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140328160246 alexArch report page 5d05da0dfd

Alex Sanchez-Stern edited this page Mar 28, 2014 · 1 revision
2014 3 28, 15:56:18 Commit: 5d05da0dfdb80fcd05919daad6a637f0bd004a3 on report-pag
Test Name Error Improvement Crashed?
Reducing (a+1)^2 - 1 0.04967709885742673 #f
Canceling after reassociation and commutation +inf.0 #f
Canceling after reassociation 0.0657030223390276 #f
Test Kahan's classic (exp(x) - 1) / x 0.4032258064516129 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example in section 3.11 0.05938242280285035 #f
Hamming (NMSE) problem 3.3.7, e^x - 2 + e^-x 1.2658227848101267 #f
Hamming (NMSE) problem 3.3.6, ln(N + 1) - ln(N) 25.0 #f
Hamming (NMSE) problem 3.3.4, ³√(x + 1) - ³√x -6.25 #f
Hamming (NMSE) problem 3.3.3, 1/(x + 1) - 2/x + 1/(x - 1) -25.0 #f
Hamming (NMSE) problem 3.3.1, 1/(x + 1) - 1/x 0.19569471624266144 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example 3.6, 1/√(x + 1) - 1/√x 0.1926782273603083 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example 3.5, atan(N + 1) - atan(N) -16.666666666666668 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example 3.4, (1 - cos(x)) / sin(x) +inf.0 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example 3.2, sin(x) / x +inf.0 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example 3.1, √(x+1) - √x 0.049164208456243856 #f
Hamming (NMSE) problem 3.4.5, (x - sin(x)) / (x - tan(x)) 3.7037037037037037 #f
Hamming (NMSE) problem 3.4.4, √(e^2x - 1 / e^x - 1) 0.041736227045075125 #f
Hamming (NMSE) problem 3.4.3, log(1 - x / 1 + x) 20.0 #f
Hamming (NMSE) problem 3.4.1, (1 - (cos x)) / x^2 1.0416666666666667 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example 3.10, ln(1 - x)/ln(1+x) 0.4048582995951417 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example 3.9, 1/x - ctn(x) 50.0 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example 3.8, (N+1) ln(N+1) - N ln(N) - 1 14.285714285714286 #f
Hamming (NMSE) example 3.7, e^x - x -5.882352941176471 #f
/lib/function/arithmetic/cube.js math.cube for real arguments +inf.0 #f
Code from GNU Octave 3.8,, expm1 N/A #t
Test from Benchmark.scala from Rosa 33.333333333333336 #f
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