lua-hostlist is a small set of lua bindings for the hostlist code
used in other LLNL projects such as pdsh
and SLURM. It gives object
based access to manipulating hostlists directly from lua.
A proof-of-concept command line utility hostlist
is provided as
a demonstration of the lua-hostlist bindings as well as a utility
for manipulating hostlist strings from the shell.
At this time, lua-hostlist is compatible with lua 5.1.
In most cases a simple
make && make install
should work. This will result in installation of the Lua module
into /usr/local/lib. The location of installation can
be controlled with PREFIX
, e.g.
PREFIX=/usr LIBDIR=/usr/lib64 LUA_VER=5.1 make install
will install into /usr/lib64/lua/5.1
The hostlist
utility provided by lua-hostlist is a proof-of-concept
for the lua bindings, but may also be found to be a useful tool in
its own right. By default hostlist
concatenates all hosts given
either on the commandline or via STDIN:
$ hostlist foo[1-4] foo[5-10]
Other operations such as count, union, intersection, exclusive or, etc. are supported:
Usage: hostlist [OPTION]... [HOSTLIST]...
-h, --help Display this message.
-q, --quiet Quiet output (exit non-zero if empty hostlist).
-d, --delimiters=S Set output delimiter (default = ",")
-c, --count Print the number of hosts
-s, --size=N Output at most N hosts (-N for last N hosts)
-e, --expand Expand host list instead of collapsing
-n, --nth=N Output the host at index N (-N to index from end)
-u, --union Union of all HOSTLIST arguments
-m, --minus Subtract all HOSTLIST args from first HOSTLIST
-i, --intersection Intersection of all HOSTLIST args
-x, --exclude Exclude all HOSTLIST args from first HOSTLIST
-X, --xor Symmetric difference of all HOSTLIST args
-R, --remove=N Remove only N occurrences of args from HOSTLIST
-S, --sort Return sorted HOSTLIST
-f, --filter=CODE Map Lua CODE over all hosts in result HOSTLIST
-F, --find=HOST Output position of HOST in result HOSTLIST
(exits non-zero if host not found)
An arbitrary number of HOSTLIST arguments are supported for all operations. The default operation is to concatenate all HOSTLIST args.
Supported functions and methods exported from the hostlist library:
- Create new hostlist
local hl, err = () -- Empty hostlist
local hl, err = (s1) -- Hostlist from string s1
local hl, err = (s1, s2, s3) -- Multiple args supported
$ hostlist foo1 foo2 foo3
$ echo foo1 foo2 foo3 | hostlist
- Expand a "compressed" hostlist
-- Expand a hostlist object into a table:
local t = hostlist.expand (s) -- Expand string 's'
local t = hl:expand() -- Expand hostlist object 'hl'
$ hostlist --expand foo[1-4]
$ hostlist --delimiters='\n' --expand foo[1-4]
- Print a hostlist in lua
local hl = ("foo[1-5]")
print (hl) -- promoted to string by __tostring() method
print ("hostlist" .. hl) -- promoted to string by __concat method
-- To print an "expanded" hostlist first expand to a table, then
-- use table.concat()
print (table.concat (hl:expand()))
- Count hosts in a hostlist
local count = hostlist.count (s1) -- Count hosts in string s1
local count = #hl -- Return number of hosts in object hl
$ hostlist -c foo[0-3]
- Return a host at a specific index in a hostlist:
local nth = hostlist.nth (s) -- Return nth host in hostlist string s
local nth = hl[n] -- Same for hostlist object hl
$ hostlist --nth=4 foo[0-100]
- Find a host in a hostlist
local n = hostlist.find (s, host) -- Find host 'host' in hostlist string 's'
local n = hl:find (host) -- Find host 'host' in hostlist object 'hl'
$ hostlist --find=foo3 'foo[0-10]'
$ hostlist --find=bar 'foo[0-10]'
$ echo $?
- Delete (subtract) hosts
local result = hostlist.delete (s1, s2) -- Delete hosts in s2 from s1
local result = hl1 - hl2 -- Delete hoslist hl2 from hl1
local result = hl - "foo1" -- Delete foo1 from hostlist hl
$ hostlist --minus foo[1-4] foo2
- Union of hostlists
local result = hostlist.union (s1, s2, ...) -- Union _all_ args
local result = hl + hl2 -- Union of hostlist objects hl and hl2
local result = hl + "foo[1-4]" -- Union of hostlist hl with a string
$ hostlist --union 'foo[1-5]' 'foo[4-10]'
- Intersection of hostlists
local r = hostlist.intersect (s1, s2, ...) -- Intersect of all args
local r = hl1 * hl2 -- Intersect of hostlist hl1 hl2
local r = hl * "foo[4-10]" -- Intersect of hostlist hl and string
$ hostlist --intersection 'foo[1-5]' 'foo[4-10]'
- XOR of hostlists
local r = hostlist.xor (s1, s2, ..) -- XOR of all args
local r = hl1 ^ hl2 -- XOR of two hostlist objects
local r = hl ^ "foo[4-10]" -- XOR of hostlist hl and string
$ hostlist --xor 'foo[1-5]' 'foo[4-10]'
- Iteration:
-- hostlist 'next' method returns an iterator for the hostlist:
for host in hl:next() do
-- hosts remain in hostlist hl, take care not to modify hl during traversal
-- An alternate method is to convert to a table and use pairs()
for _,host in pairs (hl:expand()) do
-- iterating over an exapanded table of 'hl' here, ok to modify 'hl'
- Map a function across a set of hosts ("foo[1-5]",
function (s)
-- Do something with host string in "s"
hl:map (function (s) ... end)
-- Also acts as a filter, e.g. return only hosts divisible by 10:
local hl = ("foo[1-100]")
local r = hl:map (function (s) (s:match ("[%d]+$")%10 == 0) and s end)
print (r)
-- Output: foo[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]
# only return hosts divisible by 10:
hostlist --filter='(s:match ("[%d]+$")%10 == 0) and s' foo[1-100]
# prepend a string:
$ hostlist --filter='"hosts"..s' [1-100]