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do some type check
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hayamiz committed Dec 5, 2011
1 parent ee0fdd4 commit 61359d1
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 7 deletions.
80 changes: 73 additions & 7 deletions src/Semantic.hs
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Parser
import qualified Data.Map as Map

data Block = FuncBlock
data Block = FuncBlock FuncInfo
| LoopBlock
| CompBlock
| Root
Expand All @@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ data SemError = InvalidBreakError SourcePos
| UndefinedNameError String SourcePos
| UndefinedFunctionError String SourcePos
| InvalidLvalError CExp
| TypeError TypeExp TypeExp CExp -- 1st ... expected, 2nd ... actual
| ArityError Ident Int Int SourcePos -- 1st ... func name, 2nd ... expected arity, 3rd ... actual arity
| TypeUndecidable CExp
| TypeConflictError FuncInfo
deriving (Show)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ doSemCheckCDef env cdef =
case cdef of
CFuncDef typ id params stmt pos ->
(Env {block = FuncBlock,
(Env {block = FuncBlock (FuncInfo typ id (map fst params) (Just pos)),
funcTable = (funcTable env),
varTable = foldl (\tbl param -> insertParam param tbl pos)
Map.empty params,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,8 +124,10 @@ doSemCheckCStmt env stmt =
(concatMap (doSemCheckCVarDecl env_) vardecls) ++
(concatMap (doSemCheckCStmt env_) stmts)
CIfStmt e stmt Nothing _ -> -- TODO: check type of predicate exp
(doSemCheckCExp env e) ++ (doSemCheckCStmt env stmt)
CIfStmt e stmt Nothing pos -> -- TODO: check type of predicate exp
let typErrs = doTypeCheckCExp env TypInt e
(doSemCheckCExp env e) ++ (doSemCheckCStmt env stmt) ++ typErrs
CIfStmt e stmt (Just elseStmt) _ ->
(doSemCheckCExp env e) ++
(doSemCheckCStmt env stmt) ++
Expand All @@ -139,6 +144,18 @@ doSemCheckCStmt env stmt =
CNopStmt _ ->

doTypeCheckCExp :: Env -> TypeExp -> CExp -> [SemError]
doTypeCheckCExp env expectedTyp expr =
let (fixErrs, fixedTyp) = fixType env expr
case fixedTyp of
Nothing -> [TypeUndecidable expr]
Just typ ->
if expectedTyp == typ then
[TypeError expectedTyp typ expr]

insertCVarDecl :: CVarDecl -> Map.Map String VarInfo -> Map.Map String VarInfo
insertCVarDecl (typ, id, pos) table =
Map.insert id (VarInfo typ pos) table
Expand All @@ -151,7 +168,7 @@ isBreakable env =
case (parent env) of
Just p -> isBreakable p
Nothing -> False
FuncBlock -> False
FuncBlock _ -> False
Root -> False

isContinuable = isBreakable
Expand All @@ -172,14 +189,24 @@ doSemCheckCExp env expr =
case (Map.lookup id (funcTable env)) of
Nothing -> (UndefinedFunctionError id pos) : argErrs
Just (FuncInfo typ id paramTyps _) -> -- TODO: arg type check
Just (fi @ (FuncInfo typ id paramTyps _)) -> -- TODO: arg type check
argErrs ++ (doTypeCheckCFuncallExp env fi id args pos)
CUnaryExp op e _ -> doSemCheckCExp env e
CBinaryExp op e1 e2 _ ->
(doSemCheckCExp env e1) ++ (doSemCheckCExp env e2)
CAssignExp e1 e2 _ -> -- TODO: type checking
(doSemCheckLval env e1) ++ (doSemCheckCExp env e2)

doTypeCheckCFuncallExp :: Env -> FuncInfo -> Ident -> [CExp] -> SourcePos -> [SemError]
doTypeCheckCFuncallExp env fi id args pos =
case fi of
FuncInfo typ id paramTyps _ ->
if length paramTyps == length args then
concatMap (\(typ, arg) -> doTypeCheckCExp env typ arg)
(zip paramTyps args)
[ArityError id (length paramTyps) (length args) pos]

doSemCheckLval :: Env -> CExp -> [SemError]
doSemCheckLval env expr =
case expr of
Expand All @@ -199,5 +226,44 @@ isIdentDefined env id =
Just p -> isIdentDefined p id
Nothing -> False

lookupVarInfo :: Env -> Ident -> Maybe VarInfo
lookupVarInfo env id =
case Map.lookup id (varTable env) of
Just vi -> Just vi
Nothing ->
case parent env of
Just p -> lookupVarInfo p id
Nothing -> Nothing

lookupFuncInfo :: Env -> Ident -> Maybe FuncInfo
lookupFuncInfo env id =
case Map.lookup id (funcTable env) of
Just fi -> Just fi
Nothing ->
case parent env of
Just p -> lookupFuncInfo p id
Nothing -> Nothing

doSemCheckCVarDecl :: Env -> CVarDecl -> [SemError]
doSemCheckCVarDecl a b = []

fixType :: Env -> CExp -> ([SemError], Maybe TypeExp)
fixType env expr =
case expr of
CLitIntExp _ _ -> ([], Just TypInt)
CParenExp e _ -> fixType env e
CIdentExp id pos->
case lookupVarInfo env id of
Just (VarInfo typ _) -> ([], Just typ)
Nothing -> ([], Nothing) -- UndefinedNameError is raised by doSemCheckCExp
CFuncallExp id _ pos ->
case lookupFuncInfo env id of
Just (FuncInfo typ _ _ _) -> ([], Just typ)
Nothing -> ([], Nothing) -- UndefinedNameError is raised by doSemCheckCExp
CUnaryExp _ e _ -> fixType env e
CBinaryExp _ e1 e2 _ -> coerceType env e1 e2
CAssignExp e _ _ -> fixType env e

coerceType :: Env -> CExp -> CExp -> ([SemError], Maybe TypeExp)
coerceType env e1 e2 = -- TODO:
fixType env e1

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