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How to lose weight? |
Hi I am Peter, today I am going to share 3 things I do to lose weight. Firstly, calory Restriction, secondly, fat-over-carb, in this part you will know why I believe fried chicken, so-called junk food, is more helthy than bread and rice. The last trick is high-protein diet. In each part, I'll start with a bit theory lesson than we go quickly to some pragmatic daily tricks.
你好,我是 Peter ,这个视频里我要分享的是我自己使用的3个减肥策略。第一个是限制卡路里摄入量。第二个是脂肪优先于碳水,听完这部分你会马上理解为何我认为炸鸡实际上比大米白面要健康一百倍。最后一个策略是增强饱腹感。每一部分中我都会先介绍一些必要的背景知识,然后进入一些可以实际操作的饮食方案。
OK, the first trick, to restrict calory intake.
So what is a calory? when we need to measure the energy we consume and use, we use a unit of Calory, also called a large calory(kcal). The total amount of Caloris that a piece of food has can be meaured by burning it, in a space with enough water and surrounded by water. One carlory is defined as the amount of enery it would table to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius.
先来介绍卡路里这个概念。食物中所包含的能量,我们通常用卡路里这个单位来度量,准确的说应该叫大卡,单位是 kcal 。一份食物样本中包含多少能量,或者说多少卡路里如何去测量呢?方法其实很朴素,一个密闭但是氧气充分的燃烧室,让这份食物充分燃烧。这个空间的外侧用水包围,测量一下水最后的升高了多少摄氏度,就可以得到食物中包含的卡路里值了。一卡路里就是把一升水升高一摄氏度的能量。
img: https://youtu.be/GQJ0Z0DRumg?t=519
BUT how much we can absorb and use is another value. By giving a fasted man some food with given calories and than burn his poop, we get a slightly lower number. 但是,我们真正能吸收的能量肯定是小于食物的总能量值的。所以就要来做第二个测量,把一定卡路里值的一份食物样本给一个肚子放空的人,一段时间后测量排便中的卡路里,这样做个减法就得到的就是真正会被人体吸收的卡路里了。
img https://youtu.be/GQJ0Z0DRumg?t=696
This number are ususally what is printed on food pack. And also what we'll have in mind in the following content.
Food energy are mostly from carb, fat and protein, they are know as three macronutrients, which means we consume large amount of them everyday. there are 9 kcal out 1g of fat, 4kcal out 1g protein, 4kcal out of 1g carb. This is the famous 944 rule. To know more about this, google 'Atwater Factors'.
食物的卡路里主要有三个来源:碳水,脂肪和蛋白质,这三个也被统称为三大营养成分。每一克的脂肪可以提供9卡路里的能量,碳水是4卡路里,蛋白质也是4卡路里。这就是著名的“Atwater 944食物能量换算系数”。
Now, how to know how much calories in each of common foods? If you goto https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/ , BTW, they also use thisi 944 rule to calculate food calories. You search 'egg', you get the nutrition list of eggs cooked in different way. Or, you can google 'calories beef', 'calories cabbage', 'coca-cola calories', 'bread calories' the results are also mostly from USDA.
日常的各种食物中大概都有多少卡路里呢?如果我们到美国农业部的网站 https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/ 上就可以查到各种常见食物的营养列表,这里的卡路里值也都是通过944系数算出来的。如果搜索 egg ,也就是鸡蛋,可以看到鸡蛋的不同部分在不同烹饪方式下的营养成分。或者也可以直接用谷歌搜“卡路里 牛肉”,“卡路里 大头菜”,“卡路里 面包”,也都可以找到答案,大部分的数据其实也来自美国农业部。
How many cals we need each day? 2000 for women, 2500 for men per day. if could goto 9000, if you do cycling whole day. simple math, if we intake less cal than we consume that day, we lose some weight. Let's see what we can do here.
My first trick is to take pictures of everything I eat in a day, as the saying go, what gets measured gets managed. It's hard to weigh everything we eat, but taking a picture is not that hard. Now you have a record of everything you eat in a day, After seveal days, if you don't loose any weight, you can try to ajust accordingly.
实际如何操作呢?我自己有一个方法就是每天拍照片,所有入口的一律拍,然后总结到一起。我自己是放到 Github 上了。http://happypeter.github.io/food 。当然高阶大神是对每种食材都会以克为单位记录的,我暂时还没有做,因为觉得时间成本有点高。但是要强调的是,本质让任何减肥策略的起点其实都是对热量摄入的管理,没有管理,要么减肥失败,要么就伤身体。拍照是我觉得时间成本最低的管理方式了。
My second trick here is to give up some meals. Maybe you too, I used to suspect missing a meal is harmful to once health. Until I know to idea of imtermittent fasting. I highly recommend a BBC documentary named Eat, Fast and Live Longer. You will see the benifits of fasting.
img: the bbc documentary
So, keeping carb intake low is my first trick, and it is the idea of any weight loss diet.
But how can we get energy? The idea is my second trick, fat over carb. 第一部分限制卡路里就聊找这里,进入第二部分,脂肪优先碳水。怎么摄入能量才合理呢?蛋白质一般不参与提供能量,所以主要能量源是两个,碳水和脂肪。我这里有一个颠覆主流的观点分享给你,那就是以脂肪为第一能量源,而不是碳水。
Carb is very bad. Carbs are complex molecules made up from an aggregation of one or more types of simple sugars. carbohydrates are insoluble in water, but it is digested easily and become sugar.
Roughly speaking, carbs are just sugars, eating carb food, like rice or flour is not a lot different from eating candy. Like 张文宏 from Shanghai one put it: Eating rice porridge is drinking sugar water.
