07:39:55 Transcript. Okay, and I'm going to record to the loud. 07:40:06 Okay. 07:40:08 So let me give a little brief for the recording of we're going to do a recording of setting up a repo for a brand new project. This project is the guides. 07:40:19 Okay, so I am going to choose the template hack relay type GitHub. 07:40:24 That's the only template we have, and I'm going to choose the repository name guides. 07:40:30 Later, the two product managers will Gotham and Boogie will write a description for this so I may skip that for now I'm making this public, and I'm clicking Create repository. 07:40:43 Now it is generating repository. 07:40:48 And the, what the repository comes with is a bunch of issue templates, some of them are outdated and I probably should have cleaned those up before I've created this but I have not. 07:41:00 But some of them are useful, and then it also comes with this README file, which has kind of guide to how to create a readme it's you don't have to follow it strictly but it gets you started so when you guys are editing this, you will you will have some, 07:41:19 some idea of what to put it in and then also you will be writing a description for this product. 07:41:27 Okay. 07:41:26 It also comes with a license. This is the standard license that we use on all projects here hack for life. Okay. 07:41:33 Having said that, now the next thing I need to do is I need to create teams and I need to add y'all to this, so that you can have access to make edits to this. 07:41:43 So I'm going to click on hack for LA. And now I'm going to go to teams, and I'm going to click on new team, and I'm going to make one called the same thing as the called the same thing as the report repo itself. 07:42:02 So, and then again description leaving that off, you don't have to write anything later there on that. 07:42:08 And I'm creating the team. And then I'm going to create, I'm going to add, I'm going to connect it with the repository. 07:42:17 So, this is, guys. And then I'm going to click Add repository to Team asked me for my password. 07:42:34 OK, so now we have the repository is now connected to it so now I'm going to add another team we're going to add a total of three teams, I think, so I'm adding another team underneath the first team, and I'm calling that guides, dash right great team. 07:42:52 And everything is the same. Notice that it has a parent of guides, so I'm clicking on great team. And now I am going to the repository that's already connected for the right team, and I'm changing this to right. 07:43:08 Okay. Add repository open Nope, sorry, add another team under this one out a team. 07:43:18 GitHub. 07:43:18 GitHub. 07:43:19 Oh sorry my brain guides guides dash, maintain, create team. 07:43:33 Create it's under now the right team create team so inherits the, the repository and the permissions of the parent I'm changing this one to maintain and then clicking on teams and one last team at a team, and we're going to call this guides admin. 07:43:50 And now we click on Create team, and repository changing that to admin. 07:43:57 Okay, now our teams are created. Now we need to add some people to the teams, please put your GitHub handles in the chat. 07:44:09 Okay. A while you guys are doing that, I'm going to I'm going to look for the chat. There we go. 07:44:18 And I'm going to go to the admin guides I'm there I'm clicking on members, and I'm going to add some members. 07:44:29 Yes. Yeah. Okay. Perfect. 07:44:39 Okay. 07:44:46 Okay. Um, I kind of sped through that let me back up a second. So when I added Gotham. You are already a member of the organization with your GitHub, so it automatically added you to the team, you don't have to accept you may have gotten an email telling 07:45:02 you I've added you to team but that's it. 07:45:05 Then when I click Add member and I put bookies in, it says not a member of the organization and team, which means that book you will need to accept an invitation in her email. 07:45:17 So I click that I click invite an admin. 07:45:22 So now, who has an email, and it's going to be a to click process click once in the email join, and then click ones. When you get to get hub, because it when you click join it takes you to get out and then you will be, you'll go from pending to actually 07:45:36 a member here. 07:45:38 And then, just for good measure, since we're recording this, I'm going to go show what happens when, when you add somebody to the organization. I'm going to go back up to hack for LA, I'm going to click on people, and I'm going to look up Gotham. 07:45:57 And, there you are, and you have two factor authentication set to, to know and you have this set to private. So, I'm going to send you a link to this in the chat, and you can click on that and you will notice that on your screen you see where it says 07:46:15 private has a little drop down you could change that to public. And then what what that does for you is, I will show you what it does for me so that you can see it is if I go to my own profile experiments and honesty, which is very goofy. 07:46:35 You will see that I have all these organizations listed below. That is because these organizations have added me to the repo and I've turned to change my visibility from from from private to public, but at least I think I have, but I haven't really because 07:46:54 see how I see all these because I'm looking at my own profile there's 1-234-567-8910 1112, but if I go. 07:47:04 I'm going to stop sharing for a second. If I go to incognito mode, which I'm going to do, so that it'll be like when other people are seeing it on, let me go to find the incognito window then I'm going to share my screen again. 07:47:20 And that's what you see what other people say, by the way, incognito is totally your friend when you want to check things are the way you want them, including permissions on files. 07:47:30 Do you think you think other people can click on the link just go to incognito and check it. Okay, so I go to my profile. And now, I remember how many there were but look there's only one line. 07:47:41 So I need to probably do an audit between the ones that I thought I'm public on and the ones I'm not so I can add all of those, so that people can see how many people trust me. 07:47:53 How many different organizations repositories trust me, because that is a, that's a mark of your, of your active activity inside of the community. 07:48:05 While I'm here I'm also just for the sake of it. 07:48:08 You will see these green boxes on GitHub. This tells you how active you are on GitHub, but you can also click on something and go and look at look at what you did on that date, super handy for working on the resume. 07:48:22 And we'll cover that more later. Okay, so I'm going to stop sharing go back to my non incognito window to get rid of this and go back to this window screen share. 07:48:36 Okay, and let us go back to the GitHub page that we were on. 07:48:45 And, which was here, and I'm reloading. So buki up there there's bookie okay great so. 07:48:52 So same thing with buki is basically if you go to hack for lay people. 07:48:59 And you look yourself up. Right then, it said to private and you can change that I'm going to put John's gonna put that in the chat for you so you got it you've got a shortcut for how to get there. 07:49:12 And I'm going to click on Gotham's and see if he's changed it. I you've changed it. Yay. 07:49:17 I could also weirdly, I can now change it to be private if I wanted to, which is weird. 