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10 lines (6 loc) · 982 Bytes


This repository contains data and analysis code for our paper "The formation of social conventions in real-time environments".

If you're new to git, please install the tools and clone this repository on your local machine.

  • contains the raw code underlying the iPython notebook environment we used to conduct all analyses. Unfortunately, GitHub does not handle iPython notebook files very elegantly, so the best way to view our analysis, along with the output at each step, is to open analysis.html in a browser. This will not allow for interactivity, but preserves the analysis in the form it was used in the paper.

  • To view the video clips of our task, you will need open the .mov files from the cloned repository on your local machine. GitHub typically does not let these files be viewed in the browser or be downloaded by right-clicking and choosing "Save Link as..."