide instructions for installing or using these applications.

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SETI@BOINCWatchA SETI@Home/BOINC client watcher! User statistics powered by BOINCStats
SQL Setup for BoincSpyStores Workunits into SQL database
CPDNSpyStats/Benchmarkprogram. Only for CPDN!!!
ThreadMasterControl max CPU usage and prevent overheating (not specific to BOINC)
SETISpiritSETIspirit is free add-on tool for SETI@home users which provides information about the tasks, the SETI@home project status, workunits and credits, statistic charts and a detailed sky map.
BOINCcalculatorShow details of CPDN jobs
SETI@home-MapViewSETI@home-Mapview creates skymaps for the BOINC projects SETI@home-II, Einstein@home and Astropulse.
BoincLogXBoincLogX creates detailed logfiles for all BOINC projects.
BoincSpyViews BOINC project statistics
TThrottleTThrottle throttles CPU usage to keep its temperature below a limit you select.
BOINC Client ConfigurationWindows GUI for editing the client configuration file
BoincTasksAn advanced and powerful BOINC GUI
BoincViewAdvanced BOINC manager for networks
SETI@BOINCWatch(.NET 2.0)A SETI@Home/BOINC client watcher! User statistics powered by BOINCStats. But now built with the .NET environment.
SETI@BOINCWatch(.NET)A SETI@Home/BOINC client watcher! User statistics powered by BOINCStats. But now built with the .NET environment.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
boincctlScript to start boinc at boot time.
SETI@Boinc TrackerSETI@Boinc Tracker is a GUI Client for Tracking Boinc CLI Client!
boinctuiFullscreen text mode manager for BOINC
boinctoptop like view of boinc status
CPU limiterLimits the CPU usage (good for laptops)
MultiTailMultitail shows several simultaneous tails in different curses windows.
BOINC MonitorPlasmoid to show BOINC status on the KDE desktop
BOINCTailBOINCTail displays the status of jobs running in the BOINC environment in a 'tail-like' way.
Boinc bash scriptBoinc state displayer
BOINCprogA BOINC project progress monitor
rc.boinc (Slackware)rc.boinc - Slackware Startup Script
boinc-suseInit script for SuSE 9.2 and 9.3
BoinctrayA system tray application for monitoring the BOINC client
KBoingMgrA Linux/KDE replacement for the standard BOINC Manager
BOINCSTATCommand line view of BOINC status
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seti Check RevolutionsBoinc state displayer. Only for seti@home!
BoincTasksAn advanced and powerful BOINC GUI (requires Wine)
SETI@Boinc TrackerSETI@Boinc Tracker is a GUI Client for Tracking Boinc CLI Client!
CPDNSpy Linux/MacStats/Benchmarkprogram. Only for CPDN!!!
BOINCMenubar 2Mac GUI for BOINC
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BoincTasks MobileBOINC graphical interface for mobile devices (Android, iPhone, iPad)
AndroBOINCBOINC graphical interface for Android devices
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Web browser toolbars and plugins
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SAH User Statistics - An extension for Firefox (works only with 1.0 to 1.5; - may work under Mozilla) - that displays your stats for SAH -
BOINC Server StatusYahoo! widget adds the BOINC Online Scheduler image to your desktop.
- -
Web applications
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Progress Thru ProcessorsFacebook-based interface to BOINC
GOINCGOINC: A Google homepage module for keeping tabs on BOINC.
BOINC MilestonesFacebook application that posts credit milestones in your Status
Forum signature showing jobs in progressA PHP script that generates a forum signature showing jobs in progress
BoincPHP5-GUIMonitor and control Boinc from a web browser
SETI@home/BOINC progress statusShow your SETI@home/BOINC progress on your homepage
Boinc LCSShows the current state and other information from an unlimited number of BOINC clients connected to the Internet.
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- diff --git a/source/Guides/security.htm.erb b/source/Guides/security.htm.erb index 65998fdb..e5f5d1d8 100644 --- a/source/Guides/security.htm.erb +++ b/source/Guides/security.htm.erb @@ -13,80 +13,12 @@ description: "A brief security guide for Gridcoin users."

