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Structured logging for OCaml using Logs + Cmdliner

This repository defines a few libraries:

  • ecs provides field definitions for composing JSON documents which conform to the Elastic Common Schema (ECS)
  • ezlogs-cli provides convenient Cmdliner terms to ease initializing Logs in an application
  • ezlogs-cli-lwt is like ezlogs-cli with the exception that it initializes logging in a [Lwt] friendly way.

ezlogs-cli and ezlogs-cli-lwt can initialize Logs to produce unstructured (line) or structured (json) log output. Structured output uses the ecs library to generate JSON output with one JSON object per log message.


Let's load up the library and set a logging level.

# #require "ecs";;
# #require "ezlogs-cli";;
# #require "ezlogs-cli-lwt";;
# Logs.set_level (Some Info);;
- : unit = ()

And we'll define a fixed timestamp to use so the output here in the README is stable over time.

# let timestamp = Ptime.of_float_s 2590779494.386 |> Option.get;;
val timestamp : Ptime.t = <abstr>
# let tags = Ecs.tags_of_list [Base (Timestamp timestamp)];;
val tags : Logs.Tag.set = <abstr>

Setup a logger with simple, unstructured logging and give it a try!

# Logs.set_reporter (Ezlogs_cli.Line_output.reporter Fmt.stdout);;
- : unit = ()
# (fun m -> m "Hello from the future" ~tags);
2052-02-05T20:58:14.386Z [INFO] Hello from the future
- : unit = ()

ECS compliant JSON logging is also an option if we pick the correct reporter.

# Logs.set_reporter (Ezlogs_cli.Json_output.reporter Fmt.stdout);;
- : unit = ()
# (fun m -> m "Hello from the future" ~tags);;
{"@timestamp":"2052-02-05T20:58:14.386Z","ecs.version":"1.5.0","log.level":"info","log.logger":"application","message":"Hello from the future"}
- : unit = ()

We can add fields to include more details.

# let error_tags = Ecs.add_tag (Error (Code "failure-101")) tags;;
val error_tags : Logs.Tag.set = <abstr>
# Logs.err (fun m -> m "There was a failure" ~tags:error_tags);;
{"@timestamp":"2052-02-05T20:58:14.386Z","ecs.version":"1.5.0","error.code":"failure-101","log.level":"error","log.logger":"application","message":"There was a failure"}
- : unit = ()

Event logs can be quite descriptive.

# let file_uri = Uri.of_string "file:///home/ecs/newfile.ext";;
val file_uri : Uri.t = <abstr>
# let event_tags =
    Ecs.add_tags [
      Ecs.service [Name "file_saver"; Version "git commit hash"];
      Ecs.event [Category [File]; Kind Event; Outcome Success; Type [Creation]; Url file_uri];
      Ecs.file [Hash (Md5 "NOT A HASH")];
      Ecs.trace [Trace_id "unique 'global' id"; Transaction_id "unique 'local' id"];
val event_tags : Logs.Tag.set = <abstr>
# (fun m -> m "Not sure this message is necessary" ~tags:event_tags);;
{"@timestamp":"2052-02-05T20:58:14.386Z","ecs.version":"1.5.0","event.category":["file"],"event.kind":"event","event.outcome":"success","event.type":["creation"],"event.url":"file:///home/ecs/newfile.ext","file.hash.md5":"NOT A HASH","log.level":"info","log.logger":"application","message":"Not sure this message is necessary","":"file_saver","service.version":"git commit hash","":"unique 'global' id","":"unique 'local' id"}
- : unit = ()

Maybe we're working with URLs - we can log that too!

# let uri = Uri.of_string "";;
val uri : Uri.t = <abstr>
# let url_tags = Ecs.add_tags [Ecs.of_uri uri] tags;;
val url_tags : Logs.Tag.set = <abstr>
# (fun m -> m "Finished request" ~tags:url_tags);;
{"@timestamp":"2052-02-05T20:58:14.386Z","ecs.version":"1.5.0","log.level":"info","log.logger":"application","message":"Finished request","url.domain":"","url.fragment":"downhere","url.full":"","url.path":"/path","url.query":"to=success","url.scheme":"https","url.username":"me"}
- : unit = ()

Look, no passwords!

File information can be relevant.

# let file_tags = Ecs.add_tags [Ecs.file [Hash (Md5 "INVALID MD5"); (Size 8192)]] tags;;
val file_tags : Logs.Tag.set = <abstr>
# (fun m -> m "Saved file" ~tags:file_tags);;
{"@timestamp":"2052-02-05T20:58:14.386Z","ecs.version":"1.5.0","file.hash.md5":"INVALID MD5","file.size":8192,"log.level":"info","log.logger":"application","message":"Saved file"}
- : unit = ()

Callsite information is useful but will need a ppx to be less verbose.

# let log_tags = Ecs.add_tags [Ecs.log [Origin_file ""]] tags;;
val log_tags : Logs.Tag.set = <abstr>
# Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Made it this far" ~tags:log_tags);;
{"@timestamp":"2052-02-05T20:58:14.386Z","ecs.version":"1.5.0","log.level":"warning","log.logger":"application","log.origin.file":"","message":"Made it this far"}
- : unit = ()


Ready-to-eat logging configuration using Cmdliner and Logs







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