Beta 3.1 - What lurks in the Frozen City (and the Ghost Archipelago ...)
Yep, I stole the title from my MSETemplates repository ...
So, here's a minor release of Geckos, still in the Beta 3 part of the project. But what's new ?
Well, I've added a new template for the acclaimed miniatures game Frostgrave. I've chosen to translate my own template from Magic Set Editor, and try to get it in SVG. I hope you like it !
With the upcoming release of Frostgrave - Ghost Archipelago, I've also created a second style with a palmtree and another colour :
When you change the style of a card, only the frame is changed. I will look to a way to get the color to change also. But you can modify the color of the frame on any of these cards.
For the french players, the template is also available in french !
Here's a link to the demo, with the Frostgrave template pre-loaded :
Feel free to modify this template, to express your needs about it, or to report any missing feature.
Minor corrections
Three small Issues have been done in this release. You can now choose how to write your ratio in the image fields, the sliding menus are better, and the Rich Text Field is easier to use.