def lambda (A:U)(B: A →U)(b: Pi A B): Pi A B := λ (x : A), b x
-def lam (A B:U)(f: A → B): A → B := λ (x : A), f x
When codomain is not dependent on valude from domain the function
def lambda (A:U)(B: A →U)(b: Pi A B)
+ : Pi A B := λ (x : A), b x
+def lam (A B:U)(f: A → B)
+ : A → B := λ (x : A), f x
When codomain is not dependent on valude from domain the function
is studied in System F, dependent case in studied
in Systen P or Calculus of Construction (CoC).
(-Induction Principle). States that
+if predicate holds for lambda function
+then there is a function from function space to the space of predicate.
def П-ind (A :U)(B : A -> U)
+ (C : Pi A B →U)
+ (g: Π (x: Pi A B), C x)
+ : П (p: Pi A B), C p
+ := \ (p: Pi A B), g p
Application reduces the term by using recursive substitution.
def apply (A:U)(B: A →U)(f: Pi A B)(a: A): B a := f a
-def app (A B:U)(f: A → B)(x: A): B := f x
def apply (A:U)(B: A →U)
+ (f: Pi A B)(a: A): B a := f a
+def app (A B:U)(f: A → B)
+ (x: A): B := f x
Composition is using application of appropriate singnatures.
(Computation ).
+-rule shows that composition
could be fused.
def Π-β (A :U)(B : A →U)(a : A)(f : Pi A B):Path(B a)(apply A B (lambda A B f) a)(f a)
- :=idp(B a)(f a)
(Uniqueness ).
--rule shows that composition could be fused.
def Π-η (A :U)(B : A →U)(a : A)(f : Pi A B)
+ :=idp(B a)(f a)
(Uniqueness ).
+-rule shows that composition could be fused.
def Π-η (A :U)(B : A →U)(a : A)(f : Pi A B):Path(Pi A B) f (λ (x : A), f x)
- :=idp(Pi A B) f
(Functions Preserve Paths). For a function
-there is an . This is called
-application of to path or congruence property (, for non-dependent case).
+ :=idp(Pi A B) f
(Functions Preserve Paths). For a function
+there is an . This is called
+application of to path or congruence property (, for non-dependent case).
This property behaves functoriality as if paths are groupoid morphisms and types are objects.
FiberPi (B:U)(F: B -> U)(y: B)
- :PathU(fiber (Sigma B F) B (pi1 B F) y)(F y)
(Trivial Fiber equals Family of Sets).
-Inverse image (fiber) of fiber bundle in point equals .
(Homotopy Equivalence). If fiber space is set for all base, and
-there are two functions and two
def FiberPi (B:U)(F: B -> U)(y: B)
+ :PathU(fiber (Sigma B F) B (pi1 B F) y)(F y)
(Trivial Fiber equals Family of Sets).
+Inverse image (fiber) of fiber bundle in point equals .
(Homotopy Equivalence). If fiber space is set for all base, and
+there are two functions and two
homotopies between them, then these homotopies are equal.
setPi (A:U)(B: A -> U)(h:(x: A) -> isSet (B x))(f g: Pi A B)
- (p q:Path(Pi A B) f g):Path(Path(Pi A B) f g) p q
(HomSet). If codomain is set then space of sections is a set.
setFun (A B :U)(_: isSet B): isSet (A -> B)
(Contractability). If domain and codomain is contractible then
def setPi (A:U)(B: A -> U)
+ (h: П (x: A), isSet (B x))(f g: Pi A B)
+ (p q:Path(Pi A B) f g)
+ :Path(Path(Pi A B) f g) p q
(HomSet). If codomain is set then space of sections is a set.
def setFun (A B :U)(_: isSet B): isSet (A -> B)
(Contractability). If domain and codomain is contractible then
the space of sections is contractible.
piIsContr (A:U)(B: A -> U)(u: isContr A)
- (q:(x: A) -> isContr (B x))
- : isContr (Pi A B) pathPi (A:U)(B:A->U)(f g : Pi A B)
- :PathU(Path(Pi A B) f g)
- ((x:A) -> Path(B x)(f x)(g x))
Homotopy Theory
Geometrically, -type is a space of sections,
def piIsContr (A:U)(B: A -> U)(u: isContr A)
+ (q: П (x: A), isContr (B x))
+ : isContr (Pi A B) def pathPi (A:U)(B: A -> U)(f g : Pi A B)
+ :PathU(Path(Pi A B) f g)
+ ((x:A) -> Path(B x)(f x)(g x))
Homotopy Theory
Geometrically, -type is a space of sections,
while the dependent codomain is a space of fibrations.
Lambda functions are sections or points in these spaces,
while the function result is a fibration.
(Fiber). The fiber of the map in a point
-is all points such that .
(Fiber Bundle).
-The fiber bundle on a
-total space with fiber layer and base is a
-structure where is a surjective
(Fiber). The fiber of the map in a point
+is all points such that .
(Fiber Bundle).
+The fiber bundle on a
+total space with fiber layer and base is a
+structure where is a surjective
map with following property:
-for any point exists a neighborhood for which a
+for any point exists a neighborhood for which a
making the following diagram commute.
(Cartesian Product of Family over B). Is a set
-of sections of the bundle with elimination map .
(Cartesian Product of Family over B). Is a set
+of sections of the bundle with elimination map .
such that
is a product projection, so , are moriphisms
-of slice category . The universal mapping property of :
-for all and morphism in exists
-unique map such that everything commute. So a category
is a product projection, so , are moriphisms
+of slice category . The universal mapping property of :
+for all and morphism in exists
+unique map such that everything commute. So a category
with all dependent products is necessarily a category with all pullbacks.
(Trivial Fiber Bundle).
