This library lets you create NSLayoutConstraints on iOS and OSX using an intuitive syntax.
You can write this:
addConstraint(label.layout.width == superview.layout.width / 2 + 20)
Instead of:
addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint(item: label, attribute: .Width,
relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: superview, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 0.5,
constant: 20))
Use the layout
property on your view to identiny the NSLayoutAttribute
you'd like to constrain.
// etc...
Use ==
and >=
to define the NSLayoutRelation
in the constraint.
label.layout.width == superview.layout.width
button.layout.height <= label.layout.height >= label.layout.height
You can modify the constant in the constraint with addition or subtraction. == label.layout.bottom + 40 - 40 == label.layout.bottom
These equations are reflexive, so the above two lines produce identical NSLayoutConstraints
Multiplication and division similarly will set the multiplier in the constraint.
button.layout.width == label.layout.width * 2
button.layout.width / 2 == label.layout.width
Both of the above two lines will produce identical constraints.
Operate on all the things! YOLO
20 + 2 * button.layout.height - 40 <= 3 * label.layout.height / 2 + 40 - 20
It's handy to quickly define constraints inline with a call to addConstraint
, but you can also easily capture them in a variable.
addConstraint(button.layout.leading == label.layout.trailing + 20)
let buttonLeadingConstraint = button.layout.leading == label.layout.trailing + 20
Layout+ can be easily installed with Carthage.
Add the origin to your Cartfile:
github "guenin/LayoutPlus"
Download & build the framework:
$ carthage update
Drag LayoutPlus.framework
from the Carthage/Build
folder into the “Embedded Binaries” section for your application target in XCode.
Add import LayoutPlus
to any .swift file you want to use it in, and get started!
Layout+ is released under the MIT License.