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Parallel processing by Promise + Async Generator.

  • Sending and receiving values by Promise and Async Generator (Chan)
  • Control multiple Promise concurrent executions by Chan (workers() / payloads())
  • Selecting and merging Async Generators with Promise.race (select())
  • Cancellation by Promise and AbortController (abortPromise() etc.)

These are influenced by Go Channle.


$ npm install --save chanpuru



Parallelize command execution by $ of zx with Chan.

External commands(sha256sum) are being executed in parallel


  1. Make a Channel with a buffer
  2. Asynchronously execute a loop that sends the $ command to channel
    • send Promise that is returned from $(it returns ProcessPromise)
      • $ executes commands continuously until buffer is filled
      • Buffered items will be consumed by received
    • Close Channel after sending all
  3. Return Receiver of Channel

Note that the buffer size does not limit the number of Promise executions. Refer pass-promise-paralle.ts to details.

function computeHash(
  recvFiles: AsyncGenerator<string, void, void>,
  workerNum: number
): ChanRecv<ProcessOutput> {
  const ch = new Chan<Promise<ProcessOutput>>(workerNum - 1)

  ;(async () => {
    try {
      for await (const file of recvFiles) {
        console.log(chalk.greenBright(`start - ${file}`))
        await ch.send($`sha256sum ${file}`)
    } catch (err) {
    } finally {

  return ch.receiver()


  1. Get Receiver(Async Generator)
  2. Receive results with for await...of
    • Each result is awaited
    • Buffer of Channel is not filled, await send will be released
  3. Exit the loop after all commands (Promise) received
const recvResults = computeHash(recvFiles, workerNum)
for await (const f of recvResults) {


  • Merge the output from $ of zx with select ()
  • Stop all commands if any command exit with error status
  • Stop all commands even if timed out

Displaying while merging the ping execution status to multiple hosts


  1. Make a Channel to send command output
  2. Execute the command asynchronously with $
    • Send output line by line to Channel
    • kill the process when the cancelPromise is settled
    • When an error occurs
      1. Send stderr etc. to the error channel
      2. Call cancel () to notify other asynchronous functions via cancelPromise
  3. Returns Receiver of Channe;
function ping(
  [cancelPromise, cancel]: [Promise<void>, () => void],
  sendErr: ChanSend<any>,
  host: string
) {
  const ch = new Chan<string | Buffer>()
  ;(async () => {
    let zxProc: ProcessPromise<ProcessOutput> | undefined = undefined
    // cancel されたときの処理.
    let abortOwn = false
    const signalName = 'SIGTERM'
      .catch(() => {})
      .finally(() => {
        // コードが側からの kill.
        abortOwn = true
        zxProc && zxProc.kill(signalName)
    try {
      // ping 開始(await しない).
      zxProc = $`ping -c 7 ${host}`
      // ping の stdout を行単位での読み取り行う.
      const rl = createInterface({
        input: zxProc.stdout,
        crlfDelay: Infinity
      for await (const s of rl) {
        // 読み取った行をログとして送信する.
      // プロセスの完了を待つ.
      // この時点で reject されていれば throw される.
      await zxProc
        .catch((r) => {
          if (r instanceof ProcessOutput) {
            if (abortOwn && r.exitCode === null && r.signal === signalName) {
              // 今回はコード側からの kill はエラーとしない.
          throw r
        .finally(() => {
          zxProc = undefined
    } catch (err) {
      if (err instanceof ProcessOutput) {
        // プロセスの異常終了.
          `host: ${host}\nexitCopde: ${err.exitCode}\nsignal: ${err.signal}\n${err.stderr}`
      } else {
        // その他のエラー.
        sendErr(`host: ${host}, err: ${err}`)
      cancel() // 全体の処理をキャンセルさせる.
    } finally {
      // 後処理.

  return ch.receiver()


  1. Execute a loop that receives an error with an asynchronous function
    • When data is received, executed error process
  2. Create an object with key and Receriver for select()
  3. Receive logs via select() with for await..of
    • done is passed from each Async Generators via select()
    • Process by source key(host)
// エラーを受信するループ.
// 非同期に実行させておく.
;(async () => {
  for await (const err of errCh.receiver()) {
    // エラーだったのでコードを変更.
    exitStatus = 1

// select に渡す key と Async Generator をセットするオブジェクト.
const jobs: Record<string, ChanRecv<string | Buffer>> = {}
// ping から送信されるログの Receiver(Async Generator) をセットする.
Object.entries(hosts).forEach(([k, v]) => {
  jobs[k] = ping([cancelPromise, cancel], errCh.send, v)

// ログを受信するループ.
for await (const [host, value] of select(jobs)) {
  if (!value.done) {
    console.log(`[${decorate(host)(host)}] ${value.value.toString('utf-8')}`)


Further examples


API document


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Copyright (c) 2022 hankei6km