const unit = require('../../botbuilder-unit'); const builder = require('botbuilder'); let script = [ {dialog: "/my-test",args : {name : 'Gisma'}}, {user: "Hi"}, {bot: 'Hello, Gisma!'}, {bot: 'You triggered unreachable dialog!'}, {args : {name : 'Julia'}}, {user: "Hi"}, {bot: 'Hello, Julia!'}, {bot: 'You triggered unreachable dialog!'} ]; // Lets setup the bot // 1. Create Connector // 2. Create Bot instance // 3. Setup index ("/") dialog // 4. Setup "my-test" dialog, the dialog couldb't be reached from index dialog bot = new builder.UniversalBot(); bot.dialog('/', [ session => session.endDialog('Index Dialog') ]); bot.dialog('/my-test', [ (session,args) => { console.log(args); session.send(`Hello, ${}!`) session.endDialog('You triggered unreachable dialog!'); } ]); // Executing test unit(bot, script, { title: 'Sample With Startup Dialog Management', reporter : new unit.BeautyLogReporter() // Display log in messenger-like style, with colors }).then(() => { // If test finished successfully console.log('Script passed'); process.exit(); }, (err) => { // In case of any failure console.error(err); })