- Minecraft being used as a teaching aid
- Provides motivating objectives for youngsters
- 3D world gives immediate feedback
Already bindings to Minecraft for Ruby and Python, but I wanted to be able to explore in Clojure.
Many thanks to Martin O’Hanlon (http://stuffaboutcode.com)
Several Python libraries, including Minecraft Turtle
- Redstone for interacting with Minecraft from Clojure
- PPM image file format
- tools.cli for parsing command line arguments
- The official game doesn’t
- The Raspberry Pi version does
The API is very limited
- CraftBukkit is a version of the game server designed for plugin development
- RaspberryJuice plugin replicates API
A library for interacting with Minecraft: Pi Edition
- Query the block at a coordinate
- Query the player’s position
- Set blocks at coordinates
- Set the player’s position
- Set a callback on block hit
- Send a message to the game chat
(require '[redstone.client :as mc])
(def server
{:host "localhost"
:port 4711})
;; Query player's tile position (which block are they on?)
(let [player-position (mc/player-tile-position server)
;; Position is {:x x, :y y, :z z}
position-under-player (update-in player-position [:y] dec)]
(-> server
;; What sort of block is it?
(mc/block-at position-under-player))
Minecraft is a world of blocks. There are hundreds of different blocks made out of different materials.
In redstone these are represented as a map.
(mc/block-at position-under-player)
;; Might return something like:
=> {:id 4 :data 0}
;; Positions are maps too
(def position {:x 25 :y 55 :z 22})
(mc/set-block-at! server position {:id 4 :data 0})
;; ...is equivalent to
(mc/set-block-at! server position :cobblestone)
;; Block names are kebab-case...
(mc/set-block-at! server position :red-flower)
;; ...with optional data values
(mc/set-block-at! server position :red-flower) ;; Poppy
(mc/set-block-at! server position :red-flower:4) ;; Tulip
(mc/set-block-at! server position :wool:0) ;; White
(mc/set-block-at! server position :wool:1) ;; Orange
(mc/set-block-at! server position :wool:2) ;; Magenta
;; ...etc
;; Convenience names
(mc/set-block-at! server position :red-wool)
(defprotocol RPCArgument
(as-rpc-arg [_]))
(extend-protocol RPCArgument
(as-rpc-arg [kw]
(when-let [{:keys [id data]} (get name->block kw)]
[id data]))
(as-rpc-arg [x] x)
(as-rpc-arg [s] s)
(as-rpc-arg [xs]
(remove nil? ((juxt :x :y :z :id :data) xs)))
(as-rpc-arg [xs] (flatten (map as-rpc-arg xs)))
(as-rpc-arg [tf] (if tf 1 0)))
Format minecraft consumes:
Redstone API:
(mc/set-block-at! server {:x 1 :y 2 :z 3} :red-wool)
;; Resolves to:
Redstone API is just named query and command fns
(def block-at
"The block at the specified position"
(query "world.getBlockWithData"
#(->> (s/split % #",")
(map parse-long)
(zipmap [:id :data]))))
(def set-block-at!
"Sets the block at the given coordinates"
(command "world.setBlock"))
;; Define a handler
(defn midas-touch [server event]
(mc/set-block-at! server (:position event) :gold-block))
;; Register the handler
(mc/listen! server :block:hit midas-touch)
Minecraft doesn’t support push events, so this is done with polling inside a future.
Originally started working on this around Easter
An image for the Redstone README
Colour dithering, wanted a generic image import
It’s grossly inefficient, but very easy to read.
4 4
…a black 4x4 pixel image.
Generating PPMs is easy with ImageMagick
$> convert input.png -resize 10 output.ppm
- File contains arbitrary data
- Using nio’s mmap rather than slurp
(require '[nio.core :refer [mmap buffer-seq]])
;; Returns a sequence of unsigned byte values (0-255) as longs
(->> (mmap "/file/path.ppm")
(map #(bit-and % 0xff)))
Stolen from the Clojure docs for min-key
(defn distance-squared [c1 c2]
(->> (map - c1 c2)
(map #(* % %))
(reduce +)))
(def block-colours
{[221 221 221] :wool
[219 126 63] :orange-wool
;; ...
[150 53 49] :red-wool
[26 23 23] :black-wool})
(defn rgb->block [colour-map rgb-triple]
(apply min-key (partial distance-squared rgb-triple) (keys colour-map))))
We can use ffmpeg to convert a movie into a sequence of jpegs.
$> ffmpeg -i input.mov -y output-dir/%09d.jpg
Then step through each frame and render it.
Parses arguments passed to a `-main` function.
(require '[clojure.tools.cli :refer [parse-opts]])
(def cli-options
[["-f" "--file FILE" "File path"]
["-w" "--width BLOCKS" "Width of the screen in blocks"
:parse-fn #(Long/parseLong %)
:default 25]
["-c" "--clear" "Whether space should be cleared for the screen"]])
(defn -main [& args]
(let [options (parse-opts args cli-options)]
(when (:clear options)
(clear-space! options))
(draw-movie! options)))
Instructions for Minecraft server installation linked from README
CTO, Likely