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various minor LIFT changes
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tweak logging so that entries are slightly more useful

add while-counting-repetitions* and while-counting-events* which
don't use with-timeout

tweak report generation to add hook so that we can modify the
display name easily

update website templates slightly.

Fix bug wherein inherited dynamic-variables were
overriding more specific ones and add tests for same.

Internal lift tests added; no AG tests
Testsuite run (note that passing AG tests requires an update
to lisp/tests/twinql/lift-twinql-integeration since that file
had a bug masked by the LIFT dynamic-variables bug)
Performance implications: none
Release notes: none (all internal changes)

Change-Id: I66638826c20170a55553e8e6314f7779fa79c6c79
  • Loading branch information
Gary King authored and dklayer committed Jun 9, 2010
1 parent 9bc742d commit 907e178
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Showing 11 changed files with 243 additions and 66 deletions.
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions COPYING
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Gary Warren King (
Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Gary Warren King (

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,11 +54,12 @@ Experimental Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Professor Paul Cohen, Director.
All rights reserved.

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
documentation is hereby granted without fee for non-commercial uses
only (not for resale), provided that the above copyright notice of EKSL,
this paragraph and the one following appear in all copies and in
supporting documentation.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

EKSL makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any
purposes. It is provided "AS IS", without express or implied warranties
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions dev/config.lisp
Expand Up @@ -385,6 +385,8 @@ use asdf:test-op or bind *current-asdf-system-name* yourself."))))))
(writable-directory-p dest))
(format *debug-io* "~&Sending report (format ~s) to ~a"
format dest)
(loop for hook in (report-hooks-for :report-display-name) do
(funcall hook format dest))
*test-result* dest format))
Expand Down
48 changes: 23 additions & 25 deletions dev/lift.lisp
Expand Up @@ -631,26 +631,26 @@ Test options are one of :setup, :teardown, :test, :tests, :documentation, :expor
;;?? we assume that we won't have too deep a hierarchy or too many
;; dv's or functions so that having lots of duplicate names is OK
(let ((slots nil)
(dynamic-variables nil)
(inherited-dynamic-variables nil)
(dynamic-variables (%build-pairs (def :direct-dynamic-variables)))
(function-specs nil))
(dolist (super (def :superclasses))
(cond ((find-testsuite super)
(setf slots (append slots (test-slots super))
(append dynamic-variables
(append inherited-dynamic-variables
(testsuite-dynamic-variables super))
(append function-specs
(testsuite-function-specs super))))
(error 'testsuite-not-defined :testsuite-name super))))
(loop for pair in inherited-dynamic-variables
unless (find (first pair) dynamic-variables :key #'first) collect
(progn (push pair dynamic-variables) pair))
(setf (def :slot-names)
(remove-duplicates (append (def :direct-slot-names) slots))
(def :dynamic-variables)
(append (%build-pairs (def :direct-dynamic-variables))
:key #'car)
(def :dynamic-variables) (nreverse dynamic-variables)
(def :function-specs)
(append (def :function-specs) function-specs)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1493,28 +1493,26 @@ Test options are one of :setup, :teardown, :test, :tests, :documentation, :expor
(make-instance 'test-timeout-condition
:maximum-time (maximum-time testsuite)))))))

(defmethod testsuite-log-data ((suite t) )
(defmethod testsuite-log-data ((suite t))

(defmethod testsuite-log-data :around ((suite t))
(multiple-value-bind (additional error?)
(ignore-errors (call-next-method))
(if error?
`(:error "error occured gathering additional data")

(defmethod test-case-teardown :around ((suite log-results-mixin) result)
(declare (ignore result))
(let ((problem (getf (test-data suite) :problem)))
(unless (and problem (typep problem 'test-error-mixin))
(multiple-value-bind (additional error?)
(ignore-errors (testsuite-log-data suite))
(getf (test-data suite) :seconds)
(getf (test-data suite) :conses)
`(:suite ,(form-keyword *current-testsuite-name*)
:name ,(form-keyword *current-test-case-name*)
,@(when (and *test-result*
(result-uuid *test-result*))
`(:uuid ,(result-uuid *test-result*)))
,@(if error?
`(:error "error occured gathering additional data")
(getf (test-data suite) :seconds)
(getf (test-data suite) :conses)
`(,@(testsuite-log-data suite))))))