07:49:24 That before oh you could change it I could change it that's very odd, because I am the queen of all things here. 07:49:31 So, okay. So, but I've made you guys the Queen kings and queens of your repo. 07:49:38 So you can make changes on there but I also want to do one other thing, and I want to make it possible for you to add people to your repo. 07:49:50 And we will definitely do that. Um, okay, let's see what else. 07:49:52 And I will do that later. Um. 07:49:56 Now we're going to go back to what we originally doing which is clicking on repositories and guides. Ah, yes. Okay, so you will notice that this is generated from getting from this template repo, I'm actually going to go to the repo in a new window, and 07:50:10 I'm going to. 07:50:27 And I'm going to go to which project forward, and I'm going to click on hope not. That's not what I wanted. Sorry, I'm going to go to the tablet board, and I'm going to end and then there's this tablet words, totally empty. 07:50:29 I have a slide deck that I've made the tells you how to take, how to make this template board on your project, and how to copy all of these things. 07:50:42 But, onto your board, but I also have a shortcut way of doing it. And so for today we're going to use the shortcut. Click on the three things I'm going to say copy, and I'm going to tell it that I want to move it to the guides. 07:50:57 And there we go, guides, and then the name of this is product management management. 07:51:06 And we're clicking on copy. 07:51:09 And it's copying the whole board, it's copying all the automation over it copy the columns and the automation, but it didn't copy any of the, it didn't copy any of the any of the cards, that's really easy to do though. 07:51:30 Let me go back to that. Okay, so now I have Hold on, now I have the tablet board where the cards are, and I have the, and I have the board where there's no cards, and I'm going to stop sharing, I'm going to share my entire desktop. 07:51:46 This time, and I'm going to split screen these for you. 07:51:51 Let's see. just grab that pull that over here, and. 07:51:57 Sorry, this is going to make everything very tiny apologize but I'm a tiny this just made things I needed a smaller screen there we go okay so just to make this easy I've got both of them on the screen at the same time. 07:52:10 And I'm just going to click the plus sign on the top of each one of these columns, just to make my life easier. 07:52:17 Get those all ready to go. 07:52:21 And then start at the beginning. 07:52:24 I'm going to 07:52:28 edit this, and I'm going to copy. 07:52:34 Ad Council, so do that again this time I must say it out loud, I'm going to hit three dots on the card I want to copy I'm going to click Edit note. I'm going to copy it, and I'm going to close it, and I'm going to paste it over on the BMT board and I'm 07:52:49 click Add, And then we click Cancel to get rid of that to get rid of that box, and I will go to the third one, which is the prioritize backlog. 07:52:58 Okay, edit note. Copy that. 07:53:03 Okay. 07:53:09 Next one is the is the in progress, 07:53:14 And I'm pasting that and we're adding it, and we have the final one, which is the way I feel like I just copied it wait prioritize backlog Yeah. Wait, why did it not copy, do something wrong. 07:53:27 I don't know let's try that again copy, oh no it's down there sorry. Okay. Okay. Yeah, it's a lot. 07:53:34 Okay. 07:53:36 Okay, great. So now the last one, and I've added it, and. 07:53:40 Yeah. 07:53:42 Okay, so the process was just to recap, make empty cards, hit the three dots on the card you want to copy copy the text, close the box where the text is paste it over on the paste it over on the new empty card, and then click Add and then click Cancel 07:54:03 to get rid of the to get rid of the open the open. 07:54:07 You know, thinking is there and you're done. Okay, so we did that so now I can close this get have one and I can stop sharing my entire screen and make this more easy. 07:54:16 We're back to this one window. So now we have a project board, where we can, where we can make where we can make all the issues that we need. So now as I take you on a tour, I'll be able to put a link to everything I'm showing you, so you'll be able to 07:54:32 get back to it later easily. So, first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put this in the chat. This is your project board for right that's your repo and that's your project board for the guides. 07:54:45 Now, I want to make in the start and actually I'm going to edit this this template of the cards is from before we've made some recent iterations on I don't think we've updated the template yet. 07:54:59 I'm going to edit this actually I'm going to edit this column to say not links questions to review but just questions and review. And I'm going to update the column. 07:55:11 I'm also going to update the name of the card. 07:55:15 I'm going angers you got the word clanks cards that. 07:55:20 And I'm going to move that move this sentence. Okay so issues that are blocked out because you need an answer from another team member or type of question and review, and I'm going to go over here to start and I'm going to add this to start includes things 07:55:33 like meeting time zoom links and everything team members need to read cars have links that you need to get too often. 07:55:41 And I'm going to edit this. Yeah, I'm going to leave it as start here ok so now I'm going to make another card in this column, and I'm going to call it links. 07:55:52 And now as I show y'all things. That's where I'm going to put the links to them. So, let's start with the, with the read me that we're going to need to update, right, is right here, you guys. 07:56:09 So what I was referenced that you will know where to find it. So links guides project. 07:56:16 Read Me. 07:56:19 And I'm going to make each one of these into a link by putting brackets around it. 07:56:24 And I'm going to put a parentheses around it around the URL itself. Sorry. 07:56:29 There we go. And so I'm going to click Add so you can see what this looks like. Now we have like links guides project read me. Right, but I'm just going to keep adding things to this to this card, as we go along. 07:56:49 They are currently in a lot of different places. So let me go to my Google Drive. And I'm going to search for the word guides, and I'm going to see what comes up, I believe I organized up all hack relay guides. 07:57:05 Product Management data folder. 07:57:08 No Yes. Also, yes but also no, um, let me explain. So here's says this is a folder that I put a star on in my own in my own Google folder system. It's called I've called it all half really guides and you will notice it's full of shortcuts to all of the 07:57:26 different folders. Okay, so that's problematic. 07:57:32 We need to have all of the guides be listed in a specific folder, and a specific drive. 07:57:40 And so for now I'm going to put a link to this, and then I'm going to give you all permissions to each of these folders. But what I want to do is I want to move them all to a actual Google Drive over here because we're doing that anyway on all of our 07:57:57 projects, so we might as well just take all the guides, out of the folders where they are now, and put them in the Google Drive, and then give everybody access to the Google give everybody access to, to the Google Drive or the Google or the folders on 07:58:13 the Google Drive. 07:58:14 Okay, so in the meantime though, here's the link to this folder. Let's put it funny. Yes. I didn't understand the last year to date, under the Act for allocate folder to Google Drive. 07:58:31 Yeah. Okay, let me, let me stop and explain that for a minute. Hold on one sec. 07:58:51 All hack hack for LA guides shortcuts shortcuts because that's what that is right now. 07:58:46 Let me, let me, I will totally explain the whole Google folder staying in a second. Okay, So that's so that's the shortcut. 