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HCL2: add templatefile function (#10776)
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azr committed Mar 23, 2021
1 parent edc19eb commit ff01e67
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitattributes
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140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions hcl2template/function/templatefile.go
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
package function

import (


// MakeTemplateFileFunc constructs a function that takes a file path and
// an arbitrary object of named values and attempts to render the referenced
// file as a template using HCL template syntax.
// The template itself may recursively call other functions so a callback
// must be provided to get access to those functions. The template cannot,
// however, access any variables defined in the scope: it is restricted only to
// those variables provided in the second function argument.
// As a special exception, a referenced template file may not recursively call
// the templatefile function, since that would risk the same file being
// included into itself indefinitely.
func MakeTemplateFileFunc(baseDir string, funcsCb func() map[string]function.Function) function.Function {

params := []function.Parameter{
Name: "path",
Type: cty.String,
Name: "vars",
Type: cty.DynamicPseudoType,

loadTmpl := func(fn string) (hcl.Expression, error) {
// We re-use File here to ensure the same filename interpretation
// as it does, along with its other safety checks.
tmplVal, err := filesystem.File(baseDir, cty.StringVal(fn))
if err != nil {
return nil, err

expr, diags := hclsyntax.ParseTemplate([]byte(tmplVal.AsString()), fn, hcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1})
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags

return expr, nil

renderTmpl := func(expr hcl.Expression, varsVal cty.Value) (cty.Value, error) {
if varsTy := varsVal.Type(); !(varsTy.IsMapType() || varsTy.IsObjectType()) {
return cty.DynamicVal, function.NewArgErrorf(1, "invalid vars value: must be a map") // or an object, but we don't strongly distinguish these most of the time

ctx := &hcl.EvalContext{
Variables: varsVal.AsValueMap(),

// We require all of the variables to be valid HCL identifiers, because
// otherwise there would be no way to refer to them in the template
// anyway. Rejecting this here gives better feedback to the user
// than a syntax error somewhere in the template itself.
for n := range ctx.Variables {
if !hclsyntax.ValidIdentifier(n) {
// This error message intentionally doesn't describe _all_ of
// the different permutations that are technically valid as an
// HCL identifier, but rather focuses on what we might
// consider to be an "idiomatic" variable name.
return cty.DynamicVal, function.NewArgErrorf(1, "invalid template variable name %q: must start with a letter, followed by zero or more letters, digits, and underscores", n)

// We'll pre-check references in the template here so we can give a
// more specialized error message than HCL would by default, so it's
// clearer that this problem is coming from a templatefile call.
for _, traversal := range expr.Variables() {
root := traversal.RootName()
if _, ok := ctx.Variables[root]; !ok {
return cty.DynamicVal, function.NewArgErrorf(1, "vars map does not contain key %q, referenced at %s", root, traversal[0].SourceRange())

givenFuncs := funcsCb() // this callback indirection is to avoid chicken/egg problems
funcs := make(map[string]function.Function, len(givenFuncs))
for name, fn := range givenFuncs {
if name == "templatefile" {
// We stub this one out to prevent recursive calls.
funcs[name] = function.New(&function.Spec{
Params: params,
Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {
return cty.NilType, fmt.Errorf("cannot recursively call templatefile from inside templatefile call")
funcs[name] = fn
ctx.Functions = funcs

val, diags := expr.Value(ctx)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return cty.DynamicVal, diags
return val, nil

return function.New(&function.Spec{
Params: params,
Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {
if !(args[0].IsKnown() && args[1].IsKnown()) {
return cty.DynamicPseudoType, nil

// We'll render our template now to see what result type it
// produces. A template consisting only of a single interpolation
// can potentially return any type.
expr, err := loadTmpl(args[0].AsString())
if err != nil {
return cty.DynamicPseudoType, err