;;?? might be "cleaner" with a macrolet (cf. lift-result)
(defun lift-property (name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1573,4 +1571,4 @@ Test options are one of :setup, :teardown, :test, :tests, :documentation, :expor
(test-case-option 'test-dependencies-helper 'test-c :depends-on)
(setf (test-case-option 'test-dependencies-helper 'test-c :depends-on) :test-c)
(remove-test-case-options 'test-dependencies-helper)
72 changes: 71 additions & 1 deletion dev/macros.lisp
Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,41 @@ be executed more than a fixnum number of times. The `delay` defaults to
(funcall ,gfn))))

(defmacro while-counting-repetitions* ((&optional (delay 1.0)) &body body)
"Count the number of times `body` executes in `delay` seconds.
Warning: assumes that `body` will not be executed more than a fixnum
number of times. The `delay` defaults to 1.0.
Unlike [while-counting-repetitions][] , this does not use with-timeout and
therefore assumes that `body` executes quickly relative to delay."
(let ((gevent-count (gensym "count-"))
(gdelay (gensym "delay-"))
(gduration (gensym "duration-"))
(gfn (gensym "fn-"))
(gstart (gensym "start-"))
(gend (gensym "end-")))
`(let ((,gfn
'(lambda ()
(let* ((,gevent-count 0)
(,gdelay (truncate (* ,delay internal-time-units-per-second)))
(,gstart (get-internal-real-time))
(,gend (+ ,gstart ,gdelay)))
(declare (type fixnum ,gevent-count))
(loop while (< (get-internal-real-time) ,gend) do
(progn ,@body)
(setf ,gevent-count (the fixnum (1+ ,gevent-count))))
(let ((,gduration (/ (- ,gend ,gstart)
(if (plusp ,gevent-count)
(float (/ ,gevent-count ,gduration))
,gduration ,gevent-count)))))))
(funcall ,gfn))))

(defmacro while-counting-events ((&optional (delay 1.0)) &body body)
"Returns the count of the number of times `did-event` was called during
`delay` seconds. See also: [while-counting-repetitions][]."
Expand All @@ -172,7 +207,42 @@ be executed more than a fixnum number of times. The `delay` defaults to
(progn ,@body)))
(timeout-error (c)
(declare (ignore c))
(float (/ ,gevent-count ,delay))))))))
(float (/ ,gevent-count ,delay))))))))

(defmacro while-counting-events* ((&optional (delay 1.0)) &body body)
"Count the number of times `did-event` is called `body` during `delay`.
Warning: assumes that `body` will not be executed more than a fixnum
number of times. The `delay` defaults to 1.0.
Unlike [while-counting-events][] , this does not use with-timeout and
therefore assumes that `body` executes quickly relative to delay."
(let ((gevent-count (gensym "count-"))
(gdelay (gensym "delay-"))
(gduration (gensym "duration-"))
(gfn (gensym "fn-"))
(gstart (gensym "start-"))
(gend (gensym "end-")))
`(let* ((,gfn (lambda ()
(let* ((,gevent-count 0)
(,gdelay (truncate (* ,delay internal-time-units-per-second)))
(,gstart (get-internal-real-time))
(,gend (+ ,gstart ,gdelay)))
(declare (type fixnum ,gevent-count))
(flet ((did-event () (incf ,gevent-count)))
(loop while (< (get-internal-real-time) ,gend) do
(progn ,@body)))
(let ((,gduration (float (/ (- ,gend ,gstart)
(if (plusp ,gevent-count)
(/ ,gevent-count ,gduration)
,gduration ,gevent-count))))))
(unless (compiled-function-p ,gfn)
(setf ,gfn (compile nil ,gfn)))
(funcall ,gfn))))

;; stolen from metatilities
(defmacro muffle-redefinition-warnings (&body body)
Expand Down
20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion dev/measuring.lisp
Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,23 @@ The accuracy can be no greater than {hs internal-time-units-per-second}.")
(funcall fn)))))

(defun standard-log-data ()
(let ((custom
(loop for hook in (report-hooks-for :standard-log-data) append
(multiple-value-bind (datum error?)
(funcall hook)
(if error? `(:error ,(format nil "calling hook ~a" hook)) datum)))))
`(,@(when *current-testsuite-name*
`(:suite ,(form-keyword *current-testsuite-name*)))
,@(when *current-test-case-name*
`(:name ,(form-keyword *current-test-case-name*)))
,@(when (and *test-result* (testsuite-initargs *test-result*))
`(:testsuite-initargs ,(testsuite-initargs *test-result*)))
,@(when (and *test-result*
(result-uuid *test-result*))
`(:uuid ,(result-uuid *test-result*)))
,@(when custom custom))))