07:59:03 So, This is, this says hack really guides folder. So let's go to it. 07:59:14 And this is for the hack for like, this is for the hack for a website. So I need to give you both, access to this. So let me ask you to put your email address in the chat. 07:59:28 And then I will click on. 07:59:31 I'm trying to figure out how okay so right clicking on that, and sharing this with you. 07:59:41 Okay, email address one. 07:59:47 And I apologize, you're about to get a ton of emails actually I could probably make it so you don't have a ton of emails. 07:59:54 I probably should do that yeah let me. Okay, so I'm going to I'm going to not sure I'm not going to send the emails, sorry, except for that last one that I just sent, I'm going to not notify people otherwise you're just get a ton of emails with shared 08:00:06 this drive show that drive but you don't need it because you have the link in your, in your, you have the LinkedIn. Yeah, but I'm gonna have to do this for each one. 08:00:15 So because they are all over the place right now. 08:00:18 Okay so admin guides let's go to the next one. There's nothing in here, so I don't. Yeah, so I'm, I move, I'm not going to share a folder with you. I'm going to share a folder with you if there's nothing in here. 08:00:31 No, because, because that's because if there's nothing in there, we don't need to move this folder if we could just, we'll just end up deleting it but I left it because they're supposed to be admin guys okay so product management guides let's see I know 08:00:46 there's a lot there yes so let me share this with you. Okay so share. 08:00:52 And let's do that again. And yes, and also this one. 08:01:01 Okay, but not notified y'all share. Okay, yes I'm sharing this with you with y'all. Okay, now we go back and we have the best product management that would go to the ops guides. 08:01:16 I know there's an ops guide is just not in this folder. 08:01:23 I'm going to click on the ops folder and see if I can find it. Oh look, ops guide so I was just linking to the wrong folder. So instead, I'm going to let me just make sure that no way that's empty wait what Oh, got it. 08:01:36 stakeholders hosting Doc, oh Doc, maybe objectives analytics for Roku AWS, let me just click on this and see if it's a okay that's empty DevOps or any of these gut stuffing them. 08:01:54 No Come on dude. dB. He started it, but he didn't actually finish it decisions. Okay, well there is something here. I'm just going to delete the folders that are empty, just to make this, do I want to delete the folders that are empty or do we need the 08:02:11 subcategories. 08:02:13 Okay, I think what we need is a screenshot of these will actually connect copy copy control see, let me try to see if I can paste this into the nope I can't paste it into the chat. 08:02:26 Okay, so I'm just going to make a screenshot of this. 08:02:31 And then I'm going to put the screenshot and because we later will want these categories, but not in folders will want them in our like what is a winner our guides about right he's identified with the guides are about to lose that. 08:02:44 So, I'm sorry, this is a little this a little down a rabbit hole. 08:02:49 But I do want to try to find the. 08:02:53 What's the short way of me handling this. 08:02:56 I think the most important thing right now she's to give you guys access to a weekend go down this rabbit hole again later together. So I say docs is where he's actually putting his docs. 08:03:05 So I'm going to, because it does, it didn't seem like there were empty, empty. So it's really just that one folder analytics. 08:03:17 Oh my goodness, Roku. 08:03:24 Yeah. 08:03:24 So the only one that is there's decisions and repository license review those are the only two that are actually there. I'm okay. 08:03:35 I'm still going to move the files and decisions to the common folder structure. 08:03:46 Yes, yes what you said. 08:03:51 I'm actually going to move. Yeah, moving at. And then I'm going to go back up to Ops, and then I'm actually going to move. 08:03:58 I'm actually going to move this into guides. 08:04:06 If it's in Rochester, New seen before the. 08:04:10 Yeah, I'm going to move that one. Well that's, is that a guide, it's not really a guide. Decisions though is a guide. 08:04:18 So I'm going to move that into guides. 08:04:23 Yes. Okay, so now this is the thing that you all need access to which is guides because I think product is empty, then we just make sure that these are the users. 08:04:35 Yes, mg stakeholders. 08:04:40 Holy moly, my friend. 08:04:46 hosting he had plans. 08:04:45 Oh, but these have stuff to what's in these are these actually have stuff. Oh, this is quite a lot of stuff actually these also might be guides. Okay, I'm going to go back. 08:04:58 I'm going to go back so I'm going to say that 08:05:06 I'm going to move that back out the decisions back to ops. 08:05:11 But I am going to say this, and that is that I'm going to make up. I'm going to make a new file in here so that I don't have to reinvestigate this and this file is going to be called on what is going on with the ops folder. 08:05:33 Read this first. 08:05:37 Actually, 08:05:42 this first ash, what's going on with the apps folder. 08:05:46 This folder was created by Joel, and there are a lot are a lot of file folders that are empty, empty, because he was trying to create a structure for the team. 08:06:12 For the ops for the ops OBS ops community, practice, practice, practice, to use to use. 08:06:30 Sorry use. 08:06:32 This will need to get cleaned cleaned up. 08:06:38 When we move to a google drive google drive there. 08:06:47 Okay, guys. 08:06:54 There are some that there are some guides that got made. 08:07:05 Not the way we think of guides. Now, but, but rather a document with a lot of instruction instructions on various, various topics and manual. 08:07:32 This will need to be turned turned into formal guides, using the hat, or, or LA. 08:07:47 Sorry. 08:07:49 Tak for LA guides, guys, sorry guides guides template. 08:07:57 Okay. Well, now we have all the intelligence we know about this oh guides. 08:08:02 Guys are some guys that got made bubble blood period, you will find this content, most likely, like, likely in the decision decision. Just decisions folder, sorry, bad speller. 08:08:23 Okay, great. So, now that this is done, I can close this document, and let's go back to figuring out how to give you access. 08:08:34 So, UPS were just I think right now it links to this entire folder, is that what happened, hold on, let's go back up a level. 08:08:44 So, okay, I'm enough to go back, I've got to go back to searching guides because I lost my victims instead of clicking that button. 08:08:55 Click on what that comes 08:09:01 from the dog, do you see the breadcrumbs yet yes yes but I didn't know, but I know exactly which one I'm okay so it looks like we're, we I've thrown people into guides but what it should be as I should be taking people directly to Ops, so I'm going to 08:09:14 make a shortcut for here, and ops guide is completely empty. So I'm just, it looks like Olivia created this I think I could delete this. 08:09:24 Let me do a delete here because this is totally empty. So where's a move. 08:09:29 Yeah I'm removing it, and instead I'm just going to link directly to this so let me make a full lovely week a shortcut. So here's the shortcut, I'm going to put it in starred. 08:09:40 And then I'm going to put it in all actually guides. 08:09:45 Yep. Add shortcut. 08:09:49 Okay, great. Um, and then, now I can go back to the night go back to my star, and sometimes the break credits work and sometimes they don't. Because it'll take you up the breadcrumbs of that particular folder, but now where you came from. 08:10:06 Okay, so now we have this ops guide. Why does it say request. 