The hiwr_opencv_detector ROS package aims to detect object or faces. It uses a video stream as an input, and a parameter file for each object to detect. It gives as a result a ROI (Region Of Interest), where the object is detected in the frame.
Contributions via pull request are welcome and may be included under the same license as below.
hiwr_opencv_detector, except where otherwise noted, is released under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file located in the root directory.
It requires hyve_msg to work properly
Make sure that your project is compiled and sourced.
To start hiwr_opencv_detector, do the following (assuming you have a working ROS core running):
Launch using roslaunch:
$ roslaunch hiwr_opencv_detector facetracking.launch
Launch from another launchfile:
<include file="$(find hiwr_opencv_detector)/facetracking.launch" />
- The video stream topic
- Get the last ROI message (geometry_msgs/RegionOfInterest)
(String)- File to load for object or faces detection