DBs to evaluate:
- Jena/Fuseki:
- also need to experiment w/ different ordering of clauses in SPARQL query
- alegrograph
- has free download!
- rdf3x
- python rdflib
- rdf4j
- previously called Sesame
- top braid
- expensive!
- Cayley/gremlin:
- supposedly full Gremlin query lang can translate btwn SPARQL, but the subset currently implemented in Cayley cannot
- neo4j/sparql:
- blog w/ basic directions: http://www.snee.com/bobdc.blog/2014/01/storing-and-querying-rdf-in-ne.html
- seems to not work any more because the maven repo for openrdf is gone
- blazegraph: has free download:
- supports SPARQL/RDF
- Previously called BigData
- dgraph:
- supports GraphQL. Is probably 'compatible' with SPARQL, but involves rewriting queries
- stardog?
- virtuoso
- sesame
have a family of queries we want to run:
- start with the 8 application queries for the Brick paper!
need to "rewrite" the query for each database:
- HodDB and rdf3x may need some tweaking
10 runs; take the average
for each database, we have a directory containing:
- Dockerfile for running the server
- instructions for how to execute a query
- code for running the queries
which file do we run this on?
- start with
- start with
- NOSQL database for RDF: an empirical evaluation