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The First Session


  • introduce the class and set expectations
  • meet all the students and get a feel for their skill levels
  • prioritize all the work
  • get them used to working in pair and using TDD


Will need a signup sheet to gather emails and invite to Trello


Introduction of management and instructors

Management talks about the why of the course

Instructor talks about the what of the course

  • going to teach front-end development and the associated technologies i.e. JavaScript, Jasmine, jQuery
  • going to teach Agile principles and practices TDD, Pair-programming

Instructor talks about the how of the course

  • going to teach this course in an Agile fashion
  • there will be cards with curriculum that the class will prioritize
  • new cards can be added by anyone
  • cards will be tracked on Trello
  • cards will be developed on GitHub

Student Introductions

Go around the room and have the students introduce themselves telling the class

  • name
  • what their background and skill set is, particularly as it relates to development
  • why they are here and what they hope to learn

The Grand Prioritization

Put Trello on the projector

  • explain how it all works
  • explain that they will all be added
  • have the class shout out what they think the priority should be


Getting Your Feet Wet

A coding exercise Go to Code FizzBuzz using TDD and Jasmine

  • do not pair, the goal is to get a feel for the skill level of the students


What did we learn? Good? Bad? Ugly?