(defun generate-profile-log-entry (log-name name seconds conses results error)
(generate-log-entry name seconds conses :results results :error error
:sample-count (and (plusp (current-profile-sample-count))
Expand All @@ -119,7 +136,8 @@ The accuracy can be no greater than {hs internal-time-units-per-second}.")
(date-stamp :include-time? t :time-delimiter #\:)
(or name *log-tag*)
(hostname) *current-user* (lisp-version-string)
seconds conses additional-data
seconds conses
(append (standard-log-data) additional-data)
results sample-count

Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion dev/packages.lisp
Expand Up @@ -24,13 +24,17 @@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,4 +188,4 @@ doesn't seem to include. LIFT will define these for now but you may want to cons
:type (or type (pathname-type pathname))
:directory directory)
(asdf::system-source-directory system)))))

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dev/reports.lisp
Expand Up @@ -934,8 +934,8 @@ lift::(progn
(setf seconds (first measures) conses (second measures)
results result error errorp))
;; cleanup / ensure we get report
(generate-profile-log-entry log-name name seconds conses results error)
(when (and style (> (current-profile-sample-count) 0))
(generate-profile-log-entry log-name name seconds conses results error)
(let ((pathname (if destination-supplied?
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion dev/utilities.lisp
Expand Up @@ -495,4 +495,3 @@ if `putative-pair` is a cons cell with a non-nil cdr."
(format nil "~a" thing))

65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions test/test-dynamic-variables.lisp
Expand Up @@ -60,4 +60,69 @@ marked as special in the global environment.")
(ensure-null (lift::errors r))
(ensure-null (lift::failures r))))


(deftestsuite test-dynamic-variables-helper-parent ()
(*tdvhp* 1)))

(addtest (test-dynamic-variables-helper-parent)
(ensure-same *tdvhp* 1))

(deftestsuite test-dynamic-variables-helper-other-parent ()
(*tdvhp* 3)))

(deftestsuite test-dynamic-variables-helper-child (test-dynamic-variables-helper-parent)
(*tdvhp* 2)))

(addtest (test-dynamic-variables-helper-child)
(ensure-same *tdvhp* 2))

(deftestsuite test-dynamic-variables-helper-two-parents-a
(test-dynamic-variables-helper-parent test-dynamic-variables-helper-other-parent)

(addtest (test-dynamic-variables-helper-two-parents-a)
(ensure-same *tdvhp* 1))

(deftestsuite test-dynamic-variables-helper-two-parents-b
(test-dynamic-variables-helper-other-parent test-dynamic-variables-helper-parent)

(addtest (test-dynamic-variables-helper-two-parents-b)
(ensure-same *tdvhp* 3))


(deftestsuite test-dynamic-variables-inheritance (test-dynamic-variables)

(addtest (test-dynamic-variables-inheritance)
(let ((r (run-tests :suite 'test-dynamic-variables-helper-child)))
(ensure-same (length (tests-run r)) 1)
(ensure-null (lift::errors r))
(ensure-null (lift::failures r))))

(addtest (test-dynamic-variables-inheritance)
(let ((r (run-tests :suite 'test-dynamic-variables-helper-two-parents-a)))
(ensure-same (length (tests-run r)) 1)
(ensure-null (lift::errors r))
(ensure-null (lift::failures r))))

(addtest (test-dynamic-variables-inheritance)
(let ((r (run-tests :suite 'test-dynamic-variables-helper-two-parents-b)))
(ensure-same (length (tests-run r)) 1)
(ensure-null (lift::errors r))
(ensure-null (lift::failures r))))
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions website/source/
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@

* [Mailing Lists][3]
* [Getting it][4]
* [Documentation][5]
{remark * [Documentation][5] }
* [News][6]
* [Test results][tr]
{remark * [Test results][tr] }
* [Changelog][7]

[3]: #mailing-lists
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,12 +65,11 @@ The externals of LIFT haven't changed too much though the implementation has bee

### Where is it

A [Darcs][16] repository is available. The commands are
listed below: is slowly switching from [darcs][] to [git][]
for source control; the current LIFT repository is on
[github][github-lift] and you can clone it using:


darcs get
git clone git://

LIFT is also [ASDF installable][18]. Its CLiki home is right
[where][19] you'd expect.
Expand All @@ -86,6 +85,8 @@ There's also a handy [gzipped tar file][20].

### What is happening

10 April 2010 - moved to git; lots of other stuff too but it's all undocumented :-(.

1 March 2008
Much excitement and new features. If only someone would write up the documentation.

Expand Down

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