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Render many sets of hopefully charts.
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extra : convert_revision : 3fd8717a3b6aa015b34358b5d47014d75a6ab607
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bos committed Dec 11, 2009
1 parent e568d87 commit 265c871
Showing 1 changed file with 16 additions and 14 deletions.
30 changes: 16 additions & 14 deletions tests/Chartem.hs
Expand Up @@ -51,13 +51,14 @@ groupRows = (sortBy (compare `on` rowName)) . foldr f M.empty

main = do
args <- getArgs
forM_ args $ \arg -> do
d <- groupRows `fmap` readCSV arg
forM_ (M.toList d) $ \(tdesc,rows) -> do
let desc = T.unpack tdesc
--renderableToWindow (renderMark desc rows) 400 160
renderableToPNGFile (renderMark desc rows) 400 160
(printf "time-%s.png" (map clean desc))
groups <- mapM (fmap groupRows . readCSV) args
let dd = M.unionsWith (++) . map ( (:[])) $ groups
forM_ (M.toList dd) $ \(tdesc,rows) -> do
let desc = T.unpack tdesc
if False
then renderableToWindow (renderMark desc rows) 400 160
else renderableToPNGFile (renderMark desc rows) 400 160
(printf "time-%s.png" (map clean desc))
where clean '/' = '-'
clean c | isSpace c = '-'
| otherwise = c
Expand All @@ -66,13 +67,14 @@ instance BarsPlotValue LogValue where
barsReference = LogValue 1e-300
barsAdd (LogValue a) (LogValue b) = LogValue (a * b)

renderMark :: String -> [Row] -> Renderable ()
renderMark :: String -> [[Row]] -> Renderable ()
renderMark desc rows
| minimum values * 50 >= maximum values = toRenderable linLayout
| otherwise = toRenderable logLayout
| useLog = toRenderable linLayout
| otherwise = toRenderable logLayout
values = map rowMean rows
keys = map git rows
useLog = minimum (map minimum values) >= maximum (map maximum values) / 25
values = transpose . map (map rowMean) $ rows
keys = map git (head rows)
where git r = let n = T.unpack . rowName $ r
in maybe n id . flip lookup mappings $ n
mappings = [("bl", "lazy BS"), ("bs", "strict BS"), ("l", "list"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,10 +103,10 @@ renderMark desc rows
bottomAxis = laxis_generate ^= autoScaledAxis typeAxis
$ defaultLayoutAxis

linBars = plot_bars_values ^= (zip [0.5,1.5..] . map (:[]) $ values)
linBars = plot_bars_values ^= (zip [0.5,1.5..] values)
$ defaultPlotBars

logBars = plot_bars_values ^= (zip [0.5,1.5..] . map ((:[]) . LogValue) $ values)
logBars = plot_bars_values ^= (zip [0.5,1.5..] . map (map LogValue) $ values)
$ defaultPlotBars

typeAxis = la_labelf ^= (ix keys . floor)
Expand Down

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