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An experiment in bringing the `go mod vendor` experience to the `npm` ecosystem.


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An experiment in bringing the go mod vendor experience to the npm ecosystem. See the blog post.

npm and Go


$ go install

npm-mod tidy Subcommand

For the purposes of demonstration, we'll be running subcommands in an application (called sample) created with the create-react-app tool. Running the tidy subcommand we see a new file and two changed files:

$ npm-mod tidy
$ git status
On branch main
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   package-lock.json
        modified:   package.json

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Digging in a bit to see what's changed. The .npm-mod.tidy.json captures the contents of the modified files so we can revert easily if need be and also tracks the URLs and file integrity for all packages referenced:

$ cat .npm-mod.tidy.json
  "version": "22.05",
  "package.json": "ewogICJuYW1lIjogInNhbXBsZSIsCiAg...",
  "package-lock.json": "ewogICJuYW1lIjogInNhbXBsZSIsCiAg...",
  "packages": [
      "url": "",
      "algorithm": "sha512",
      "hash": "hoyByceqwKirw7w3Z7gnIIZC3Wx3J484Y3L/cMpXFbr7d9ZQj2mODrirNzcJa+SM3UlpWXYvKV4RlRpFXlWgXg=="
      "url": "",
      "algorithm": "sha512",
      "hash": "9o+HO2MbJhJHjDYZaDxJmSDckvDpiuItEsrIShV0DXeCshXWRHhqYyU/PKHMkuClOmFnZhRd6wzv4vpDu/dRKg=="

The package.json has had every semver version range swapped for an explicit local file reference:

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 82115d2..753457c 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
   "version": "0.0.1",
   "private": true,
   "dependencies": {
-    "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.4",
-    "@testing-library/react": "^13.1.1",
-    "@testing-library/user-event": "^13.5.0",
-    "react": "^18.0.0",
-    "react-dom": "^18.0.0",
-    "react-scripts": "5.0.1",
-    "web-vitals": "^2.1.4"
+    "@testing-library/jest-dom": "file:vendor/testing-library__jest-dom-5.16.4.tgz",
+    "@testing-library/react": "file:vendor/testing-library__react-13.1.1.tgz",
+    "@testing-library/user-event": "file:vendor/testing-library__user-event-13.5.0.tgz",
+    "react": "file:vendor/react-18.0.0.tgz",
+    "react-dom": "file:vendor/react-dom-18.0.0.tgz",
+    "react-scripts": "file:vendor/react-scripts-5.0.1.tgz",
+    "web-vitals": "file:vendor/web-vitals-2.1.4.tgz"
   "scripts": {
     "start": "react-scripts start",

and the package-lock.json has had a similar transformation, this time swapping URLs for local file references:

diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 5303979..02c30e9 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
     "node_modules/@ampproject/remapping": {
-      "version": "2.1.2",
-      "resolved": "",
+      "version": "file:vendor/ampproject__remapping-2.1.2.tgz",
+      "resolved": "file:vendor/ampproject__remapping-2.1.2.tgz",
       "integrity": "sha512-hoyByceqwKirw7w3Z7gnIIZC3Wx3J484Y3L/cMpXFbr7d9ZQj2mODrirNzcJa+SM3UlpWXYvKV4RlRpFXlWgXg==",
       "dependencies": {
         "@jridgewell/trace-mapping": "^0.3.0"
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@

npm-mod vendor Subcommand

Just checking in the changes from npm-mod tidy is insufficient; the application will be broken because all of the file:vendor/... references don't point anywhere. To fix this, the npm-mod vendor subcommand will download all packages referenced in .npm-mod.tidy.json:

$ npm-mod vendor
Saved babel__helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor-7.16.7.tgz
Saved babel__generator-7.17.9.tgz
Saved yargs-16.2.0.tgz
Saved yocto-queue-0.1.0.tgz
$ git status
On branch main
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
$ ls -1 vendor/
$ ls -1 vendor/ | wc -l

npm-mod unvendor Subcommand

Using the package.json and package-lock.json fields in .npm-mod.tidy.json the unvendor can restore the original semver ranges. This would enable a workflow using the npm-mod that can switch from "native npm" mode back to "vendor-style packages checked into source tree". With this workflow, updating a dependency could be done as follows:

  • Run npm-mod unvendor subcommand to "go back" to standard form for package.json
  • Modify package.json semver ranges to prepare for any new packages or package version updates needed
  • Delete any or all of vendor/, node_modules/, package-lock.json and .npm-mod.tidy.json to ensure all desired package updates happen
  • Run npm-mod tidy again to switch back to file:vendor/... references
  • Run npm-mod unvendor again to download newly added or changed packages


The primary goal of this project is to enable an experiment in npm packaging. As a result, the CLI may have incomplete support for all of the various shapes a package-lock.json file can exhibit.

Some things we explicitly don't support, but may choose to expand support for over time:

  • Providing a yarn-mod equivalent (or pnpm-mod for that matter)
  • Support lockfileVersion=1 for the npm package lock format (only lockfileVersion=2 is supported)

Install Performance

This tool is not intended to improve performance in the steady state case. The performance boost from "no network required" is roughly equivalent to the performance boost from using ~/.npm/_cacache.

Starting with the ~/.npm/_cacache directory empty, installing the packages needed for the basic create-react-app sample takes around 10.5 seconds:

$ rm -fr ~/.npm/_cacache/
$ time npm ci

added 1393 packages, and audited 1394 packages in 10s


real    0m10.370s
user    0m13.952s
sys     0m6.959s

On a second run, the global npm cache reduces the time to around 4.5 seconds:

$ rm -fr ./node_modules/
$ time npm ci

added 1393 packages, and audited 1394 packages in 4s


real    0m4.318s
user    0m4.809s
sys     0m5.909s

After running npm-mod tidy and vendor, the install time is roughly the same:

$ rm -fr ./node_modules/
$ npm-mod tidy
$ npm-mod vendor
$ time npm ci

added 1393 packages, and audited 1394 packages in 4s


real    0m4.456s
user    0m5.112s
sys     0m5.802s


An experiment in bringing the `go mod vendor` experience to the `npm` ecosystem.







No packages published
