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node-superupload - HTML file upload system with progress reporting

I've written this file upload system as a programming exercise. It is meant to be well written and minimal, and does not try to be a real application. In fact, it does not do anything useful but demonstrates how file upload progress reporting can be done in the context of a web server implemented with node.js.

General architecture

Following the requirements of the programming challenge, I have tried to make the implementation minimal while completely meeting the requirements. I have not used any existing web framework, so session management, request routing and static file handling is included in the application code. I have implemented only those parts of a web framework that are actually needed to implement the desired functionality.

The progress reporting works as follows: On the upload page, a file selector exists, which is polled periodically to determine whether the user has chosen a file. No DOM event is issued for this, so polling the input element is the only way to determine whether a file has been selected. The file selector lives in a separate <form> element that has an iframe as its target and submits to the /upload URL.

Once a file has been selected, the file selection input element is replaced by a progress report element and an asynchronous JSON request for the /status URL is started. The /status request creates a fresh session with the server and then programmatically submits the upload form, starting the actual upload. Then, further status requests are periodically initiated to monitor the upload progress.

The status report sent by the server consists of the current progress, expressed as a value from 0 to 1, and an object describing the uploaded file once the upload is complete. The status handler sleeps a while before responding to the request so that not too much bandwidth is wasted by the status reports.

The callback for the status data updates the progress display or, when the upload is complete, replaces the progress report with the name of the uploaded file. At upload completion, the callback starts an interval timer that polls the contents of the description text area to see whether the user has entered a description. Once a description has been entered by the user, the Save button is enabled.

The Save button submits a second form that consists of the description textarea and the Save button. The form is handled by the /save handler which displays the name of the uploaded file as it was on the client, the pathname on the server's file system and the description entered by the user. It offers a link that allows downloading of the uploaded file, and another link that leads back to the upload page.


Part of the requirements was that the upload system should work with IE>6, Firefox and Chrome. I have tested it with IE9, Firefox 3.5.7 and Chrome as of Aug-2011. I have not tried IE7 or IE8 as I don't have either of that installed on my box. I have not written automated system or unit tests.

File and directory structure

server.js contains the server code, it is started with node server.js. The server listens to port 8099 by default. A different port can be specified as a command line argument. If port 80 should be used, the server must run with suitable operating system privileges.

static/index.html contains the file upload page.

static/javascript.js implements the client side functionality.


As this was for a programming exercise, the number of external dependencies has been kept low. The following libraries are used:

Node.js is a programming environment based on Google's V8 JavaScript engine. It adds asynchronous I/O to JavaScript and is used to implement the server side of the file upload system. Node.js is not included in my github repository and must be installed seperately.

Uploads are sent as multipart/form-data request bodies to the web server. Parsing multipart MIME messages is not hard, but it is also not particularily exciting to do that. A robust implementation would have compromised a large part of this demo application, so I decided to use formidable instead, which adds a multipart/form-data parser to node.js. It is included in the node_modules/ directory.

The client side of the application needs to traverse the DOM and issue asynchronous HTTP requests to the server. Nobody wants to read code that does this using standard DOM calls and deals with browser incompatibilities, so I chose jQuery for the task. It is included in the file static/jquery-1.6.2.min.js.

In production code, I would...

Here are some limitations of my application:

In this application, the uploaded file can be downloaded only from the session that uploaded it. Obviously, in a real system, uploads would not be deleted when the session dies, but would be stored and made accessible for a longer timespan.

In production code, I would not want to make basic web framework functionality be part of the application code. The session handling that I have implemented, even though it is sufficient for this application, is not very robust and has no guards against session hijacking. Also, the session list is periodically polled for idle sessions, which does not scale well.

The CSS usage is not very modular and the selectors are not specific. In production code, one would make sure that the only the upload system's DOM element are addressed by the CSS and the jQuery selectors so that the web page can contain other, independent components.

No automated tests are present. In a real-world application, both unit level test for the framework parts of the code as well as system-level tests would be useful. The system-level tests would need to use the supported browsers to execute the whole application click by click.

The mechanism that manages the prompt string in the "description" text area could be a bit nicer (i.e. be implemented as jQuery plugin).


Upload demo with progress reporting






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