Implements the following algorithms:
- Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
- Floyd-Warshall all-pair shortest path algorithm
and applies them to a navigation application.
Generate the Cmake files and build the application.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
$ make
The following is to be typed at the command line:
$ ./shortest [source] [destination]
Display this help message if no arguments are provided.
This application implements two approaches to finding out the shortest path between two landmarks on a locations map:
Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm: This algorithm allows us to find the shortest path between two landmarks: the source and the destination.
To use this approach, provide four arguments to this application, as follows:
$ ./shortest 2 3
where, 2 and 3 are respectively the indices of the source and the destination landmarks in Note that indexing beings at zero, and not at one).
Alternatively, the user may also specify the landmarks by name. For instance,
$ ./shortest "Edinburgh" "Oxford"
Floyd-Warshall's all-pair shortest paths algorithm: This algorithm allows us to find all of the shortest paths between every landmark on the It is particularly useful when we wish to generate all of the paths for display at each of the landmarks.
To use this approach, invoke the application as follows:
$ ./shortest