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[Jenkins release job] changelog.txt updated by release build 6.0.0.Beta6
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Jenkins user committed Mar 31, 2020
1 parent 7335e80 commit 4a838d0
Showing 1 changed file with 48 additions and 0 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,54 @@
Hibernate Search Changelog

6.0.0.Beta6 (31-03-2020)

** Bug
* HSEARCH-3874 @IdClass, even not @Indexed, leads to NPE on bootstrap
* HSEARCH-3869 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException when an Elasticsearch bulk work fails
* HSEARCH-3861 Elasticsearch search queries fetch the whole document source by default
* HSEARCH-3859 .desc().missing().last() / .asc().missing().first() places documents around 0 instead of last/first
* HSEARCH-3857 ConcurrentModificationException in very specific scenarios when indexing multiple entities with addOrUpdate which contains @IndexEmbedded dependencies
* HSEARCH-3852 Failure to index reports the wrong document ID with Elasticsearch discriminator multi-tenancy
* HSEARCH-3851 Entities whose indexing failed are not reported when even just one document ID cannot be converted
* HSEARCH-3848 Dynamic entities are ignored when creating a scope targeting Object.class
* HSEARCH-3845 Prefix query in SimpleQueryString predicate is case sensitive
* HSEARCH-3844 NullPointerException when using simpleQueryString() on non-analyzed, non-normalized fields
* HSEARCH-2859 Current implementation of SpatialBridge prevents multi-valued locations

** Improvement
* HSEARCH-3873 Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.13.Final
* HSEARCH-3872 Simplify and improve ordering and parallelism of Elasticsearch indexing
* HSEARCH-3871 Always enable delayed commits in the Lucene backend
* HSEARCH-3870 Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.6.1
* HSEARCH-3867 Upgrade to Lucene 8.5.0
* HSEARCH-3850 Expose a tool to build property keys
* HSEARCH-3849 Create-or-validate schema management by default
* HSEARCH-3796 @IndexedEmbedded should be repeatable
* HSEARCH-3752 Implicit nested predicates
* HSEARCH-3719 Support a "degraded mode" where failure to contact Elasticsearch or index documents does not affect the whole application
* HSEARCH-3575 Add configuration options for the size and number of indexing queues, and the max size of Elasticsearch bulks

** New Feature
* HSEARCH-3847 Customize enabled syntax elements in simple query strings
* HSEARCH-3841 Offline startup of the Elasticsearch backend
* HSEARCH-3759 Initialization options and APIs
* HSEARCH-3751 dropAndCreateSchema() as an alternative to purge() in the MassIndexer
* HSEARCH-3103 Sorts on multi-valued fields

** Task
* HSEARCH-3876 Fix random failures in ElasticsearchClientFactoryImplIT
* HSEARCH-3868 Fix SearchQueryResultLoadingOrTransformingIT failures caused by incorrectly expecting ordered hits
* HSEARCH-3866 Stop testing against JDK13 in the CI build
* HSEARCH-3865 Clean up any change to the permission of index files during tests
* HSEARCH-3860 Refactor FieldSearchSortIT to enable testing more complex cases
* HSEARCH-3858 upgrade maven-checkstyle-plugin to 3.1.1
* HSEARCH-3854 Remove the unnecessary generic type parameter for DocumentElement
* HSEARCH-3843 Test Hibernate Search with JDK15 regularly
* HSEARCH-3822 Restore support for concurrent Lucene work execution - at least during mass indexing
* HSEARCH-3814 Mark experimental APIs/SPIs with an @Incubating annotation

6.0.0.Beta5 (21-02-2020)

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