This model & the underlying Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) is developed during the PhD of Hasan Dudu between 2009-2013. It is made open source under MIT licence on 2017. This version of the model is used for the publication Dudu, H., Cakmak E.H., 2017. Climate Change and Agriculture: An Integrated Approach to Evaluate Economy-wide Effects for Turkey. Climate and Development, doi:10.1080/17565529.2017.1372259.
A detailed documentation of the model and SAM can be found in the PhD thesis: Dudu, H., 2013, Climate Change, Agriculture And Trade Policy: A CGE Analysis at Regional, National and Global Level, unpublished PhD thesis, Middle East Technical University Department of Economics: Ankara available online at
If you are interested in using any part of the model please properly cite the source as: Dudu, H., Turkish Agricultural CGE Model - Regional & Static (TACoGEM-RS), [Software] Available from
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