Releases: heatcrypto/heatwallet
Releases · heatcrypto/heatwallet
Heat Wallet 4.5.1
Heat Wallet 4.5.0
New features
- Assign memo (Payment Message) to ETH/BTC transaction
- View of Peers Network
Bug fixes and optimisations
- Fix handling http response in node environment
- Fix websocket reconnection for subscribers
- Fix messaging contacts refreshing on contact selection
- Fix BTC sending: display response error on BTC broadcasting, disapeared field Recipient on lost focus
- Fix empty data on failover switching on starting app
- Fix purging messages when contact is not selected
Heat Wallet 4.4.0
New features
- Migrate crypto addresses to encrypted format
- Reminder to save backup of updates crypto wallet on exit app
- Add Peer Network page displaying live state of server peers
- Upgrade manage of btc fees in the Sending BTC
- Display raw transaction bytes in the dialog Send BTC
- Upgrade wallet backup file format
- Add api key for currency provider services
Bug fixes and optimisations
- Fix import crypto addresses into wallet
- Fix displaying crypto balances of addresses
- Fix usage of cached asset info
- Fix BTC Sending for case error on getting recipient balance
- Fix deposit target address
- Fix switching to local server in the desktop app
Heat Wallet 4.3.5
- Optimised UI to manage addresses of currencies
- Fix bug of saving new currency address
Heat Wallet 4.3.4
New features
- Allow creation up to 5 new empty addresses for BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH
- Restoring removed currency addresses
- Display ETH signed bytes of transaction (HEX string) that can be used for transaction sending and creation on different devices
- Improve UI to manage currencies and its addresses
- Add the currencies with addresses in addition to accounts for export/import wallet
- Account the removed addresses for export/import the wallet. In result the accounts with currencies and addresses are fully reproduced on the target wallet
Bug fixes and optimisations
- Fix bugs related to creation, removing of currency
Heat Wallet 4.3.1
- Tune wallet UI messages
Bug fixes and optimisations
- Fix ETH service endpoint URL
- Fix embedded server startup script to be compatible with different Java versions
Heat Wallet 4.3.0
New features
- Allow to find account by private name
- Purging u2u messages
- Add lease info on account home page
- Update list of STUN servers
- Update WebRTC lib
- Failover url switcher for fimk service
- Aggregate multiple U2U messages received in short time into one UI popup
- Purge messages on server side
Bug fixes and optimisations
- Fix handling server health checking
- Fix ETH, BTC seed validation
- Fix scrolling on Login page
- Fix formatting ETH token amount
- Fix removing file on server when message is delivered but file is not delivered
Heat Wallet 4.1.0
Heat Wallet 4.1.0
This is the Heat desktop wallet app WITH embedded Heat Server. This client embeds a Heat Blockchain Server which you can start from the application menu.
Look here for the light client without embedded server
It is the minor update of the Heat desktop wallet app with embedded Heat Server.
- Add feature File Transfer in messaging:
- Send files up to 2 MB
- File is encrypted by sender for recipient
- After delivering the file is removed on the server
- Add removing not delivered message (with transfered file also) on the server side on deleting the message by sender
- Separate the Heat and Offchain message lists to have robust managable messaging
- Ability to add visible label (not encrypted) in addition to encrypted label for entry in wallet
- Fix storage namespace changing on account changing on page Wallet
- Fix path to config files for desktop heatwallet
- Fix loading currency balances on wallet page
- Minor UI fixes
Heat Wallet 4.0.1
Heat Wallet 4.0.1
It is the minor update of the Heat desktop wallet app WITH embedded Heat Server. This client embeds a Heat Blockchain Server which you can start from the application menu.
- Added labeling for wallet entries, user can set label for any wallet entry on page Wallet
- Display send time instead of receive time for offchain messages
- Fix Heatwallet application suddenly shutdown on logging off during server running
- Fix failover server switching when alternative server host has no port
- Fix seed validation for light wallet
Heat Wallet 4.0.0
Heat Wallet 4.0.0
This is the Heat desktop wallet app WITH embedded Heat Server. This client embeds a Heat Blockchain Server which you can start from the application menu.
New features
Private Asset feature:
- Issue asset of type Standard or Private
- Whitelist accounts permitted to access private asset
- Specify private asset fees for order creation, trade, and the recipient account of these fees
- Specify default network fee payer for private asset at whitelisting of market
Asset expiration feature:
- Specify asset expiration time at asset issuance
- Specify asset expiration time separately
Supervisory Account feature:
- Assign account under control of another account.
Limited transfer amount during interval feature:
- Limit through supervisory account how much max amount of an asset the account can send in a specific interval.
Messaging through server feature:
- Added persistent messaging (no fee) through signaling server in case it is not possible to establish a direct WebRTC channel between endpoint devices.
Benchmark reward token released in main net
- now uses BERT tokens in mainnet for reward payments every minute.
- UI showing Private Key with QR code.
- Display Multi Atomic Transfers in the Payments section on the account home screen.
- Display valid masternode list in the dialog “Register Masternode Address”.
- Access Benchmark client inside Heatwallet application.
- Display account number on top left in case name or email does not exist.
- Smooth (without blinking) update of the list of blocks and transactions.
- Updated data sources for NXT and ARDR
- Display extended info about asset.
- Updated 3rd party libraries.
- Minor UI changes.
- Bug fixes and optimisations
- Prevent creation of multiple equal markets.
- Fix decimals displaying and editing for currency/asset.
- Fix last 4 lines of server log auto visible without scrolling.
- Fix switching between mainnet and testnet local blockchains in the desktop Heatwallet.
- Fix incoming message notification placement
- Fix switching online/offline status in peer-to-peer messaging.