08:10:11 Oh, because I because I deleted it. So now I'm going to rename this one. 08:10:17 Rename rename ops folder with guide with content for guides in it. 08:10:31 Okay. 08:10:32 Okay, so now we have now we have clarity and I'm giving you all access to this. So, sorry, that was a big rabbit hole. 08:10:41 And I think there's going to be a lot of stuff like that. I'm here just, you know, things that we have just kind of sort out. 08:10:51 We go. Don't notify people wait, that's in there we go. 08:10:54 Okay, sure. Okay that was ops. So we've done this one. 08:10:59 Did we do, I don't know which ones we've done now. 08:11:05 I think I can just ops done admin or is it empty. 08:11:11 Yeah we did this one though right we did that one, a product guides we did this one too right yeah so you know data science guides. Okay. Okay, so data science guides, see if there's anything in there is also completely empty so we're not doing that. 08:11:28 I'm just going to check and see if there's anything in the state of sites. Oh, no, that's the folder. You're just an SEO consulting session notes hack for LA, what is hack for a folder pedestrian data. 08:11:39 Okay, so there's no guides they haven't written any guides at all. 08:11:42 So I'm going to go back up. 08:11:46 Yeah, see that doesn't work so the breadcrumbs don't work there so let's go to guys okay so we're not doing data science UX guides. 08:11:56 Okay, it looks like there's actually UX guides and they're doing it, they're doing it correctly, they have a folder for each guide name, and inside of that folder should be both like images of well this one just has a file, but it should also have a slide 08:12:10 deck with all of the images, like screenshots and stuff like that, in case we need to remake any of them. 08:12:17 Okay so yeah so we're going to go back, and I'm going to say, I'm going to give you guys access to that so that was the UX guides and here we go so let's do add you to to that. 08:12:43 Okay UXNUXPY living up to their way that legal ops guy named UX. Yeah, exactly. agree. 08:12:55 Okay, so then start, let's go back to start hacker like guide so that was UX fundraising and guides and see, are there any yes there actually are That's fantastic. 08:13:06 And so let's give you access to this folder, share. 08:13:12 Yeah, you can see how you can see how this would be much better if this was all in one Google Drive and I could just add you to the one Google, Google Drive I still need to explain that I'm almost done with this, and I will explain it momentarily what 08:13:25 the deal is with between guides between drives and folders. 08:13:29 Okay, so not notifying sharing. OK, so now back to start back to guides. 08:13:37 Okay. And the last one is engineering guides, of which there are several so let's do, right click on that share and. 08:13:46 Okay. 08:13:55 Okay, so I am now going to explain the whole folder versus dr thing. 08:14:02 In the early days of hack for LA. 08:14:05 Google Drive for hack relays domain was not available to anybody who did not have a hack for late, email address, and we have 5000 members we can't give everybody to get hacked real email address the burden of managing that alone would be too high, so 08:14:19 we didn't use Google drive's, we use, we created a, an email account and then we create a folder in that email, we create an email called my projects that hack for LA, and, like, actually called Project sign for LA, and then we added everybody to, we 08:14:35 added folders for all the projects to that drive to to that to that that particular email drive right it all that email folder system, whatever it's called. 08:14:47 Then we permission to people on specific folders. 08:14:53 Okay, just like I'm doing right now. 08:14:55 The difference between that and I'm going to click on this again and show you. I'm going to share this and I'm going to show you if I add somebody like I'm adding myself. 08:15:06 Here's the different choices view or comment or editor. 08:15:09 Okay, so here's the problem with this, why do we not just keep on doing this. The reason why we're not going to keep on doing this is because if you place a file in a folder, and I later turn off your access to the folder, your file disappears. 08:15:25 So we cannot and permission anybody from folders. Also if you decide you want to clean up your personal drive for your own email account and you delete a file you deleted it on our folder. 08:15:37 And that happened on food Oasis and they lost an insane number of files and they can't be brought back. So, and how new who knows how many files have disappeared over the years of us working on projects. 08:15:49 So the way to solve that is with Google Drive, the shared drives. And so when you click on a shared drive like for instance, I'm going to make one right now for guides. 08:16:02 I'm going to click on. 08:16:15 I'm going to click on Share drives, and then I'm going to right click on it say new shared drive, and then I'm going to say path for LA guides. 08:16:16 And I'm going to create that. 08:16:20 And now, all of the guides should should live here. All of the all of the guides in progress should live here, and we should just give people access. But wait, it's a little more complicated than that. 08:16:39 So first let me add y'all to this, so I'm going to manage members, and I'm going to add both of you to this. And also, Olivia and some other people. 08:16:50 So, I'm adding both of you to this, and I'm going to make you managers, which means you can add people to this, if you were content manager you could not add people to this but you will need to grow a team, and be able to add them to this drive, but you 08:17:08 are them as content managers, right product managers add people or other team leads can knock it out people but everybody else is just it's just a manager, I mean, is just a is just edit the file. 08:17:21 Yeah. Um, and you may decide at some point you only want to make people contributors, or viewers, or what have you. Okay. 08:17:30 So, this I am going to send you a link to this, because you do need to use this, but at this link that you are about to get is the only time you will be able to link directly to here, because there's no way to send anybody a shortcut to this, you can 08:17:49 email members, here's the shared drive settings, which takes you really back to, you know, the settings of this drive change the theme you can make you can you can create an image for instead of the image you chose you could search within it, you can 08:18:02 hide it from your view you can look at the trash, delete the drive please don't delete the drive. but what you can do is send somebody a shortcut. 08:18:10 So what do we do how do we solve that. 08:18:13 Another hack. 08:18:15 We create a folder inside of the drive, called the same thing as the drive, and that's where all our contents going to go. I'm 08:18:24 sorry hack for LA, guys. 08:18:31 We create that. Then we right click on this and we say get link. 08:18:36 And we just copy this link and only the people who can see inside of it, the two of you and me are currently the people who could see inside of this link, but we still capture the link for our board, because people need to be able to verify if we've given 08:18:53 them access to the Google Drive they need to verify they have access to it, they could do it by clicking on this like, Okay, so we have Yes, go ahead. 08:19:03 Sorry I didn't understand us but we're creating the folder instead to share things, but can you please explain. 08:19:15 Yeah, sure Hold on one second half for a late guides hack really guides shared drive main folder. 08:19:23 Well actually, not main folder, I'm just gonna say folder there's only one folder. 