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Node Pools
Learn about the internal architecture of Nomad.

Node Pools

Node pools are a way to group clients and segment infrastructure into logical units that can be targeted by jobs for a strong control over where allocations are placed.

Without node pools, allocations for a job can be placed in any eligible client in the cluster. Affinities and constraints can help express preferences for certain nodes, but they do not easily prevent other jobs from placing allocations in a set of nodes.

A node pool can be created using the nomad node pool apply command and passing a node pool specification file.

# dev-pool.nomad.hcl
node_pool "dev" {
  description = "Nodes for the development environment."

  meta {
    environment = "dev"
    owner       = "sre"
$ nomad node pool apply dev-pool.nomad.hcl
Successfully applied node pool "dev"!

Clients can then be added to this node pool by setting the node_pool attribute in their configuration file, or using the equivalent -node-pool command line flag.

client {
  # ...
  node_pool = "dev"
  # ...

To help streamline this process, nodes can create node pools on demand. If a client configuration references a node pool that does not exist yet, Nomad creates the node pool automatically on client registration.

This behavior does not apply to clients in non-authoritative regions. Refer to Multi-region Clusters for more information.

Jobs can then reference node pools using the node_pool attribute.

job "app-dev" {
  # ...
  node_pool = "dev"
  # ...

Similarly to the namespace attribute, the node pool must exist beforehand, otherwise the job registration results in an error. Only nodes in the given node pool are considered for placement. If none are available the deployment is kept as pending until a client is added to the node pool.

Multi-region Clusters

In federated multi-region clusters, node pools are automatically replicated from the authoritative region to all non-authoritative regions, and requests to create or modify a new node pool are forwarded from non-authoritative to the authoritative region.

Since the replication data only flows in one direction, clients in non-authoritative regions are not able to create node pools on demand.

A client in a non-authoritative region that references a node pool that does not exist yet is kept in the initializing status until the node pool is created and replicated to all regions.

Built-in Node Pools

In addition to the user generated node pools Nomad automatically creates two built-in node pools that cannot be deleted nor modified.

  • default: Node pools are an optional feature of Nomad. The node_pool attribute in both the client configuration and job files are optional. When not specified, these values are set to use the default built-in node pool.

  • all: In some situations, it is useful to be able to run a job across all clients in a cluster, regardless of their node pool configuration. For these scenarios the job may use the built-in all node pool which always includes all clients registered in the cluster. Unlike other node pools, the all node pool can only be used in jobs and not in client configuration.

Nomad Enterprise

Nomad Enterprise provides additional features that make node pools more powerful and easier to manage.

Scheduler Configuration

Node pools in Nomad Enterprise are able to customize some aspects of the Nomad scheduler and override certain global configuration per node pool.

This allows experimenting with with functionalities such as memory oversubscription in isolation, or adjusting the scheduler algorithm between spread or binpacking depending on the types of workload being deployed in a given set of clients.

When using the built-in all node pool the global scheduler configuration is applied.

Refer to the scheduler_config parameter in the node pool specification for more information.

Node Pool Governance

Node pools and namespaces share some similarities, with both providing a way to group resources in isolated logical units. Jobs are grouped into namespaces and clients into node pools.

Node Pool Governance allows assigning a default node pool to a namespace that is automatically used by every job registered to the namespace. This feature simplifies job management as the node pool is inferred from the namespace configuration instead of having to be specified in every job.

This connection is done using the default attribute in the namespace `node_pool_config block.

namespace "dev" {
  description = "Jobs for the development environment."

  node_pool_config {
    default = "dev"

Now any job in the dev namespace only places allocations in nodes in the dev node pool, and so the node_pool attribute may be omitted from the job specification.

job "app-dev" {
  # The "dev" node pool will be used because it is the
  # namespace's default node pool.
  namespace = "dev"
  # ...

Jobs are able to override the namespace default node pool by specifying a different node_pool value.