Fat is good. It is slow release nutrient, and this is very good. Carbs makes your blood suger goes very high quickly, more insulin generated, and you may gain body fat, yet become hunger early and end up eathing too much for lunch. One the other hand, Fat is very dense in calories, which will provide you sustainable energy till you next meal. Maybe people told you fat will make you fat, that is simply not ture. keto diet, the famous weight lossing diet, encourages the idea of replacing carb with fat. Search 'Keto Diet' to know more.
而脂肪对减肥其实是非常适合的。很大程度上是因为它是一种缓慢释放能量的营养元素。吃碳水的结果就是血糖会迅速升高,刺激胰岛素分泌,让身体合成脂肪的速度加快,所以容易长胖,但是同时可能还没到下顿饭的时间就饿了,所以会导致下一顿也吃的很多。而脂肪就比较缓慢了,刚吃完的时候,可能会热量不足,所以身体其实需要消耗自身的脂肪来提供能量,但是等吃下去的脂肪消化了,就会提供持续的能量,所以到吃下一顿的时候都不会太饿。传统思想中认为吃脂肪会让人长胖的观点是错误的。我说这个话是有根据的,减肥最快的饮食方案之一是进行最近几年非常流行的”生酮饮食“,基本是就是高脂肪低碳水饮食。我看过网上对美国肥胖医学会的前主席,杜克大学 Westman 教授的采访,他说,传统认为,吃太多脂肪会引起血栓,这一点是没有任何实验数据的证实的。他自己是一线的医生,会把生酮饮食介绍给那些糖尿病,高血糖,血脂,血压,和冠心病的患者的。
OK, so no carbs, at least no more than 100g carb a day, otherwise your Keto Diet fails. Then what to eat.
Eggs are very good. dried yolk, is more than half fat. Out of 100g yolk, you get 55g fat. very little carb.
首先,鸡蛋是很好的。如果把蛋黄烘干,100克中会含有55克的脂肪,而碳水是很少的,只有2.36g 。干燥的蛋清100g中含有79.9g的蛋白质,蛋清也很健康。
As shown on the USDA site. 2eggs at 7am, and that will keep you full till lunch. 我们都有体会,鸡蛋的饱腹感是非常好的,早上7点吃两个鸡蛋,可能到午饭时间都不怎么饿。
Fried Chicken is actually not that bad. It's one of the cheapest high-fat-protein food we can buy now. It is not that unhealthy as many people told you. It is very low carb or zero-carb food, plant oil is just mostly fat. Traditional idea believe eating too much fat will rise cholesterol, my sources told me it is simply wrong. High-temp frying produce Acrylamide, which is toxic, but you need certain amount to be harmful to our health. Don't trust me on this, do your own research.
炸鸡也不是那么不健康。我这里推荐炸鸡的原因就是它很方便,满大街都找的到,而且很便宜。它是高脂肪高蛋白食品。主要成分就是食用油,也就是植物脂肪,另外就是鸡肉了。以前,我们说炸鸡是垃圾食品,其实是认为,吃多了脂肪,会增加胆固醇,让人血栓,刚才提到了,其实这个是没有数据支撑的。另外就是油炸会产生丙烯酰胺(bing xi xian an) 这样的毒素,这个我觉得肯定会有,但是任何毒素想要对人体真正有害,其实都是要达到一定的摄入量的。我个人完全忽略日常食物中的毒素这个概念的,因为我觉得真正毒素高的食物,成不了日常食物。
And if carbs are so evil as mentioned, should we stop main foods, rice/flour and sugar? Mostly Yes, low carb is key to the success of weight loss. we can live healthly with zero-carb diets. Personally, I consider carbs as a fuel for some special cases, if I will run a marathon or do some hard-labor work, I will eat some instand noodles or piece of bread to get my body fully charged.
Fat and carb are two main source for people's energy. Most people most of the time rely on carb for energy, here I believe a switch is necessary for losing weight.
Proteins are not mainly used for energy, they are materials that we use to build our body tissues. But If your body is not getting enough calories from carb and fat, protein is broken down into ketone bodies to be used for energy.
Protein brings the feeling of fullness. the It is undoubt that the mental pain of being hungry may become a big reason why many people's weight bounce back after the diet period. The fact is that given certain amout of calories, protein make you fuller than fat, fat fuller than carb.
img: https://youtu.be/GQJ0Z0DRumg?t=830
The reason is very simple, protein will stay in your gut longer, and keep you full. when we eat different macronutrients, our brain knows imidiately which will stay longer in our guys, because different nutrients stimulates different hormonals.
So in practice, what we can do. Many high-fat food like eggs and chickens are also high protein.
So here comes the conculsion time, as long as we go low-card or zero-card, we are free to each also anything. Don't be afraid of fried food, but do pay respect to main food, and eat them when we really need some energy in a hurry.
最后总结一下,我最主要的思路就是八个字:不吃晚饭,不吃主食。这一页是我的参考资料列表,同时我也和我的跑团里的几个好朋友进行了请教,一并感谢。好了,我是 Peter ,再见再见。
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEQaH4LruUo
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqdy0RxsCvw
- Eat, Fast & Live Longer BBC Documentary
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihhj_VSKiTs
- The BEST Foods that Make You Lose the Most Weight - Dr. Berg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE7_jDm99mg
- Difference Between Sugars and Carbohydrates | Difference Between http://www.differencebetween.net/science/health/diet-fitness/difference-between-sugars-and-carbohydrates/#ixzz7W2iVdpgC
- 《中国居民膳食指南(2016)》,每人每日烹调油量为25~30g,
- Keto Diet Easy Recipes and Top Mistakes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3HjMyc1Lrs
- ZERO实验室」师姐+Dr. Westman:聊聊生酮饮食 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14W411K79y