Halò! Is mise Hannah. I'm a geographer, writer, and data management librarian. Fàilte a charaidean! 👋
🔭 I’m currently working on data management education projects, including how to use popular culture to teach data management. I also actively conduct research in cultural geography on music and placemaking, science fiction and geopolitics, fandom, and media geographies, focusing on how to leverage all the unique data sources informing these topics!
🌱 I’m currently learning R and QGIS
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on anything data management related, or research involving science fiction media, music geography, and experiential geography.
🤔 I’m looking for help with mapping interstellar landscapes and fantasy worlds in geospatial software
💬 Ask me about Python, ArcGIS, data management principles/practices, Data Carpentries (certified instructor; open to Python, OpenRefine, and spreadsheet instruction), and geography/data/librarianship career mentoring.
📫 You can reach me at hgunderm@andrew.cmu.edu
😄 My pronouns are anything you'd like to use! I am nonbinary and comfortable with any pronouns you are comfortable using to refer to me. Please feel free to use a mix of pronouns when referring to me!
⚡ Fun facts about me: I love Nordic skiing, snoeshowing, and matcha. Tha Gàidhlig agam (I'm an active speaker and learner of Scottish Gaelic) and I watch soap-making videos to relax. I'm currently writing a book on Doctor Who fandom.