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Radu Pascal edited this page Sep 22, 2016 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Thermostat.Net wiki!

Purpose of the system is to control the heater by means of a controller that is connected into a wireless network, and driven by a PC that gets inputs from sensors around the house.


Thermostat.Net is a code driven thermostat, meaning in order for it to work for you you have to write code and compile it! There is no pretty UI for setting rules for your own preferences. This is a system for developers and hackers that know what they're doing.


Sensors are streaming temperature data to the centralised application on the PC, and the controller is enquiring the application for what to do with the heater, and will receive simple ON/OFF commands. Sensors and controller are only making queries to the server application and are not accepting direct connection to avoid security problems.


By having temperature sensor around the house, it's possible to program the logic to keep different temperature levels throughout the day in different rooms (but not simultaneously). For ex: have a target temperature in the bedroom around the bedtime, have another temperature in the living, in the morning, another temperature in the office in the evening.

Keeping different temperature levels in different rooms, at the same time is theoretically possible but requires additional hardware, and making sure the heating system is built to support that. But that is outside the scope of this doc.

Although it's possible to ensure that the temperature set for a room for a specific time is achieved at the time the rule is tacking effect, it's pretty complicated to achieve and the current base implementation does not have such pre-emptive logic. The current base class for building your specific logic is the SimpleRulesEngine class that will evaluate the rules and start applying them as soon as they're timeslot is up (just as any other standard thermostat).

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