{ "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "searchset", "total": 7, "link": [ { "relation": "self", "url": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition?patient=xxx&clinical-status=active,inactive,resolved" } ], "entry": [ { "link": [ { "relation": "self", "url": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/xxx.yyy" } ], "fullUrl": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/xxx.yyy", "resource": { "resourceType": "Condition", "id": "xxx.yyy", "clinicalStatus": "active", "verificationStatus": "confirmed", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/condition-category", "code": "problem-list-item", "display": "Problem List Item" } ], "text": "Problem List Item" } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.90", "code": "I10" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.96", "code": "59621000" } ], "text": "Essential hypertension" }, "subject": { "reference": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Patient/xxx", "display": "Mychart, XXX" }, "assertedDate": "2006-07-07", "note": [ { "text": "Diagnosed age 54. Initially treated with sodium restriction, diet, exercise. Diuretics started ~1988, taken sporadically since that time. Patient admits to poor compliance with med regimen. No history to suggest end organ damage or coronary artery disease. Cardiovascular risk factors include 20 pk yr hx of smoking and hypercholesterolemia.\r\n" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "link": [ { "relation": "self", "url": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/etU6FAG2CcqOUR0NsGMeEEA3" } ], "fullUrl": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/etU6FAG2CcqOUR0NsGMeEEA3", "resource": { "resourceType": "Condition", "id": "etU6FAG2CcqOUR0NsGMeEEA3", "clinicalStatus": "resolved", "verificationStatus": "confirmed", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/condition-category", "code": "problem-list-item", "display": "Problem List Item" } ], "text": "Problem List Item" } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.90", "code": "F17.200" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.96", "code": "110483000" } ], "text": "Tobacco use disorder" }, "subject": { "reference": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Patient/xxx", "display": "Mychart, XXX" }, "onsetPeriod": { "end": "2006-10-22" }, "abatementPeriod": { "end": "2006-10-22" }, "assertedDate": "2006-07-07", "note": [ { "text": "Started smoking age 16, smoking 1-15 ppd. Has made several half-hearted attempts to quit but has never been successful for longer than a few days. Only smoker in the family\r\n" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "link": [ { "relation": "self", "url": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/ei8p4RMbmNSVID2xM9EGoQw3" } ], "fullUrl": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/ei8p4RMbmNSVID2xM9EGoQw3", "resource": { "resourceType": "Condition", "id": "ei8p4RMbmNSVID2xM9EGoQw3", "clinicalStatus": "active", "verificationStatus": "confirmed", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/condition-category", "code": "problem-list-item", "display": "Problem List Item" } ], "text": "Problem List Item" } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.90", "code": "K21.9" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.96", "code": "235595009" } ], "text": "Gastroesophageal reflux disease" }, "subject": { "reference": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Patient/xxx", "display": "Mychart, XXX" }, "assertedDate": "2006-07-07", "note": [ { "text": "GERD, diagnosed by EGD. Symptoms well controlled with intermittent use of H2 blockers\r\nIMO import replacer change\r\n" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "link": [ { "relation": "self", "url": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/eKblkM-UMOFkWANl44zME0w3" } ], "fullUrl": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/eKblkM-UMOFkWANl44zME0w3", "resource": { "resourceType": "Condition", "id": "eKblkM-UMOFkWANl44zME0w3", "clinicalStatus": "active", "verificationStatus": "confirmed", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/condition-category", "code": "problem-list-item", "display": "Problem List Item" } ], "text": "Problem List Item" } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.90", "code": "E03.9" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.96", "code": "40930008" } ], "text": "Hypothyroidism" }, "subject": { "reference": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Patient/xxx", "display": "Mychart, XXX" }, "assertedDate": "2006-07-12", "note": [ { "text": "IMO import replacer change\r\n" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "link": [ { "relation": "self", "url": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/eKMEjfpg4T0xKEXRCa-6Kww3" } ], "fullUrl": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/eKMEjfpg4T0xKEXRCa-6Kww3", "resource": { "resourceType": "Condition", "id": "eKMEjfpg4T0xKEXRCa-6Kww3", "clinicalStatus": "resolved", "verificationStatus": "confirmed", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/condition-category", "code": "problem-list-item", "display": "Problem List Item" } ], "text": "Problem List Item" } ], "subject": { "reference": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Patient/xxx", "display": "Mychart, XXX" }, "onsetPeriod": { "end": "2007-01-27" }, "abatementPeriod": { "end": "2007-01-27" }, "assertedDate": "2007-01-23", "note": [ { "text": "IMO import replacer change\r\n" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "link": [ { "relation": "self", "url": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/etAvUZ0Thw3b.AI7VV4U1Uw3" } ], "fullUrl": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/etAvUZ0Thw3b.AI7VV4U1Uw3", "resource": { "resourceType": "Condition", "id": "etAvUZ0Thw3b.AI7VV4U1Uw3", "clinicalStatus": "resolved", "verificationStatus": "confirmed", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/condition-category", "code": "problem-list-item", "display": "Problem List Item" } ], "text": "Problem List Item" } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.90", "code": "J18.9" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.96", "code": "312342009" } ], "text": "Pneumonia, organism unspecified" }, "subject": { "reference": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Patient/xxx", "display": "Mychart, XXX" }, "onsetPeriod": { "end": "2009-03-14" }, "abatementPeriod": { "end": "2009-03-14" }, "assertedDate": "2009-03-12" }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "link": [ { "relation": "self", "url": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/edkTfVYdutuacE9-m1Ig0.g3" } ], "fullUrl": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Condition/edkTfVYdutuacE9-m1Ig0.g3", "resource": { "resourceType": "Condition", "id": "edkTfVYdutuacE9-m1Ig0.g3", "clinicalStatus": "active", "verificationStatus": "confirmed", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/condition-category", "code": "problem-list-item", "display": "Problem List Item" } ], "text": "Problem List Item" } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.90", "code": "E78.00" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.96", "code": "13644009" } ], "text": "Hypercholesterolemia" }, "subject": { "reference": "https://xxx.xxx/interconnect-aomay19prd-oauth/api/FHIR/STU3/Patient/xxx", "display": "Mychart, XXX" }, "assertedDate": "2009-03-18", "note": [ { "text": "IMO import replacer change\r\n" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ] }