*** Probes *** + IRTT binary = /usr/local/bin/irtt forks = 5 offset = 50% step = 300 timeout = 15 tmpdir = /tmp/smokeping-irtt dscp = 46 extraargs = --ttl=32 fill = rand hmac = topsecretmonitoring interval = 0.4 ipversion = 4 length = 172 metric = rtt pings = 600 readfrompollinterval = 2 serverfill = rand sleep = 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Targets *** probe = FPing menu = Top title = Network Latency Grapher remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of WORKS Company. \ Here you will learn all about the latency of our network. + IRTT menu = IRTT title = IRTT ++ DFWIRTT menu = DFW IRTT title = DFW IRTT probe = IRTT host = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx writeto = irtt-dfw-direct localaddr = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:63814