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Releases: hayguen/ExtIO_AirSpyHFplus

precompiled Win32 binary ExtIO DLL

11 Jun 20:12
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added hint/label when HF controls aren't available .. on VHF!

precompiled Win32 binary ExtIO DLL

03 Apr 21:23
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updated to latest libairspyhf (1.1.5)
made DSP I/Q-Balancer option available. when deactivating, the frequency gets erroneous: a mixer is missing!

precompiled Win32 binary ExtIO DLL

19 Feb 21:24
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added airspyhf libs new LNA/AGC/THRESH/ATT features and flashing of frequency correction (ppb) value.
added workaround for a bug in HDSDR 2.76, now allows control of AGC modes from main window.
disabling/hiding HF controls (LNA/AGC/..) at frequencies >= 60 MHz

  • new settings require device firmware version >= 1.3
    see section 'Firmware Updates' on
  • ExtIO Dialog shows all new features and allows control
  • in HDSDR's main window:
    • LNA state is displayed with 'IF+0' or 'IF+6', relevant is the '+0' or '+6'.
      Click/move displayed IF slider with left mouse button to change the LNA value.
    • AGC mode is displayed on same button, in front of the value:
      'IF' signs deactivated AGC / 'Auto Atten'
      'Low' or 'High' signs activated 'AGC with that AGC Threshold
      Click with left/right mouse-button switches to MGC and AGC modes.
    • ATT state is displayed with 'RF' button and slider, when AGC is off.
      This button and slider is automatically hidden when AGC is activated.
  • This ExtIO should also be usable with other SDR Software, e.g. Studio1
  • This ExtIO is also usable with device firmware versions < 1.3
    In this case the new features are deactivated
  • added saving of frequency correction (ppb) into flash, also with older firmware

precompiled Win32 binary ExtIO DLL

14 Jan 21:13
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bugfix msgboxes and minor enhancement

* log messages were redirected to msgbox'es with older HDSDR version
  and also with Studio1
* added version information properties/details from Windows Explorer
* added libairspyhf version in ExtIO dialog
* now version 2018.3

Signed-off-by: hayati ayguen <>