// This is safe even if args[1] contains unknowns because the HCL
// template renderer itself knows how to short-circuit those.
val, err := renderTmpl(expr, args[1])
return val.Type(), err
Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
expr, err := loadTmpl(args[0].AsString())
if err != nil {
return cty.DynamicVal, err
return renderTmpl(expr, args[1])

151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions hcl2template/function/templatefile_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package function

import (


func TestTemplateFile(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Path cty.Value
Vars cty.Value
Want cty.Value
Err string
cty.StringVal("Hello World"),
`contents of testdata/icon.png are not valid UTF-8; use the filebase64 function to obtain the Base64 encoded contents or the other file functions (e.g. filemd5, filesha256) to obtain file hashing results instead`,
`no file exists at ` + filepath.Clean("testdata/missing"),
"name": cty.StringVal("Jodie"),
cty.StringVal("Hello, Jodie!"),
"name!": cty.StringVal("Jodie"),
`invalid template variable name "name!": must start with a letter, followed by zero or more letters, digits, and underscores`,
"name": cty.StringVal("Jimbo"),
cty.StringVal("Hello, Jimbo!"),
`vars map does not contain key "name", referenced at testdata/hello.tmpl:1,10-14`,
"list": cty.ListVal([]cty.Value{
cty.StringVal("The items are a, b, c"),
`testdata/recursive.tmpl:1,3-16: Error in function call; Call to function "templatefile" failed: cannot recursively call templatefile from inside templatefile call.`,
"list": cty.ListVal([]cty.Value{
cty.StringVal("- a\n- b\n- c\n"),
"list": cty.True,
`testdata/list.tmpl:1,13-17: Iteration over non-iterable value; A value of type bool cannot be used as the collection in a 'for' expression.`,
"val": cty.True,
cty.True, // since this template contains only an interpolation, its true value shines through

templateFileFn := MakeTemplateFileFunc(".", func() map[string]function.Function {
return map[string]function.Function{
"join": stdlib.JoinFunc,
"templatefile": filesystem.MakeFileFunc(".", false), // just a placeholder, since templatefile itself overrides this

for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("TemplateFile(%#v, %#v)", test.Path, test.Vars), func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := templateFileFn.Call([]cty.Value{test.Path, test.Vars})

if argErr, ok := err.(function.ArgError); ok {
if argErr.Index < 0 || argErr.Index > 1 {
t.Errorf("ArgError index %d is out of range for templatefile (must be 0 or 1)", argErr.Index)

if test.Err != "" {
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("succeeded; want error")
if got, want := err.Error(), test.Err; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong error\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
} else if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)

if !got.RawEquals(test.Want) {
t.Errorf("wrong result\ngot: %#v\nwant: %#v", got, test.Want)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hcl2template/function/testdata/bare.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hcl2template/function/testdata/func.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
The items are ${join(", ", list)}
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hcl2template/function/testdata/hello.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Hello, ${name}!
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hcl2template/function/testdata/hello.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Hello World
Binary file added hcl2template/function/testdata/icon.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions hcl2template/function/testdata/list.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
%{ for x in list ~}
- ${x}
%{ endfor ~}
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hcl2template/function/testdata/recursive.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
${templatefile("recursive.tmpl", {})}
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions hcl2template/functions.go
Expand Up @@ -118,6 +118,12 @@ func Functions(basedir string) map[string]function.Function {
"zipmap": stdlib.ZipmapFunc,

funcs["templatefile"] = pkrfunction.MakeTemplateFileFunc(basedir, func() map[string]function.Function {
// The templatefile function prevents recursive calls to itself
// by copying this map and overwriting the "templatefile" entry.
return funcs

return funcs

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Expand Up @@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ fileexists("") ? file("") : local.default_cont

## Related Functions

- [`file`](/docs/templates/hcl_templates/functions/file) reads the contents of a file at a given path
- [`file`](/docs/templates/hcl_templates/functions/file/file) reads the contents
of a file at a given path.

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