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A fork of Sunzi

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." - Sunzi

Roll, like Sunzi is an easy server provisioning utility designed with simplicity in mind. If Chef or Puppet is driving you nuts, try Roll!

Its design goals are:

  • It's just shell script. No clunky Ruby DSL involved. Most of the information about server configuration on the web is written in shell commands. Just copy-paste them, rather than translate it into an arbitrary DSL. Also, Bash is the greatest common denominator on minimum Linux installs.
  • Focus on diff from default. No big-bang overwriting. Append or replace the smallest possible piece of data in a config file. Loads of custom configurations make it difficult to understand what you are really doing.
  • Always use the root user. Think twice before blindly assuming you need a regular user - it doesn't add any security benefit for server provisioning, it just adds extra verbosity for nothing. However, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't create regular users with Roll - feel free to write your own scripts.
  • Minimum dependencies. No configuration server required. You don't even need a Ruby runtime on the remote server.



$ git clone
$ cd roll && rake install
$ roll version

Go into your project directory (if it's a Rails project, config would be a good place to start with), then:

$ roll create

It generates a roll folder along with subdirectories and templates. Inside roll, there are roll.yml and Those two are the most important files that you mainly work on.

Go into the roll directory, then run roll deploy:

$ cd roll
$ roll deploy <host>

Now, what it actually does is:

  1. Compile roll.yml to generate attributes and retrieve remote scripts, then copy files into the compiled directory
  2. SSH to <host> and login as root
  3. Transfer the content of the compiled directory to the remote server and extract in $HOME/roll
  5. Run on the remote server

As you can see, all you need to do is edit and add some shell commands. That's it.

A Roll project without any scripts or roles is totally fine, so that you can start small, go big as you get along.


$ roll                                           # Show command help
$ roll compile                                   # Compile Roll project
$ roll create                                    # Create a new Roll project
$ roll deploy [cluster|user@host:port] [role] [--sudo]   # Deploy Roll project

$ roll setup [linode|digital_ocean]              # Setup a new VM on the cloud services
$ roll teardown [linode|digital_ocean] [name]    # Teardown an existing VM on the cloud services

Directory structure

Here's the directory structure that roll create automatically generates:

roll/      # main script
  roll.yml        # add custom attributes and remote scripts here

  scripts/        # put commonly used scripts here, referred from
  roles/          # when role is specified, scripts here will be concatenated         # to in the compile phase
  files/          # put any files to be transferred
  compiled/       # everything under this folder will be transferred to the
                  # remote server (do not edit directly)

How do you pass dynamic values?

Roll adds ROLL_NAME, ROLL_HOST, ROLL_USER to at runtime, so you can access $ROLL_NAME, $ROLL_HOST, $ROLL_USER in your scripts

Also, There are two ways to pass dynamic values to the script - ruby and bash.

For ruby (recommended): Make sure eval_erb: true is set in roll.yml. In the compile phase, attributes defined in roll.yml are accessible from any files in the form of <%= @attributes.ruby_version %>.

For bash: In the compile phase, attributes defined in roll.yml are split into multiple files in compiled/attributes, one per attribute. Now you can refer to it by $(cat attributes/ruby_version) in the script.

For instance, given the following

echo "Goodbye <%= @attributes.goodbye %>, Hello <%= @attributes.hello %>!"

With roll.yml:

  goodbye: Chef
  hello: Roll

Now, you get the following result.

Goodbye Chef, Hello Roll!

Remote Scripts

Scripts can be retrieved remotely via HTTP. Put a URL in the scripts section of roll.yml, and Roll will automatically load the content and put it into the compiled/scripts folder in the compile phase.

For instance, if you have the following line in roll.yml,

  rvm: will be available and you can refer to that recipe by source scripts/

You may find sample scripts in these repositories useful:

Role-based configuration

You probably have different configurations between web servers and database servers.

No problem - how Roll handles role-based configuration is refreshingly simple.

Shell scripts under the roles directory, such as or, are automatically recognized as a role. The role script will be appended to at deploy, so you should put common configurations in and role specific procedures in the role script.

For instance, when you set up a new web server, deploy with a role name:

roll deploy <cluster|host> web

It is equivalent to running, followed by


You can find a sample or two here:

Cloud Support

You can setup a new VM, or teardown an existing VM interactively. Use roll setup and roll teardown for that.




If you're using Roll with Vagrant, make sure that you have a root access via SSH.

An easy way is to edit Vagrantfile: do |config|
  config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "echo 'root:vagrant' | /usr/sbin/chpasswd"

and now run vagrant up, it will change the root password to vagrant.

Also keep in mind that you need to specify the port number 2222.

$ roll deploy <host>:2222

What's new

  • v1.4: Added ROLL_NAME, ROLL_HOST, ROLL_USER dynamic update.
  • v1.3: Added clusters to roll.yml
  • v1.2: Evaluate everything as ERB templates by default. Added "files" folder.
  • v1.1: "set -e" by default. apt-get everywhere in place of aptitude. Linode DNS support for DigitalOcean instances.
  • v1.0: System functions are refactored into roll.mute() and roll.install().
  • v0.9: Support for DigitalOcean setup / teardown.
  • v0.8: Added --sudo option to roll deploy.
  • v0.7: Added erase_remote_folder and cache_remote_scripts preferences for customized behavior.
  • v0.6: System function roll::silencer() added for succinct log messages.
  • v0.5: Role-based configuration supported. Reworked directory structure. Incompatible with previous versions.

What's todo

  • support more clouds
  • support image creation
  • support running arbitrary commands with logging


A simple provisioning and automation tool based on sunzi.






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