The aim of this project is to provide:
- A list of upcoming events about software.
- A quick access to Call For Presentation pages.
- An ical feed of events for each country.
I started this project because I was tired to visit many websites to have basic information about the event I was interested in. I hope it will be useful to you. My goal is to make it a website maintained by a community, so feel free to participate!
Feel free to add your events to the website. For that you just have to add a file in the folder corresponding to the event country and open a PR accordingly.
The file format is pretty simple, see an example (all fields are required except cfp
name: FOSDEM' 17
start: 2017-02-04-10:00:00
end: 2017-02-05-18:00:00
added: 2016-08-01-00:00:00
place: ULB
address: Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50 1050 Bruxelles
To name the file simply follow this convention: *YYYYMMDD*-*event-name*.yml
Example: 20170204-fosdem.yml
The file is located at events/belgium
Once your event added, the website will be rebuilt.
You can test your changes by building the website and open the generated index file:
firefox build/index.html
- Frank (@frankrousseau)
- Nicolas (@nikaro)
- Pierre (@catwell)
- Bryan (@chreekat)
- Emmanuel (@ehsavoie)
- Shaiou (@Shaiou)
- Pierre (@pierrevdk)
- Christophe (@descl)
- @h0xt0n
- Nicolas Charlot (@charlot)
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