is a C++ class designed to facilitate UDP-based communication over the network. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6, allowing for the transmission and reception of messages in a multithreaded environment. This class is particularly useful for applications requiring fast, connectionless communication.
- Initialize and Configure UDP Sockets: The class can initialize UDP sockets for both sending and receiving messages.
- Multithreaded Receive Loop: It provides a mechanism to start and stop a receive loop in a separate thread.
- Queue Management: Received messages are stored in a thread-safe queue, allowing asynchronous processing of incoming data.
- Data Serialization: Messages are serialized using JSON, and each message is associated with a CRC checksum for validation.
- Error Handling: Provides detailed error handling and reporting through an enumerated type
The UDPNode class relies on the RapidJson library and requires the inclusion of a few of that libraries header files. To download UDPNode with all of its dependencies:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/halherta/UDPNode.git
UDPNode(int listen_port, ipFamily listen_ip_version, int max_message_size, int max_queue_size);
- Parameters:
- listen_port: Port number to listen for incoming messages.
- listen_ip_version: IP version (IPv4 or IPv6) to use for the listening socket.
- max_message_size: Maximum size of the incoming message buffer.
- max_queue_size: Maximum number of messages to store in the queue.
- Cleans up resources, closes sockets, and stops the receive thread if running.
err_code tx(int dest_port, ipFamily ip_version, std::string host, std::string msg, bool join_thread);
- dest_port: Destination port to send the message to.
- ip_version: IP version (IPv4 or IPv6) to use for sending.
- host: Hostname or IP address of the destination.
- msg: Message to be sent.
- join_thread: Boolean indicating if the receiver should join the thread.
Returns: Error code indicating success or the type of failure.
void startRxLoop(void);
void endRxLoop(void);
: Starts the receive loop in a new thread.endRxLoop()
: Stops the receive loop and joins the thread.
err_code parseDatagram(const sockaddr_storage &their_addr, char *buf, int numbytes, rxDatagram &datagram);
bool isDatagramValid(const rxDatagram &datagram);
void printDatagram(const rxDatagram &datagram);
: Parses the received buffer into a rxDatagram structure.isDatagramValid()
: Checks if the received datagram's CRC matches the calculated value.printDatagram()
: Outputs the contents of a rxDatagram structure.
void writeRxDatagramToQueue(const rxDatagram &datagram);
bool rxDataAvailable(void);
int rxDataQueueSize(void);
rxDatagram readRxDatagramFromQueue(void);
: Adds a received datagram to the queue.rxDataAvailable()
: Checks if there is data available in the queue.rxDataQueueSize()
: Returns the number of datagrams in the queue.readRxDatagramFromQueue()
: Retrieves and removes the front datagram from the queue.
std::string errorMsg(const err_code &error_code);
void* getInAddr(struct sockaddr *sa);
uint16_t getInPort(struct sockaddr *sa);
rapidjson::StringBuffer serialize(std::string msg, bool join_thread);
void inspectRxBuffer(struct sockaddr_storage their_addr, char *buf, int numbytes);
: Converts an error code to a human-readable message.getInAddr()
: Extracts the IP address from a sockaddr structure.getInPort()
: Extracts the port number from a sockaddr structure.serialize()
: Serializes a message into a JSON object with a CRC checksum.inspectRxBuffer()
: Outputs the raw contents of the received buffer.
#include <iostream>
#include "UDPNode.h"
int main(void){
UDPNode node(3490, ipv6,1024,5,true);
unsigned int datagramsavailable = node.rxDataQueueSize();
for( int i = 0 ; i < datagramsavailable ; i++){
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "UDPNode.h"
int main(void){
UDPNode node(5590, ipv6, 1024, 5,true);
node.tx(3490, ipv6,"::1","Attitude is the \"little thing\" that makes a big difference");
node.tx(3490, ipv6,"::1","Life is too short to spend another day at war with yourself");
node.tx(3490, ipv6,"::1","The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now");
node.tx(3490, ipv6,"::1","Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life");
node.tx(3490, ipv6,"::1","A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anythin");
node.tx(3490, ipv6,"::1","The sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can shine our own light");
node.tx(3490, ipv6,"::1","Today is a good day to try");
node.tx(3490, ipv6,"::1","The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be");
return 0;
Compiling from the command line:
g++ -std=c++11 -pthread -o udpnode main.cpp UDPNode.cpp
You can also have a look at the examples to see an example CMakeLists.txt for cmake compilation
- RapidJSON: A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API.
- POSIX Threads (pthreads): For multithreading support.
Currently tested to run on Linux. But should be able to run on other operating systems with some minor modifications.