/** * @return array */ protected function czechTranslations(): array { // Note the special characters used in plural and context-sensitive translations. return [ 'Extended family' => 'Širší rodina', 'A tab showing the extended family of an individual.' => 'Panel širší rodiny dané osoby.', 'Are these parts of the extended family to be shown?' => 'Mají se tyto části širší rodiny zobrazit?', 'He' => 'On', // Kontext "Für ihn" 'She' => 'Ona', // Kontext "Für sie" 'He/she' => 'On/ona', // Kontext "Für ihn/sie" 'Mr.' => 'Pan', // Kontext "Für Herrn xxx" 'Mrs.' => 'Paní', // Kontext "Für Frau xxx" 'No family available' => 'Rodina chybí', 'Father\'s family (%d)' => 'Otcova rodina (%d)', 'Mother\'s family (%d)' => 'Matčina rodina (%d)', 'Father\'s and Mother\'s family (%d)' => 'Otcova a matčina rodina (%d)', 'Grandparents' => 'Prarodiče', '%s has no grandparents recorded.' => '%s zde nemá žádné prarodiče.', '%s has one grandmother recorded.' => '%s má jednu bábu.', '%s has one grandfather recorded.' => '%s má jednoho děda.', '%s has one grandparent recorded.' => '%s má jednoho prarodiče.', '%s has %d grandmothers recorded.' => '%s má %d báby.', '%s has %d grandfathers recorded.' => '%s má %d dědy.', '%2$s has %1$d grandfather and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandfathers and ' => '%2$s má %1$d děda a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d dědy a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d dědů a ', '%d grandmother recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d grandmothers recorded (%d in total).' => '%d bábu (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d báby (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d bab (celkem %d).', 'Parents' => 'Rodiče', '%s has no parents recorded.' => '%s zde nemá žádné rodiče.', '%s has one mother recorded.' => '%s má jednu matku.', '%s has one father recorded.' => '%s má jednoho otce.', '%s has one grandparent recorded.' => '%s má jednoho rodiče.', '%s has %d mothers recorded.' => '%s má %d matky.', '%s has %d fathers recorded.' => '%s má %d otce.', '%2$s has %1$d father and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d fathers and ' => '%2$s má %1$d otce a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d otce a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d otců a ', '%d mother recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d mothers recorded (%d in total).' => '%d matku (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d matky (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d matek (celkem %d).', 'Uncles and Aunts' => 'Strýcové a tety', '%s has no uncles or aunts recorded.' => '%s zde nemá žádné strýce ani tety.', '%s has one aunt recorded.' => '%s má jednu tetu.', '%s has one uncle recorded.' => '%s má jednoho strýce.', '%s has one uncle or aunt recorded.' => '%s jednoho strýce nebo jednu tetu.', '%s has %d aunts recorded.' => '%s má %d tety.', '%s has %d uncles recorded.' => '%s má %d strýce.', '%2$s has %1$d uncle and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d uncles and ' => '%2$s má %1$d strýce a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d strýce a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d strýců a ', '%d aunt recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d aunts recorded (%d in total).' => '%d tetu (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d tety (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d tet (celkem %d).', 'Siblings' => 'Sourozenci', '%s has no siblings recorded.' => '%s zde nemá žádné sourozence.', '%s has one sister recorded.' => '%s má jednu sestru.', '%s has one brother recorded.' => '%s má jednoho bratra.', '%s has one brother or sister recorded.' => '%s má jednoho sourozence.', '%s has %d sisters recorded.' => '%s má %d sestry.', '%s has %d brothers recorded.' => '%s má %d bratry.', '%2$s has %1$d brother and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d brothers and ' => '%2$s má %1$d bratra a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d bratry a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d bratrů a ', '%d sister recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d sisters recorded (%d in total).' => '%d sestru (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d sestry (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d sester (celkem %d).', 'Partners' => 'Partneři', '%s has no partners recorded.' => '%s zde nemá žádného partnera.', '%s has one female partner recorded.' => '%s má jednu partnerku.', '%s has one male partner recorded.' => '%s má jednoho partnera.', '%s has one partner recorded.' => '%s má jednoho partnera.', '%s has %d female partners recorded.' => '%s má %d partnerky.', '%s has %d male partners recorded.' => '%s má %d partnery.', '%2$s has %1$d male partner and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male partners and ' => '%2$s má %1$d partnera a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d partnery a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d partnerů a ', '%d female partner recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d female partners recorded (%d in total).' => '%d partnerku (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d partnerky (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d partnerek (celkem %d).', 'Cousins' => 'Bratranci a sestřenice', '%s has no first cousins recorded.' => '%s zde nemá žádné bratrance ani sestřenice.', '%s has one female first cousin recorded.' => '%s má jednu sestřenici.', '%s has one male first cousin recorded.' => '%s má jednoho bratrance.', '%s has one first cousin recorded.' => '%s má jednoho bratrance příp. jednu sestřenici.', '%s has %d female first cousins recorded.' => '%s má %d sestřenice.', '%s has %d male first cousins recorded.' => '%s má %d bratrance.', '%2$s has %1$d male first cousin and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male first cousins and ' => '%2$s má %1$d bratrance a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d bratrance a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d bratranců a ', '%d female first cousin recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d female first cousins recorded (%d in total).' => '%d sestřenici (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d sestřenice (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d sestřenic (celkem %d).', 'Nephews and Nieces' => 'Synovci a neteře', '%s has no nephews or nieces recorded.' => '%s zde nemá žádné synovce ani neteře.', '%s has one niece recorded.' => '%s má jednu neteř.', '%s has one nephew recorded.' => '%s má jednoho synovce.', '%s has one nephew or niece recorded.' => '%s má jednoho synovce nebo jednu neteř.', '%s has %d nieces recorded.' => '%s má %d neteře.', '%s has %d nephews recorded.' => '%s má %d synovce.', '%2$s has %1$d nephew and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d nephews and ' => '%2$s má %1$d synovce a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d synovce a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d synovců a ', '%d niece recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d nieces recorded (%d in total).' => '%d neteř (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d neteře (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d neteří (celkem %d).', 'Children' => 'Děti', '%s has no children recorded.' => '%s zde nemá žádné děti.', '%s has one daughter recorded.' => '%s má jednu dceru.', '%s has one son recorded.' => '%s má jednoho syna.', '%s has one child recorded.' => '%s má jedno dítě.', '%s has %d daughters recorded.' => '%s má %d dcery.', '%s has %d sons recorded.' => '%s má %d syny.', '%2$s has %1$d son and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d sons and ' => '%2$s má %1$d syna a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d syny a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d synů a ', '%d daughter recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d daughters recorded (%d in total).' => '%d dceru (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d dcery (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d dcer (celkem %d).', 'Grandchildren' => 'Vnoučata', '%s has no grandchildren recorded.' => '%s zde nemá žádná vnoučata.', '%s has one female grandchild recorded.' => '%s má jednu vnučku.', '%s has one male grandchild recorded.' => '%s má jednoho vnuka.', '%s has one grandchild recorded.' => '%s má jedno vnouče.', '%s has %d female grandchildren recorded.' => '%s má %d vnučky.', '%s has %d male grandchildren recorded.' => '%s má %d vnuky.', '%2$s has %1$d male grandchild and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male grandchildren and ' => '%2$s má %1$d vnuka a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d vnuky a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má %1$d vnuků a ', '%d female grandchild recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d female grandchildren recorded (%d in total).' => '%d vnučku (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d vnučky (celkem %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d vnuček (celkem %d).', ]; }