From 7dfd4b578316c740493edf5d9df7c5f19ce51237 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hasparus Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2020 13:27:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Draft some notes for Reasonable Language Choice --- content/posts/reasonable-language-choice.mdx | 137 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 137 insertions(+) create mode 100644 content/posts/reasonable-language-choice.mdx diff --git a/content/posts/reasonable-language-choice.mdx b/content/posts/reasonable-language-choice.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd3ea556 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/reasonable-language-choice.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +--- +title: Reasonable Language Choice +spoiler: On TypeScript and ReasonML as JavaScript alternatives, ecosystems and trade-offs. +date: 2020-03-07T10:22:23.190Z +history: Verbose +--- + +Epistemic Effort: I spoke about it a few times and wanted to formalize my notes. + +I believe that the language choice isn't the most crucial choice in software development. Important problems translate fairly well between the languages, and the majority of developers I respect are polyglots. + +However, let me ponder the choice between ReasonML and TypeScript. I hope you'll find it interesting. + +--- + +I find ML family languages pleasing. Despite this, I couldn't recommend ReasonML to many teams. + +TypeScript is a nonromantic, and possibly unpleasant, but reasonable language choice. + +Let me explain. + +I work in the web ecosystem. The JavaScript ecosystem. +I build apps and libraries, which solve real, but fairly ordinary problems. I won't call it simple, but it's not really rocket science. I strive to do it well, aim for short feedback loop with correct, maintainable and cheap to produce code. + +### Correctness + +I need correctness, so we reach for static type system. +Tests are not enough. I want to write about types. The person who reads my code can read about types, and see the bird's-eye view. + +[Tests are not enough]: + +You might be familiar with the famous quote "TypeError: undefined is not a function". + +I claim that writing strict functional TypeScript provides the same level of correctness and control over your codebase as ReasonML. + +I'd like to avoid expanding on it now, but what I mean by strict functional TypeScript is shortly: +- `compilerOptions.strict: true`. Avoid `any` and `!`. +- Prefers `head(array)` over `array[0]`. ([#11122]) +- Generous use of discriminated unions. +- Prefers libraries designed for TypeScript over JavaScript typed in DT. (fp-ts over lodash-fp or ramda) + +[#11122]: + +### Maintainable + +#### Language "Quality" + +TypeScript fixes a lot of JavaScript problems (null >= 0 === true :rofl:), but it still inherits a big chunk of them. + +[null >= 0 === true]: + +Adding methods to right-hand side of the assignment in setter is still possible and pn top of that it's a thing that really smart people seriously consider. + +[Adding methods to right-hand side of the assignment]: + +ReasonML certainly wins this competition by not being JavaScript. Pattern matching and Hindley-Milner type inference of ReasonML are beautiful things, but we don't even have to mention them. Not being JavaScript is enough. + + + +One could respond: Git gud. Just learn JavaScript! Thing is, I have no intention to remember the quirks of JavaScript! I want to focus on delivering business value and this is just accidental complexity! I don't care that `{} + [] === 0`. If I wrote this, it was an accident, I didn't have my morning coffee. I want my tools to protect me and tell me "Yo dude, that's weird" with bright red squigglies. + +TypeScript is not meant to be pretty. It is designed for gradual migration of big JavaScript codebases. You can type some wildly dynamic code with a Turing complete type system. Is TS type system absurdly powerful? Yes. Can you write some hideous incomprehensible [conditional types] spaghetti in it? Yes. Does this result in excellent editor support and precise types even for weird dynamic patterns? Yes. Absolutely. + +[conditional types]: +[Turing complete type system]: + +However, + + + +#### Language Familiarity + +I believe that C-like syntax of JavaScript makes it a good language for beginners +There are legions of JavaScript developers. +Typed JavaScript. + +### Cheap to produce + +I find the "Build or Install" decision interesting. (Build vs Buy / Make Or Buy) + +How much of our code should really be other people's code? The answer can be "all of it", if we're using no-code tools. It can also be "zero" if you're building a language or "next to none" for a library for building user interfaces. + +[language]: +[UI framework]: + +For most web apps built in software houses, I believe the answer to be "as much as we're comfortable with". +Gluing together libraries that fix parts of your problem is a valid way to build a product. As is using no-code and gluing together entire products. It isn't as glorious as Real Man C++ Programming, but it puts the bread on the table. +More so, it allows to build better products in a limited time span. Time to swallow our pride, and stand on the shoulder of giants, my friend. + +[Real Man C++ Programming]: + +But hey! React has almost no dependencies, TypeScript and Mitt have exactly zero. + +We trade off control for time. + +Libraries need more control. Few kB of difference in bundle size or one corner case vulnerability is the difference between mass adoption and oblivion. + +Languages and OSes need even more control. +Fuchsia devs pin all dependencies to exact version by policy. React contains a purpose-built min heap implementation. + +[by policy]: +[min heap implementation]: + +EMBED WITH RESPONSE + +It is important to notice the difference in scale. I mentioned projects which plan ahead for years instead of months. They aim to topple the giants. + +Summarizing: You're invited to a party. Is it appropriate to bring your friends? It depends. Are you the party person and the hosts clearly expect you to bring your squad ( +`redux-toolkit`)? Or do you live by the "Do One Thing And Do It Well" motto and you are expected to come alone? + +[Do One Thing And Do It Well]: + +Going back to TypeScript and ReasonML. If you know you are going to compose your app from chunks of existing code, choosing a language with the bigger ecosystem is a good idea. + +How do the ecosystems of these two languages compare? + +As I am writing this, DefinitelyTyped has 10,669 contributors and 26,828 stars with a 0.4 contributors to stars ratio. [1] + +For comparison: + - Vue: 290 👩‍💻 and 158k ⭐ ▶️ 0.00182 ratio + - TypeScript: 448 👩‍💻 and 59k ⭐ ▶️ 0.00765 ratio + - ReasonML: 124 👩‍💻 and 8.6k ⭐ ▶️ 0.01455 ratio + + +Look at the ratio! Four tenths! DefinitelyTyped is not a fun thing people star, because they like it. I hate contributing to DT! Yet, there are many brilliant libraries in the JavaScript ecosystem and I want to use them in my statically typed projects. + +There are 10 thousand people who introduce the best JavaScript libraries [2] to TypeScript. The sheer number is astonishing. There are more people who actively improve TypeScript ecosystem than people who declare that they like Reason! The numbers speak in favor of TypeScript. I realize that this is a cold argument and that I am betting for Goliath against David. + + + +[1] State of the Octoverse reports different numbers. GitHub isn't clear what "contributor" means. I believe that repository pages report the number of commit authors, and the State of the Octoverse reports the number of issue authors. + +[State of the Octoverse]: + +[2] Kind of. Many libraries "introduce themselves". JavaScript ecosystem is a superset of TypeScript ecosystem. Your favorite libraries you use in JavaScript might be written in TypeScript. Notable mentions: Jest, XState, VSCode, both Redux and MobX. + +