08:19:30 Okay, hold on. I'm going to explain it. 08:19:37 Let me save this note, you are having a team meeting, you want to go to the folder. You don't need to open a new tab, you click on this, open a new tab them. 08:19:50 There's your folder that has all the content for the team. You could not put a link to this any other way, because you cannot link to the drive itself, this, you cannot link to this. 08:20:03 So that's why we have that and then we just have everybody put their stuff inside that it all seem to moving forward we don't have to be guides, under different folders, they just have to appear 500 hack for a case. 08:20:20 Oh no, you probably still will make some folders understeer right we probably will, we probably will make some sub folders under here, and move all of the guides that exists everywhere to these folders, but I'm saying that the folders will be inside of 08:20:34 this 08:20:37 folder. 08:20:39 Let's say for example if there's product management date data centers case, those would be the sub folders and. 08:20:45 Yeah, exactly. Good point. 08:20:48 So, having said that, let's, let's add. Let's add a brand new issue for making that folder structure. So we're going to click on this we're going to click on new issues, and we're going to choose blank issue. 08:21:02 And we're going to make a folder call a new gonna make an issue called create folder structure str you see to structure in Google in Google Drive in pride Google project Dr. 08:21:26 Okay, we mean. Oops. Oops. Did we do that. 08:21:33 I just mentioned to live, delete this. we need to have a folder structure for for the guides for the guides inside of Google for a Google inside of Google Drive. 08:21:54 So that, and we write these as user stories except we don't write who we are right on. So that actually we can in this case we we probably should on the, on the or the or the org needs to have a Google folder structure for the guides inside of Google 08:22:15 Drive, so that somebody is doing something very loud outside, so that we do not lose access to the files. 08:22:30 Okay. 08:22:31 The actions are create new create new folders that mimic the files that mimic the folder structure from the current shortcuts. 08:22:55 The current shortcut folder. 08:22:59 Current shortcut folder. 08:23:08 Hold on one second. Let me make sure that you got access to the whole folder shortcut thing on shared thing all high for late guides, I gave I think I gave you all access to this but I just want to double check. 08:23:13 So share on so BBK. 08:23:19 Are you already there. Well, let me just make sure that you guys have access. 08:23:26 Just Just making sure okay so this is this. This is the current current folder, sorry current current folder folder structure structure. 08:23:43 These folder, these shortcuts shortcuts will need to be remade as folders inside the Google Drive. 08:23:59 Okay. 08:24:00 I am sending that, just in case you guys didn't already have access which I think you didn't otherwise it wouldn't have prompted me. 08:24:08 I'm copying this link. I'm now putting this into our issue that we're working on. So it's going under the resources and instructions. So this is current location of shortcuts shortcuts to be made into folders. 08:24:39 Yeah, go for it. 08:24:42 Currently, folder structure the link that you just copy. 08:24:46 There are a lot of members part of this folders. 08:24:52 A lot of people involved you mean, yes. Yeah. 08:24:54 Yeah, that's true. There are a lot of people involved. Yeah. 08:24:58 So if they're gonna mimic the folder structure from the current to into the movie play. 08:25:05 Yeah, what are we supposed to do those people. 08:25:07 You're not, you can't move the people or the files, they can move the files themselves after we give them permission, that's a whole nother thing to do. 08:25:15 This is the first thing is like set up the structure so that we have a place for people to put their stuff. Yeah, it's going to be quite involved process, sadly, there is no shortcut to making this work. 08:25:27 Well, we just do are doing this on a project by project basis. So that's the problem when you start a project that's already in progress is there's usually some cleanup to do. 08:25:35 That's what we're doing so I'm making an issue now for this, for to get this started once we have the structure, then we can start to formulate a plan for how we get people to move. 08:25:45 Probably through one on one appointments with them, where we say basically okay will, you know, will you move these files, but with the guides it's particularly challenging because maybe each guide is written by a different person. 08:25:56 So it's going to be particularly challenging but I will, should we have templates for how to write these messages to people to get them to move things and all that 08:26:10 is just appreciated Can we just play to that folder. 08:26:23 You cannot because you didn't create it only who created the folder can move it, but I could move a full, I can move a folder, but if I didn't create the files inside of that they won't come with only the owner the person who created a little bit, which 08:26:28 is what the problem is that that that person had maintains ownership, so you literally can't do anything with it, and they can delete it anytime which they might unintentionally do. 08:26:37 So that's we're trying to clean this up and this is the this is the, the horrible price we have to pay but at least we only pay it now and then, you know, where it's maintenance debt. 08:26:45 This is maintenance that, which is pretty typical for product management, you show up, and you have to clean up all the things that people did before you. 08:26:53 Okay, so, um, okay, create new folders that mimic the folder structure from the current folder structure. 08:27:01 I think that is it usually an issue will have many, many, many, many things in it. I'm just making a very simple issue just to create that structure. 08:27:10 But then, the other thing is, the other thing is, give access to the give access to the folder to the drive to all community. Community of Practice leads, 08:27:36 give access to, to the drive to all comedian practice leads. Okay, and the kind of access that they should get would be the same level that you have which is the, which is the Content Manager. 08:27:49 Content Manager. 08:27:55 Right. 08:27:59 Right. Guidance actually let's do this before that you to do. 08:28:04 Right. 08:28:07 Guidance for for the cop leads that. 08:28:16 That tells them what permissions to give to their, their members. 08:28:26 When they add them to the drive. 08:28:31 So, for instance, let us go to the had really guides. 08:28:40 And let's pull this down and click Manage members and see what the what the choices are so the choices are. That's the one that manager or manager is the one that has all the access including people, so people is what we're going to give them access to 08:28:54 because they're going to need to add their members, but then their members should be should be contributors, their members should be contributors. Okay, so they're going to be, they're going to be managers and their members will be contributors. 08:29:11 Okay, let's put that into the issue on they're going to be managers and their, and the tells them tells them to, to give 08:29:39 permission permission level contribute her to their members to their member to their members when they add them to the drive okay and then we're going to give access, and the guidance. 08:29:47 Right, so we'll be, we'll be sending them will be adding their email address, and in the notification box about the drive will be cutting and pasting the guidance and if we've, and if we've written a document for we could just link that link, the document 08:30:03 there, but will also message them on slack. 08:30:05 So give access to, and the guidance and also send them a message on slack. 08:30:15 Okay, about it. 08:30:19 Yes. 08:30:21 Regarding the first point. Can we name the coup de pack for a Google Drive, as organizations drive, and the other folder, shared drive so that it will make the difference. 