Wallet security recommendations:

Securing your browser


- One of the most common attack vectors is through your web browser, so take precautionary measures to minimize risk of loss of funds/exposure to malware. -

Non-exhaustive browser security recommendation:
- - -
Browser extension recommendations for extra security:
- -

Securing your communications


- It's crucial that your private communications online are not intercepted by any malicious entity; privacy is a human right, take yours back! -

- -

Securing your computer


- Most of these tips are a given, but it's good to remember that they are quite important to adhere to at all times. -

- -
diff --git a/source/Guides/whitelist.htm.erb b/source/Guides/whitelist.htm.erb index 4f29f105..a8dfbd82 100644 --- a/source/Guides/whitelist.htm.erb +++ b/source/Guides/whitelist.htm.erb @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ description: "The Gridcoin whitelist is a list of community-approved BOINC proje
Whitelist justification

The whitelist was created to increase security and to focus user's resources on active projects.

- +

CCT Whitelist thread

Projects subforum

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ description: "The Gridcoin whitelist is a list of community-approved BOINC proje


When projects are running out of work or are offline for temporary maintenance they are placed on the Greylist. These projects will not reward Gridcoin until they meet the requirements to be placed back on the whitelist again. Please see various social media (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Slack) for notices about greylisted projects.


Please see The official Greylist website for daily updates on which projects are added and removed from the Greylist.


Please see This Gridcoin greylist monitoring website for daily updates on which projects are added and removed from the Greylist.

This document outlines the Greylist procedure for all whitelisted projects.

@@ -85,23 +85,23 @@ description: "The Gridcoin whitelist is a list of community-approved BOINC proje <% if project.cpu == "yes" %> - - <% else %> - + ✔️ + <% else %> + ❌ <% end %> <% if project.gpu == "yes" %> - - <% else %> - - <% end %> + ✔️ + <% else %> + ❌ + <% end %> - + 📊 - + 📈 <% end %> @@ -138,17 +138,17 @@ description: "The Gridcoin whitelist is a list of community-approved BOINC proje <% if project.cpu == "yes" %> - - <% else %> - + ✔️ + <% else %> + ❌ <% end %> <% if project.gpu == "yes" %> - - <% else %> - - <% end %> + ✔️ + <% else %> + ❌ + <% end %> <% end %> diff --git a/source/assets/css/index_hotfixes.css b/source/assets/css/index_hotfixes.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72f521c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/assets/css/index_hotfixes.css @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +div.dropdown a { + text-decoration:none; +} + +div.dropdown a.dropdown-header { + color:black !important; +} + +div.footer_placeholder a { + text-decoration:none; + font-weight:normal; +} diff --git a/source/assets/css/table.css b/source/assets/css/table.css index 2a690792..1211fb1c 100644 --- a/source/assets/css/table.css +++ b/source/assets/css/table.css @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ td a:hover { th { color: #FFFFFF; border-bottom-color: #434343 !important; -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/source/assets/img/Exchanges/bitker.png b/source/assets/img/Exchanges/bitker.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6a4517f Binary files /dev/null and b/source/assets/img/Exchanges/bitker.png differ diff --git a/source/contact.htm.erb b/source/contact.htm.erb index 679c26f4..5461ae70 100644 --- a/source/contact.htm.erb +++ b/source/contact.htm.erb @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ description: "How to get in contact with the Gridcoin developers and community."

How to get in contact with us!


The Gridcoin community as of mid August has approximately 12k registered users in team Gridcoin, with approx 3k actively crunching. These users are spread across many platforms such as:


Our large userbase is spread the following chat platforms:

@@ -129,56 +92,46 @@
Main Guides
@@ -188,44 +141,21 @@
Spend your Gridcoin
@@ -235,46 +165,25 @@ + @@ -282,61 +191,39 @@ diff --git a/source/layouts/partials/_head.erb b/source/layouts/partials/_head.erb index a9a93e25..3cef738f 100644 --- a/source/layouts/partials/_head.erb +++ b/source/layouts/partials/_head.erb @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ - + - + diff --git a/source/layouts/partials/_header.erb b/source/layouts/partials/_header.erb index 4ea3621c..2e0b2e0c 100644 --- a/source/layouts/partials/_header.erb +++ b/source/layouts/partials/_header.erb @@ -8,27 +8,28 @@
- @@ -61,52 +61,40 @@ -
- - @@ -116,24 +104,24 @@ @@ -144,7 +132,7 @@ - +