The namespace can enforce if this behavior is allowed or limit which node pools can and cannot be used with the allowed and denied parameters.

namespace "dev" {
  description = "Jobs for the development environment."

  node_pool_config {
    default = "dev"
    denied  = ["prod", "qa"]
job "app-dev" {
  namespace = "dev"

  # Jobs in the "dev" namespace are not allowed to use the
  # "prod" node pool and so this job will fail to register.
  node_pool = "prod"
  # ...

Multi-region Jobs

Multi-region jobs can specify different node pools to be used in each region by overriding the top-level node_pool job value, or the namespace default node pool, in each region block.

job "multiregion" {
  node_pool = "dev"

  multiregion {
    # This region will use the top-level "dev" node pool.
    region "north" {}

    # While the regions bellow will use their own specific node pool.
    region "east" {
      node_pool = "dev-east"

    region "west" {
      node_pool = "dev-west"
  # ...

Node Pool Patterns

The sections below describe some node pool patterns that can be used to achieve specific goals.

Infrastructure and System Jobs

This pattern illustrates an example where node pools are used to reserve nodes for a specific set of jobs while also allowing system jobs to cross node pools boundaries.

It is common for Nomad clusters to have certain jobs that are focused on providing the underlying infrastructure for more business focused applications. Some examples include reverse proxies for traffic ingress, CSI plugins, and periodic maintenance jobs.

These jobs can be isolated in their own namespace but they may have different scheduling requirements.

Reverse proxies, and only reverse proxies, may need to run in clients that are exposed to public traffic, and CSI controller plugins may require clients to have high-privileged access to cloud resources and APIs.

Other jobs, like CSI node plugins and periodic maintenance jobs, may need to run as system jobs in all clients of the cluster.

Node pools can be used to achieve the isolation required by the first set of jobs, and the built-in all node pool can be used for the jobs that must run in every client. To keep them organized, all jobs are registered in the same infra namespace.

job "ingress-proxy" {
  namespace = "infra"
  node_pool = "ingress"
  # ...
job "csi-controller" {
  namespace = "infra"
  node_pool = "csi-controllers"
  # ...
job "csi-nodes" {
  namespace = "infra"
  node_pool = "all"
  # ...
job "maintenance" {
  type      = "batch"
  namespace = "infra"
  node_pool = "all"

  periodic { /* ... */ }
  # ...

Use positive and negative constraints to fine-tune placements when targeting the built-in all node pool.

job "maintenance-linux" {
  type      = "batch"
  namespace = "infra"
  node_pool = "all"

  constraint {
    attribute = "${}"
    value     = "linux"

  constraint {
    attribute = "${node.pool}"
    operator  = "!="
    value     = "ingress"

  periodic { /* ... */ }
  # ...

With Nomad Enterprise and Node Pool Governance, the infra namespace can be configured to use a specific namespace by default and only allow the specific node pools required.

namespace "infra" {
  description = "Infrastructure jobs."

  node_pool_config {
    default = "infra"
    allowed = ["ingress", "csi-controllers", "all"]

Mixed Scheduling Algorithms

This pattern illustrate an example where different scheduling algorithms are per node pool.

Each of the scheduling algorithms provided by Nomad are best suited for different types of environments and workloads.

The binpack algorithm aims to maximize resource usage and pack as much workload as possible in the given set of of clients. This makes it ideal for cloud environments where infrastructure is billed by the hour and can be quickly scaled in and out. By maximizing workload density a cluster running in cloud instances can reduce the number of clients needed to run everything that is necessary.

The spread algorithm behaves in the opposite direction, making use of every client available to reduce density and potential noisy neighbors and resource contention. This makes it ideal for environments where clients are pre-provisioned and scale more slowly, such as on-premises deployments.

Clusters in a mixed environment can use node pools to adjust the scheduler algorithm per node type. Cloud instances may be placed in a node pool that uses the binpack algorithm while bare-metal nodes are placed in a node pool configured to use spread.

node_pool "cloud" {
  # ...
  scheduler_config {
    scheduler_algorithm = "binpack"
node_pool "on-prem" {
  # ...
  scheduler_config {
    scheduler_algorithm = "spread"

Another scenario where mixing algorithms may be useful is to separate workloads that are more sensitive to noisy neighbors (and thus use the spread algorithm), from those that are able to be packed more tightly (binpack).