08:30:38 are getting me like to teach them the first point is still incomplete create new folders that mimic the folder structure from the current from child Chad dry to the organization's Dre, something. 08:31:01 Okay, I'm here. Can you explain to me which thing you're talking about start at the beginning, can we can we click name this tag for Allah guides, as organization right. 08:31:15 It's. It just says movie like. 08:31:15 Yeah. 08:31:17 Oh, you want. You want me. You want me to change the name here are the issue in the issue and issue. Yes, yes. Okay, okay. So it says Google Drive simply rather than staying up driving, probably saying, our organization stripe, or something. 08:31:34 Over the shirt 08:31:51 from the current shortcut folder. 08:31:46 That's right guides for the test. Some team members when they add them to. 08:31:52 Yes. 08:31:53 Sorry, guys doing some gardening outside with a blower or something. 08:31:59 Ha so loud. When they add them to the organization's 08:32:07 Google Drive. 08:32:20 But I'm going to actually name, the name of the drive which is pack for LA, where we call it, we called it hack really guys. Yeah. Okay, thank you. Yes hack really guys Yes, I agree, being very specific in the issues, so that when somebody comes to read 08:32:28 it later they're like I don't know what this means, it would be much better if it's specific So, yes, by all means, give access to the, to the, to the organizations or 08:32:41 Google. 08:32:42 Google. 08:32:46 Dr to all community practices manager and the guidance. Also, and and the guidance, period. 08:32:58 You know what message. 08:33:03 But just to confirm the actual Allah guides, is the same as the organization's Google Drive. 08:33:11 No, it's not that it's not nothing I don't think that was the point I mean you correct me if I'm wrong God, what you meant was, this, this drive right here is the organization's Google Drive, where the current this thing right here like the current location 08:33:26 of the shortcuts to be made into folders, people also call it Google Drive but that's not what it is that's not what it actually is. So that's why we're making a distinction between the new one that we've created which is an organization, Google Drive 08:33:41 right it's the organizations Google Drive hack for a guy, you know, it's basically organizations Google Drive hack for like guides is really what it is. 08:33:50 Right. 08:33:53 Yes. 08:33:53 Okay. Yeah. Give it to the. 08:33:57 Yeah. 08:33:59 Yeah. 08:34:15 Okay. Um, yeah let's just be clear about that everywhere. Um, so that Okay. 08:34:08 Yes, versus the general Google drives that are everywhere. it was really Google folders but everybody calls them Google drive's. And so because they are still calling them Google Drive there could be some confusion. 08:34:21 Okay. 08:34:23 So that's the current location of the shortcuts, and then also I needed to grab the sorry the projects. I need to grab that other URL that we made which is this one, the hack really shared drive. 08:34:39 I'm going to change the name of this now to be what we just talked about. 08:34:48 Yeah. Okay, so now I'm going to copy this edit note. I'm just going to copy that right there. And I'm going to paste it into our issue, because even though it's on the board we always put all links that will be required to do the job into the issue, so 08:35:05 that when somebody comes to do the issue. they just can work on the issue that are have to look around for anything. So all issue should be similarly well documented. 08:35:14 Okay, we're going to submit this issue our very first issue on this board, we're going to add it to the project board, which is the project the guides. 08:35:24 And then we're going to stick it in the prioritize backlog. 08:35:29 And we're going to add a new label, which doesn't yet exist and I'm going to call this role. 08:35:38 And I'm going to call this product. 08:35:41 And I'm gonna create the new label, and I'm going to make the color, 08:35:47 the same color I make all my product labels which is I think it's. 08:35:58 Yeah, there we go. Okay. 08:36:03 Black. 08:35:57 Ok. 08:35:57 Ok so now it has the real product label. 08:36:01 And then with that kind of tasks that this is, is, is organizational. 08:36:10 It's an organizational task which there's gonna be a lot of that. Okay, so, but that's fine for now Now I'm going to go back to the board so you can see where it ended up, it ended up in the prioritize backlog. 08:36:22 So we're going to end up making a lot of issues. 08:36:26 And this was just the very first one. Oh my goodness, this was the very first one I'm trying to show you all this stuff is and oh my god that took so long, but now you have a good sense of, you know, of what's involved with that. 08:36:37 So now let's go to. Now let's go to give you some other links, and we won't necessarily make some issues, but also show you what we do when we know we need to make an issue but we don't have time to write it all out, like what do we do when we're having 08:36:51 a meeting and we want to get down we're going to make an issue for this so here's our notes real quick. So let me show you the next one. The next thing is that 08:37:02 there is a there is a on the GitHub hack for a repo product management. So let's do some practice. Let's go well. One, I think you need a link to communities of practice so I'm going to copy this link, and I'm going to put that on your board, and I'm 08:37:23 because you're going to be using that quite a lot. 08:37:26 So 08:37:36 communities of practice. Okay, there we go, you'll be using that quite a lot. So we're now at the community of practice, I'm going to go to scroll down and click on product management, and then I'm going to. 08:37:53 And then I'm going to go to their project board and. 08:38:04 And I'm going to find their templates and guides board. And this one where it should, it should be where all their management for templates and guides are. 08:38:09 I do not believe the other trees of practice have this as well organized as, as, Olivia does, but I'm going to copy this and I'm going to put this into an issue that's not an issue yet. 08:38:24 I'm just going to say okay I'm making notes to make an issue for later. And I'm going to put it in the icebox because it's not going to be fully formed yet so not really ready to be worked on. 08:38:35 But, you know, it's something to be. It's something. The issue is something to be worked on not the not the not the content of what's going to be in the issue. 08:38:45 So make May, let's let this issue is going to be called, I don't even know it's going to be called so make an issue, make an issue where we have all the where we have all the tracking from the variety from the variety from the, from all the CEO PS on 08:39:14 for the guides for the guides, they have in progress. 08:39:19 They have in progress. Okay. and here's a link for our for our. 08:39:29 Go and this one's product management. 08:39:33 Now, issues, manage, manage issues are supposed to actually have action items in them. So that's why this is not ready to be made into an issue because I don't even know what the action item isn't first thing I'm just going to go and collect everything 08:39:48 and you know, I'm just, I could have made an issue to collect all that stuff, but instead I'm just going to kind of make this temporary card. So let me put this cancel ok so now I have this temporary card it's linking to that repo. 08:40:06 Let's go look at the other repos so we go back to the communities of practice. 08:40:11 And then, let's go to you it lacks. 08:40:15 Let's click on their project board, see if they have one, they do not have one. This is what I was talking about, Olivia has been organized, you know, very clearly, so maybe they're on the Community of Practice Management Board. 