Python application that summarizes wikipedia articles using SMMRY API.
This project utilises the wikipedia API and the SMMRY API to enable the user to summarize wiki pages through a command line interface
wikiSMMRY uses:
- Python version: 3.8.10
- Requests version: 2.22.0
- Pyperclip version: 1.8.2
- Wikipedia-API version: 0.5.4
- RapidAPI
In order to successfully run wikiSMMRY, you will need to sighn up for a partner account. This enables you to make 100 requests per day. A partner account comes with an API key that is needed to make API requests. I used RapidAPI to test the endpoints and that required a RapidAPI key. If you decide to use the environment you will need to register for RapidAPI as well. The application uses libraries not offered by the default python module and can be downloaded using pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Further, the SMMRY API key and the RapidAPI key can be loaded as environment variables or simply replaced in the program. However, it can be a security issue.
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
Once the requirements are obtained, the application is ready to go.
wikiSMMRY is a CLI tool that can be utilised two ways.
- The first method is passing the name of the wikipedia page you wish to summarize as a command line argument. The program checks if the name is indeed a valid wikipedia page and then obtains the URL and makes a request to the SMMRY API to summarize the page.
- The second method revolves no command line arguments. Here, the link of the wikipedia page needs to be copied and stored in the clipboard. When the program is called without any arguments, it utilises the URL stored in the clipboard to make the API request.
A lot of this README was inspired from the one designed by dsynkov for their API wrapper
Currently, wikiSMMRY simply summarizes the article in 7 line. That is the default number for the API request. However, a feature that could be added in the future is the user determining how many lines they want the summary to contain. This can dictate how the information is summarized based on the user's needs.