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@mdumandag mdumandag released this 30 Apr 13:58
· 269 commits to master since this release

This document includes the new features, enhancements, and fixed issues for Hazelcast Python Client 3.12 release.

New Features

  • JSON Serializer: You can now use the JSON formatted strings or JSON serializable Python objects as objects in the Hazelcast cluster. Starting with Hazelcast IMDG 3.12, the JSON serialization is one of the formerly supported serialization methods. Creating JSON objects in the cluster does not require any server side coding and hence you can just send a JSON formatted string or JSON serializable Python object to the cluster and query these objects by fields. See the JSON Serialization for details. Examples can be found here.


  • None.


  • Partition table updates was not atomic. This sometimes causes the client try to connect None addresses and raise error. Partition table update mechanism updated to be atomic. #166

Known Issues