08:40:28 I know I sue. 08:40:30 Yes, that's where that's where. 08:40:34 That's where Danielle and Tanner storing them all. So I'm going to call the guy. The label 08:40:45 store. I'm sorry what what underwriting progress column, do you see, do you see guys drafted. Yeah. 08:40:55 Label probably saved or list of guides in this book. 08:40:58 Oh yeah, I mean if they're if they're a draft guide sure there's three in progress. 08:41:03 Right. Theoretically, theoretically, there are three in progress and let's see if any got done, but there's other labels. There's other labels so for instance, I'm sorry. 08:41:15 There's a whole set of labels so if I go to something that's in the prioritize backlog let me show you what the, let me show you what all the guidance was actually the easier thing to do is to click on issues, and then click on labels, and then show you 08:41:28 all the labels to do with guides, so there's there's guide draft guide guide gather examples leadership review place guide research guide with you guys. 08:41:39 If I go back to the project board, I can show you in what order that those labels, those labels appear, if you look at one of these guides, you will see that the instructions here are us the first it starts with the research label, then the next label 08:42:14 These got moved and they did it. Yeah, this is wrong. So, this is part of what's the problem like we made a change to the way we do the guides and they didn't fix the labels, so this is not research is not the first thing, this guy needs to label this 08:42:21 guy needs to label. 08:42:21 Gather examples. Exactly. Gather examples, that's what it needs, and then we take off the research, we take off the research label because that's the part that it's in, and that's probably true for every single one of these in the prioritized backlog, 08:42:37 Right. 08:42:38 So, um. 08:42:42 Okay, so that that needs to be fixed, but that's part of this that things are not under effective management everywhere and we don't have a status board for all of this stuff y'all got to build that. 08:42:54 So, but cleanup is going to happen along the way, right, immediate cleanup like that kind of thing, like for instance, we can make an issue for us to go and make these to make these changes on these. 08:43:06 Let's see how many things are marked research here so there's 13 of these that would need to be changed. 08:43:12 And there's an easy fairly easy way to do this that you can do them all at the same time, but you can also just do one at a time there's only 13. 08:43:23 Even the easy way is complicated Anyway, back to the back to clearing this, and this is where they're located, and I'm going to put that on my issue at it, no product management that I'm going to do the UI UX UI UX. 08:43:45 And what I'm not going to do is I'm not going to finish this. 08:43:49 I am going to make this into an issue now, because what I want to do is make it into an issue for you guys to go find all of the guides on all of the different repos. 08:43:58 So, let me do this I'm going to say convert to issue. 08:44:02 I'm just going to leave, I'm school leave all the settings, the way they are, it's going to make it into an issue I'm going to open the issue and I'm going to clean it up. 08:44:09 The format for issues is the following a reasonably short title that makes sense and. 08:44:16 And then inside of inside of the issues is overview. 08:44:24 And we have a blank template that first issue created we used a blank template so you could always go back to that, but I just have to know where it is. 08:44:31 Overview action items. 08:44:35 I don't call them task items because people get bummed about having tasks but action items makes them less bummed that don't understand that but okay. 08:44:45 Resources slash instructions. 08:44:49 Okay, so we have a couple of these. The action item here is to. 08:44:56 By the way, I just typed that you know to make a checkbox, but y'all can use this to, which is like this. And you can also just write out all of the different action items and then highlight that and then hit that checkbox. 08:45:08 So there's a lot of different ways you can do it. 08:45:10 So the action item is. Go. So find, find all the products find all the community, a community of practice guide management boards boards, even if they are part of their regular board board. 08:45:41 Okay, find them all, and list them and research resources there to know what is the overview. Overview is written as a user story. So, we, we need this goes back to the way we need to have. 08:46:01 We need to know. 08:46:04 Know where all the guides guides are being managed. 08:46:15 Actually we need to know where, not all the guys we manage we need to know where the workflow, where the workflow for guide contributors lives for each cop free cop so that we can standardize standardize the process, and make sure. 08:46:44 Yeah, standardize the process, period. Okay, so whatever it is interesting the issue, itself, or the documents, take action items. Regarding the extranet and find all the GOP management boards and list them in the resource below. 08:47:08 I mean when we say list our distinguished. Well like I did listed this one project management, get hub blah blah blah I put the project board UX. That's where if you click on that you will see them managing them. 08:47:18 Then we'll have to write issues about fixing things like we just noticed that all of the all of the guides in the community of practice on UI UX have the wrong label so we need to make an issue for fixing that, but we can't do, we can standardize anything 08:47:32 until we go and figure out where they are. So this this particular task is this particular issue is about finding all of them so that we can create a set of standards. 08:47:46 What's your question. I'm sorry if I didn't answer it. 08:47:56 The answer it. 08:47:55 No, I think they got confused about this issue it's supposed to do. 08:48:00 Okay, hold on one sec. some. 08:48:03 So, this is not making issue anymore this is, this is, this is document, document Corp. 08:48:18 Actually, document work workflow contributor workflow contributor, or flow on at CEO piece. 08:48:40 how they are different from each other. 08:48:49 Gold Standard is product. 08:48:57 Create a draft plan draft plan to draft plan to 08:49:10 draft plan for how they should. 08:49:22 Were 08:49:22 provide provide cop by co p audit of. 08:49:51 Okay, I guess this is not identify how they are different from each other, of, of each actually provide detailed detailed COPD COPD audit. Let's see op audit of each CBP. 08:49:57 Sorry. 08:49:57 And what needs to change. 08:50:01 Okay. 08:50:05 So, this is a general audit. 08:50:10 General audit of high level overview, high level overview audit. 08:50:17 Okay. 08:50:24 So, 08:50:24 are you guys, I'm going to, I'm going to make that into readable thing so Are we clear what needs to be done here, or do you have questions about it. 08:50:32 So let me get an understanding. 08:50:46 The first management product management. 08:50:39 Product Management for a separate repository for grades and templates that you engage in indicate what are we supposed to do in terms of the folders thing that that issues done we're not talking about the folders thing. 08:50:53 Now we're talking about the project management boards were there, there were there were they're working on the workflow with distributors. So, here you are, you're joining the UI UX community practice, you're told to pick something out of the prioritize 08:51:08 backlog, you assign it to yourself and you move it into in progress. What is wrong with this process. Is there something in this process that is not working like for instance, it has research, instead of gather examples. 