Ruby Regex Timeout / Backtracking Bomb Safety
Don't let untrusted regular expressions kill your servers (cannot be caught with a Timeout
DEPRECATED: Ruby 3.2+ supports this natively
gem install safe_regexp
# normal
/a/.match?('a') # -> true in 0.0001ms
SafeRegexp.execute(/a/, :match?, 'a') # -> true in 0.13568ms
# bomb
require "safe_regexp"
regex = /aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?aa?/
value = "a" * 46
regex.match? value # false in ~60s
SafeRegexp.execute(regex, :match?, value) # -> SafeRegexp::RegexpTimeout
# methods without arguments
regex = "^(The '(?<first_group>.*)' parameter of the (?<second_group>.*))$"
SafeRegexp.execute(regex, :names) # -> ["first_group", "second_group"]
- not using
- spawns a co-processor and
kill -9
it if it takes too long, shuts down after 10s of not being used (to avoid process boot cost), usekeepalive: 0
to shutdown immediately - defaults to 1s timeout
- uses 1 co-processor per thread
- any
object is returned as Array since it cannot be dumped
Michael Grosser
License: MIT