-When total space is cartesian product
-and then such bundle is called trivial .
Category Theory
Categorically, -types arise in locally cartesian closed categories.
-In this case -type represents the cartesian family of sets,
(Trivial Fiber Bundle).
+When total space is cartesian product
+and then such bundle is called trivial .
Category Theory
Categorically, -types arise in locally cartesian closed categories.
+In this case -type represents the cartesian family of sets,
generalizing the cartesian product of sets or dependent product.
(Section). A section of morphism
-in some category is the morphism such that
- equals the identity morphism on B.
(Dependent Product). The dependent product along
-morphism in category is the right
-adjoint of the base change functor.
(Space of Sections). Let be
-a -topos, and let a bundle in
-, object in the slice topos. Then the space of sections
(Section). A section of morphism
+in some category is the morphism such that
+ equals the identity morphism on B.
(Dependent Product). The dependent product along
+morphism in category is the right
+adjoint of the base change functor.
(Space of Sections). Let be
+a -topos, and let a bundle in
+, object in the slice topos. Then the space of sections
of this bundle is the Dependent Product:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/foundations/mltt/pi/index.pug b/foundations/mltt/pi/index.pug
index 8d0c07c2..43636b03 100644
--- a/foundations/mltt/pi/index.pug
+++ b/foundations/mltt/pi/index.pug
@@ -65,8 +65,11 @@ block content
- def lambda (A: U) (B: A → U) (b: Pi A B) : Pi A B := λ (x : A), b x
- def lam (A B: U) (f: A → B) : A → B := λ (x : A), f x
+ def lambda (A: U) (B: A → U) (b: Pi A B)
+ : Pi A B := λ (x : A), b x
+ def lam (A B: U) (f: A → B)
+ : A → B := λ (x : A), f x
@@ -77,7 +80,19 @@ block content
h2 Elimination
- $\mathbf{Definition\ 1.3}$ ($\lambda$-application).
+ $\mathbf{Definition\ 1.3}$ ($\Pi$-Induction Principle). States that
+ if predicate holds for lambda function
+ then there is a function from function space to the space of predicate.
+ +code.
+ def П-ind (A : U) (B : A -> U)
+ (C : Pi A B → U)
+ (g: Π (x: Pi A B), C x)
+ : П (p: Pi A B), C p
+ := \ (p: Pi A B), g p
+ br.
+ +tex.
+ $\mathbf{Definition\ 1.3.1}$ ($\lambda$-application).
Application reduces the term by using recursive substitution.
@@ -86,16 +101,23 @@ block content
- def apply (A: U) (B: A → U) (f: Pi A B) (a: A) : B a := f a
- def app (A B: U) (f: A → B) (x: A): B := f x
+ def apply (A: U) (B: A → U)
+ (f: Pi A B) (a: A) : B a := f a
+ def app (A B: U) (f: A → B)
+ (x: A): B := f x
+ br.
- $\mathbf{Definition\ 1.3.1}$ (Composition).
+ $\mathbf{Definition\ 1.3.2}$ (Composition).
Composition is using application of appropriate singnatures.
- def ∘ᵀ (α β γ: U) : U := (β → γ) → (α → β) → (α → γ)
- def ∘ (α β γ : U) : ∘ᵀ α β γ := λ (g: β → γ) (f: α → β) (x: α), g (f x)
+ def ∘ᵀ (α β γ: U) : U
+ := (β → γ) → (α → β) → (α → γ)
+ def ∘ (α β γ : U) : ∘ᵀ α β γ
+ := λ (g: β → γ) (f: α → β) (x: α), g (f x)
h2 Computation
@@ -141,8 +163,8 @@ block content
This property behaves functoriality as if paths are groupoid morphisms and types are objects.
- FiberPi (B: U) (F: B -> U) (y: B)
- : Path U (fiber (Sigma B F) B (pi1 B F) y) (F y)
+ def FiberPi (B: U) (F: B -> U) (y: B)
+ : Path U (fiber (Sigma B F) B (pi1 B F) y) (F y)
$\mathbf{Theorem\ 1.7}$ (Trivial Fiber equals Family of Sets).
@@ -154,29 +176,33 @@ block content
homotopies between them, then these homotopies are equal.
- setPi (A: U) (B: A -> U) (h: (x: A) -> isSet (B x)) (f g: Pi A B)
- (p q: Path (Pi A B) f g) : Path (Path (Pi A B) f g) p q
+ def setPi (A: U) (B: A -> U)
+ (h: П (x: A), isSet (B x)) (f g: Pi A B)
+ (p q: Path (Pi A B) f g)
+ : Path (Path (Pi A B) f g) p q
+ br.
$\mathbf{Theorem\ 1.9}$ (HomSet). If codomain is set then space of sections is a set.
- setFun (A B : U) (_: isSet B) : isSet (A -> B)
+ def setFun (A B : U) (_: isSet B) : isSet (A -> B)
+ br.
$\mathbf{Theorem\ 1.10}$ (Contractability). If domain and codomain is contractible then
the space of sections is contractible.
- piIsContr (A: U) (B: A -> U) (u: isContr A)
- (q: (x: A) -> isContr (B x))
- : isContr (Pi A B)
+ def piIsContr (A: U) (B: A -> U) (u: isContr A)
+ (q: П (x: A), isContr (B x))
+ : isContr (Pi A B)
- pathPi (A:U) (B:A->U) (f g : Pi A B)
- : Path U (Path (Pi A B) f g)
- ((x:A) -> Path (B x) (f x) (g x))
+ def pathPi (A: U) (B: A -> U) (f g : Pi A B)
+ : Path U (Path (Pi A B) f g)
+ ((x:A) -> Path (B x) (f x) (g x))
h1 Interpretations
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+++ b/foundations/mltt/sigma/index.html
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