08:51:23 Right. So, versus the product management one where, where I'm. 08:51:32 Hold on one second, that's guys I'm in the wrong one moment where the. 08:51:37 Sorry on, where's my issue, I'm in the middle of making an issue. So if I go to the product management one. 08:51:44 It is very clear prioritized backlog has gather examples, but notice the label name is different, it's tg instead of guides. So this keeps us from making a guide for how to do your workflow. 08:51:56 So for instance, that data science community practice does not have any guides, if we're going to write guidance for how they can set up a workflow and get people to start working on guides, we need to have this is what you call your labels, this is how 08:52:09 you make your issues, this is what should be in each issue right so even even getting because, remember, this isn't just a content management system for all the people already creating it it's also, it's also how do we get people to create new ones, especially 08:52:24 the communities that aren't currently creating them. 08:52:27 Right. 08:52:28 So, so that's why I'm saying we need to do an audit of of each find each of these boards. So, what you will be doing when you work on this issue is, the first thing is find all the Community of Practice Guide management boards, even if they are part of 08:52:43 their regular board and list them and the resource. So on product management, the board was the board was called templates and guides on UI UX, it was just a regular Community of Practice Management Board. 08:52:57 So, back to the communities of practice, right, you're going to check every single one of these ops marketing data science revenue and engineering, and you're going to put that in the resources below, you're going to put it here. 08:53:13 So I'm going to put a link to the community of practice, again, and. 08:53:19 And I'm going to make this really really easy. I'm going to edit this and I'm going to put it right here. 08:53:31 I usually would put it down on the resources but I want to be clear it's not it's not one of the things that you're gathering it's one of the things you're using. 08:53:37 Right. So, find all the co op guide management boards. So if I were doing that, that task item, I would click on that, I would go here, I would say okay UI UX project management is done live Monday go to Ops, so I click on ops I click on projects, and 08:53:54 I will click on okay the only project that board they have is open roles, they don't have any management of guides at all. So, I would literally go back to my issue, and I would edit this, and I would say 08:54:09 ups. 08:54:11 Done. 08:54:12 So now I don't have to remember, it's there for the next person who works on this or if I'm working on this and you're going to do all the communities of practice, you're going to, if they have a board you're going to, you're going to link to the board, 08:54:24 if they don't have a board you're going to say none. So let's just do one more that I know has one, let's say, 08:54:33 let's go to revenue, and then we click on revenue and has three project boards and they have fundraising open roles fundraising earned revenue. So it's not open roles we know it's not open roles because that's open roles. 08:54:47 But they have two other boards, so I'm going to check each one. 08:54:51 And there's no guides here of any kind, so it's not this one. Let's go to the other one which is fundraising. 08:55:02 And it has. 08:55:08 I don't see any guides here, but it looks like, oh, create a guide. So, but it doesn't have a guide label but this is the only board where anything said anything about a guy. 08:55:22 Right. This is the only thing that that had anything, create a guy and how to document. 08:55:27 Yeah. So, this is the only board so this is the one I would link to for revenue. Right, I would say revenue, and then fundraising. So when I do this, I'm going to copy this, I'm going to go here back to my issue. 08:55:41 I'm going to edit this, and I'm going to say, and I'm going to say 08:55:49 revenue revenue, what at Red REVINUE. No, I'm not saying that right you. 08:55:59 Oh my goodness. 08:56:00 Revenue. 08:56:02 Sorry about that. Are you think English was not my first language. Okay revenue dash fundraising, raising okay revenue dash fundraising and I'm going to put a link to that. 08:56:14 But there's another one which was which was revenue revenue dash. 08:56:21 What was it, I think, I think it's fine No no no no no, I don't mean the name of the guide, I mean the name of the ok so I'll click on revenue back here to the thing here's their boards. 08:56:34 It was called earned revenue and where there's no guides here right now let's just make sure that there's no guys that I didn't miss it. 08:56:41 Yeah, there's no guides of any kind. So what I'm going to say revenue has no guys. 08:56:48 So let me go back here and I'm going to say earned revenue revenue. I'm not. 08:56:59 Okay, so now I'm updating that comment. So that's what I'm expecting is that y'all will go to each. I don't know where I am hold on let me shut some stuff. 08:57:12 Product Management I don't need that open revenue I don't need that open I definitely don't need that open. And there's our guides, there's our guides yeah I don't know committee practice my expectation is that you will go to each community of practice, 08:57:23 and you will you will you will go to there and you will go through their boards, looking for anything that has to do with guides and if they have one, then you will put a link down here if they don't have one you'll say they don't have one, so that we 08:57:34 know we've completed them all, because that's how we'll know we're done. 08:57:38 Okay. 08:57:41 Um, let's see, then high level audit to identify where they are different from each other. 08:57:46 And like I said gold standards product and what I mean by that is, this is kind of a hint about how to do this. So what I would do here is I would create a spreadsheet. 08:57:57 And I would create a spreadsheet, where are you going to create your spreadsheet. 08:58:07 I thought it was great. I'm going to be clear. 08:58:11 Yes, exactly. Okay, perfect. Okay, create a spreadsheet with a. Okay, so I'm going to, I'm, what am I going to do, I'm going to go back to my guides I'm going to copy the, the, this thing, I'm going to, I'm going to edit this edit the note I'm going to 08:58:34 grab my organization Google Drive thing. 08:58:39 I'm going to put it in my issue. 08:58:42 I'm going to add that. 08:58:46 OK, so I'm going to, I'm just a separate this I'm going to say list of Community of Practice, practice guides guides product management management boards. 08:59:08 Sorry spelling wrong. Okay, and I'm going to pull that So, boom, and then I'm going to put under this resource. I'm going to put this. Okay, so. 08:59:22 Okay, so now you have that that's where you create your spreadsheet. 08:59:38 labels as an example. 08:59:40 Yes, labels, you put you put a. Yeah, you could put like names of labels off my nine o'clock is here. You put names and labels, etc. I'm going to stop. 08:59:52 I'm going to stop recording. 08:59:54 Let me stop recording. 08:59:57 Stop recording. 08:59:59 Yes. 09:00:01 And I'm going to stop the transcription where's the live transcript. 09:00:27 You see it. 09:00:30 I just turned it back on. I know, but I want to I want to open it. 09:00:34 Oh yeah, I'm looking at this now. I'm trying to open it hold on I'm gonna stop sharing my screen so I could try to open it. Um, here we go transcript. 09:00:41 A volte beautiful transcript. Excellent. I just want to make sure it wasn't it wasn't gone. Okay, so I'm going to save the transcript. And then I'm going to grab it and I'm going to put it into an issue for us. 09:00:57 So let's see me. What time is it, oh no I want to turn it off on me turn off transcript.